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RimWorld => Stories => Topic started by: Carfunf on November 05, 2013, 06:54:04 PM

Title: To whom It may concern.
Post by: Carfunf on November 05, 2013, 06:54:04 PM
To: [email protected]
From: Merchant [email protected]
Subject: Interesting Story from survivors of crash.

I was asked to send this to you from a passing planet, I had no intentions of doing such until reading.

CPT. Oliver

"They say nothing is free in this verse and this message is proof of that, It cost me 400 Credits to get the merchant to deliver this hopefully. Firstly I ask that you publish this story in some fashion because the local planets need to be informed of what happened to the colony ship Lustrous. This is being sent from an unknown planet on the rim, It is currently my 2nd cycle here on this rock, My counterparts have been here for a total of 5 cycles, they are the ones I'm sending this out for. Walter Smith 67, Jason Whitaker 26, Jackson Lenard 35, and myself Rebeca Fernandez 24.

    Walter Smith was the kind soul that brought me back to life my shuttle crash landed on the planet 2 cycles and 3 day's ago, Walter was out picking up some debris when he came across my sarcophagus. I vaguely remember Sam waking me I was in bad form and could hardly move but this gentle old man carried me for nearly 2 kilometers to there make shift camp which was to become my home. I was stubborn Jackson once told me over dinner I couldn't be talked into staying, It took me nearly 8 day's to come around. But it was the offer of science that got me to stay, Walter had a way with that particular subject he had been having problems with increasing the efficiency at which the paste dispenser operated at and after showing me a diagram and throwing some thoughts out I was hooked.

     Walter Smith 67, Scientist in his own right he was anything but frail and just as youthful as a young muffalo. 5 day's ago I found out Walter had worked on the project that led to advancements in wave communication he had boosted our comm time with passing merchants by over a day a feat in itself considering the lack of equipment. He was a sweet old man filled with stories, though the stories stopped two day's ago. We were raided by 3 armed thugs, these low lifes managed to lob a grenade into our compound as Walter as moving from the solar array, He took a fair bit of shrapnel to his leg.

     Jackson Lenard 35, Was a working man, his hands told the story of his life. He was a strong man worked in the mine making our lives better we had intentions of hollowing out the mountain for another hydroponics. Didn't speak much and the others knew as much as I did about the hard working man. I was coming out of the dispensery room when the grenade went off, Jackson was right behind me.... Life out here is rough, Knowledge and technology lead the drive for who's in charge. We won that battle Jackson Killed 2 of them Walter managed to wound the other... I must admit I shot the last one it's not that we as humans wan't death or to murder but it's often we are put into positions that make it hard not to be violent. It was him or us.. It was a blur the whole incident I found my self at Walter's side dragging him into the safety of our quarters. Sadly Walter is still in bed hurt, Jackson's been buried, Leaving me and Jason to tend to the basics.

     Jason Whitaker 26, A young man filled with hope and courage. He was a technician by trade before the stranding but now he was our go to repair man. If it broke he knew how to fix it, A god send when the batteries to the array went haywire. He kept the lights on. Though I'm worried about him he hasn't slept in nearly 3 days and wont eat.. I fear the last raid broke his spirit. I've tried my hardest to stay positive throughout this but one thing I've learned in the short time here is that life.. will end one way or another. We all have to make payment a check that will get cashed. We've been leased this opportunity so those of you viewing this wave please, Don't.. Don't stop living because of a momentary discomfort.  Walter told me once " I've seen alot of bad, Experienced alot of hardships, But there's always something to smile about"."

     I know it's long, But I'd love feedback it's the only way I can get better! Tell me what you think if you've made it this far THANKS!