Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Mods => Help => Topic started by: Telkir on October 02, 2014, 06:45:43 AM

Title: Q: Recovering appropriate fabric from apparel through XML?
Post by: Telkir on October 02, 2014, 06:45:43 AM
As part of the rewrite of my mods for Alpha 7 I'm adding recipes that let colonists take non-military apparel (cowboy hats, shirts, tribalwear, etc.) and deconstruct them to get some of the fabric back.

Although I'm sure this would be possible with some DLL shenanigans, I wondered if it were possible for a pure XML tweak to allow the recipe to generate appropriate cloth based on the apparel's material - e.g. a cobraskin T-shirt should give some amount of cobraskin when disassembled.

Yay or nay? :)

Edit: Sorry, I should've posted this in the "Help" subforum - if a mod wants to move it, mucho gracias in advance!
Title: Re: Q: Recovering appropriate fabric from apparel through XML?
Post by: Tynan on October 02, 2014, 08:43:26 PM
You'd have to write code to do this, I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Q: Recovering appropriate fabric from apparel through XML?
Post by: Telkir on October 03, 2014, 04:17:04 AM
Alright, thanks for the answer. :)