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RimWorld => Stories => Topic started by: SirDarkday560 on November 01, 2014, 11:37:54 AM

Title: The Strictest Colony on Rimworld
Post by: SirDarkday560 on November 01, 2014, 11:37:54 AM
The Strictest Colony I've Ever Made

So, this story will start from the beginning, and I remember it exactly.

There were three people.
Raymond: Head of the colony, good at shooting (9), melee (7), research (14), growing (8) and social (9). The rest were 3s, 4s, and 5s.
Mal: The Only Female, good at growing, plant cutting (both 8), art (6), crafting (7).
Tuscany: The future head of the colony, similar stats to Ray, but it changes 1 or 2 numbers, and was good at construction (8)

So, these 3 people landed. As usual, I go ahead and find a nice area to survive. I pick this place on the bottom of the map with some mountains I could dig into. The first few days were just hunting, building the walls, mining, and creating a power source. Our first raid came on our 10th day. We had JUST put up our first turret. We had 2 wall layers. Unfortunately the turret was on the inside of the 2nd layer. There was a bunch of slag debris and other rock laying around in the middle of our home, so we put our people there. Raymond with the Enfield, the others with pistols. There were 4 raiders equipping stones, stones, bow, Molotovs. If we went outside of our main doors, there would be NO cover that we could use, so we let them beat down the door. When they beat it down, they were greeted by almost instant gunfire from our two pistol guys. One down, then the guy with molotovs flanked Raymond and threw a molotov on him. I went and made Raymond melee that guy, who ended up getting caught on fire too, and dying from the flames. That's 2/4. We started meleeing the last two people. Another bit the dust, and they started to retreat. I put all of my guys chasing him. He had injured legs, so it was easy to catch him. 4/4. Done. I undrafted my guys, then I saw an exclamation mark where the last guy had died in the middle of the map. I went down, clicked on him. "Incapacitated". My first prisoner! Yay! 21 health, and going down rather quickly, I am assuming because of a gunshot wound on his neck.

If you can't already tell, this is a loooong story.

Now, my colonists had dug into the rock to make homes and a food area, but we never thought about prisoners. I put everybody on constructing and mining, and had Tuscany stay out by the raider to be able to rescue him as soon as we put a door down on the room. The room DEFINATELY was NOT finished. There  was still plenty I needed to build and mine. I rescued the prisoner, and i returned everybody to their normal tasks. I made sure we tried to recruit the prisoner, who's name was Darcie, and gave them a friendly chat. Then, about a day later, I heard beating sounds, and a message popped up saying "Prisoner Darcie is attempting to escape". I looked down at my prisoner cell, and Darcie incapacitated Mal. I ran my other two down there and shot Darcie with a lee enfeild, and it said the bullet hit her left eye. I rescued them both, then changed "Friendly Chat" to "Mild Beating". After her first beating, she really calmed down and stopped being an absolute dumbarse. Eventually, a few raids later, i realised she wouldn't join because of the beating, so I went back to friendly chat. She was much nicer now.

I eventually recruited her, and my base was a fort, with 2 other prisoners.

Then, people in the colony started to have mental breaks, and I had to arrest them.
I put them on extreme beating. Eventually, I had 14 prisoner beds, and all of them were filled up. I then got a bunch of messages at once, 14 to be exact, that my prisoners were trying to escape. I had 8 colonists, 1 armed with an M16, another with an m24, lee enfield, pistols, and a molotov. My colony erupted into flames and blood, and gunfire. Somehow one of the prisoners got a frag grenade from my weapon stockpile, and threw it at Raymond. Raymond got incapacitated. I directed everybody's fire at the guy with frags, and killed him. 2 prisoners managed to escape through an area that was under construction, where I was building turrets and houses. I rescued 4 of my 8 colonists, then 3 of the 4 that didn't need to be rescued needed some kind of extreme medical treatment. Basically, my colony was being run by one guy, Tuscany. The first person to die was our leader, Raymond, and he died while Tuscany was bringing him medical supplies. Tuscany was doing the most, and was the most similar to Ray, so I appointed him as leader of the colony.

Another died, Kilo. Now we had 6. One last person died, who was our best hunter, Jarman.

Our colony was simply too big to be run by only 2 people, unless you count in the others needed extreme things, like an arm or a leg, then 5.

Our colony quickly started to fail, and we had to retreat out of our base during one of the raids because we were heavily outgunned, and outnumbered. We had ~2k silver at this time. Finally a slave trader! We bought all 4 slaves he had, and put them to a gun and to work. Our colony, with 9 people, was working again! But then, apparently 2 groups of raiders decided to show up at the same time, opposite sides of the map. Then a visitor group came. I swear, the total colonist amount rose to 20 after this giant ass battle we had. All 4 factions, battling it out at our front door. Turrets, m16s, uzis, pistols, grenades, stones, bows, molotovs, it looked like a pure warzone. Eventually the battle ended, and we only lost one person. There was a TON of incapacitated people, so I went and rescued the allies, captured the enemies. The allies joined us  waaay ebfore the raiders did. We were giving all the raiders no medicine, and a harsh beating. The allied prisoners got medicine, friendly chats, food, and their own private room with their own paste dispenser.

And now, the colony continues, 23 colonists, gigantic, taking up half the map, and, heres the catch to joining our colony...

If we ever have to arrest you because you decided to mental break, you will be executed. If you are a raider, and you are captured, if you do not join our colony in 5 rimworld days, you will be given extreme beatings. If you still do not join our colony in the next 10 days, you will be executed. If you decide to try and escape, executed. And, above all, if you are a raider from the faction that hates us the most(100), and you are incapacitated after the raid, we will either execute you without taking you prisoner, or leave you there to starve and die.


I forgot to mention:

If you are a free colonist in Harra, and you are being told to mine, and you decide to sleep, eat, or do anything other than what you are being told to do until you are dismissed from that duty, you will be captured and harshly beaten for 10 days, then recruited back.
Title: Re: The Strictest Colony on Rimworld
Post by: litlbear on November 05, 2014, 12:33:29 AM
you cant beat people though
Title: Re: The Strictest Colony on Rimworld
Post by: milon on November 05, 2014, 01:31:36 PM
Sure you can.  Check the prisoner tab.  Wardens can recruit, chat, give a severe beating, or execute prisoners.
Title: Re: The Strictest Colony on Rimworld
Post by: Matthiasagreen on November 05, 2014, 01:32:35 PM
Quote from: milon on November 05, 2014, 01:31:36 PM
Sure you can.  Check the prisoner tab.  Wardens can recruit, chat, give a severe beating, or execute prisoners.

ya I must have missed that too. Checking that out when I get home!
Title: Re: The Strictest Colony on Rimworld
Post by: Cimanyd on November 05, 2014, 03:55:36 PM
Quote from: milon on November 05, 2014, 01:31:36 PM
Sure you can.  Check the prisoner tab.  Wardens can recruit, chat, give a severe beating, or execute prisoners.
But... that hasn't been possible since before I started playing (which was during A6). That was removed when the "fear" morale system was removed, right?

Edit: This is the A7 prisoner tab.
The first four are on/off options.
Gets food: warden will deliver food to the prisoner
Try to recruit: prisoner has a chance to become colonist every time a set of friendly chats end (not sure how this works with no interaction), depends on their morale, their recruitment difficulty, and the warden's "recruit prisoner chance" stat
Doctors care: Doctors will heal the prisoner
Gets medicine: Doctors will use medicine when healing the prisoner (can't be on unless doctors care is on)

The last three are a list from which you can choose one.
No interaction: Wardens don't do anything (except deliver food if that's on)
Friendly chat: Wardens will chat with the prisoner five times occasionally, giving them a "convinced by warden" morale boost which stacks a ton and will max their morale after a little while of this; good for making sure they don't mental break, training your wardens' social skill, and recruiting
Execution: Warden will destroy the prisoner's head, lowering everyone else's morale for a while
Title: Re: The Strictest Colony on Rimworld
Post by: SirDarkday560 on November 08, 2014, 11:49:42 PM
I must not have updated yet?

y u no update game?
Title: Re: The Strictest Colony on Rimworld
Post by: harpo99999 on November 09, 2014, 06:46:38 AM
did you receive an amil from sendowl?
have you ever received an email from sendowl?

if yes to EITHER of these questions, then open email click on link  (suggest saving link in bookmarks/favourites of your browser) download the file(s) you NEED, BTW do NOT use download managers as they can use up ALL of the 5 download slots that you get for each major release.

If no to BOTH, then email tynan at his gmail address and politly ASK for a re-send of the download email to you
Title: Re: The Strictest Colony on Rimworld
Post by: milon on November 16, 2014, 08:08:22 AM
Quote from: Cimanyd on November 05, 2014, 03:55:36 PM
Quote from: milon on November 05, 2014, 01:31:36 PM
Sure you can.  Check the prisoner tab.  Wardens can recruit, chat, give a severe beating, or execute prisoners.
But... that hasn't been possible since before I started playing (which was during A6). That was removed when the "fear" morale system was removed, right?

Pardon my late reply, but you're correct.  I totally didn't notice that was gone ('cause I never use it).  Also, warden destroys the prisoner's head to execute?  Yikes!