Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Ideas => Topic started by: shalis on November 07, 2013, 09:40:42 AM

Title: Industry and other tid bits
Post by: shalis on November 07, 2013, 09:40:42 AM
Just wondering if there is plans to flesh out the industry and implement a daisy chain type of system into the game with different workstations, craftable components and goods . This of course would be tied in with the much needed expansion of the research tree. And if we will eventually need to craft the items before being able to build them (right now you just order them to build a chair, how about having to craft that chair first?)

This is a bit more far fetched but what about the possibility of building sensors and other triggers (i.e.: light trigger that turns on solar lamps whenever it grows dark, or sensors that activate blast charges when a enemy is detected, or cage traps activated by wire triggers, mechanical walls connected to a sensor - raider walks in triggers sensor leading to walls to mechanically lower revealing a row of turrets, lots of possibilities).

Some ideas for things that could be craftable would be different types of body armor, weapons, ammo, consumer goods (trade goods), medical items (fully support the expanded medical and illness suggestion on this board), machinery and their parts, drones (mining, harvest, patrol, sensor, Rescue, Repair, cleaning), different types of Turrets (maybe break them into different components that would have to be built separately before being assembled into the final deployable entity?), more decoration options, etc.