Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Stories => Topic started by: rodney_rodnerson on October 21, 2015, 04:19:41 PM

Title: The Doomed Colonists of Parthos
Post by: rodney_rodnerson on October 21, 2015, 04:19:41 PM
My Colonists:
Markus (M)- Sharp-shooting constructor
Ye (F) - Tough AF Miner
Vitos (M) - Grower/Cook extraordinaire and Longsword wielding BAMF
Ibrahaim (M) - Doctor, researcher, artist. Fat and affable = Jolly Santa. Wandered into the colony one day, offering his services
Chaz (M) - low skills, won't fight, won't put out fires. Makes food that gets people sick, makes art that decreases the room's beauty, had to deactivate all his skills except haul and clean, which he did well (hard-worker)
My colony, Parthos, was in the Badlands and was on the 'Rough' Randy Random setting. This was my first time playing the game, but since I had watched some play thrus online I did a decent job setting everything up to survive the winter. There were many stories of bravery, with Ye fending off a pack of Wargs while a normally useless Chaz hauled a wounded Markus back to base, there was the time Ye lost a eye and nose to bandits, but kept fighting, and, of course, when Chaz joined the colony he was chased by a tribe of locals who knocked him out and tried to drag him back, but Markus shot his would-be capture clean through the head.

None of those stories compare to how Parthos fell, however: It was the Spring after the first winter and things were going well, Vitos was replanting, Chaz we cleaning, Ibrahiam was toiling away at the research bench, just sinking his teeth into Spaceship tech, when the first sapper raids came. I had set up my killzone poorly, the sappers where coming from an unexpected quarter. They got inside while I hemmed and hawed over how to counter attack. Vitos plugged the gap with his longsword, whilst Ye and Markus worked their way around the outside. The sappers where driven off, but my colonists were tired, so I let them sleep. Before I could build a new security point, however, more sappers came, and a few days later, even more. Randy Random was letting me have it after a long, uneventful winter. I could deal with that, Ibrihaim was keeping everyone healthy, and Ye, Markus and Vitos were getting better and better at what they did...while Chaz was..just...Chaz. Then a space ship crashed nearby, emitting a psychic drone that I knew would drive everyone, eventually, insane.

Something had to be done.

I had no EMP grenades, but I did have normal frags, so I thought that I might get lucky. Everyone armed up, with my best shot, Markus, getting the 'nades, while Chaz was left to look after the base. The fight was horrible. As soon as the first grenade landed on the ship, a centipede popped out with an incendiary explosive laucher, lighting my brave colonists on fire. First Ibrahaim went down to the flames, then Vitos, then Markus. Finally, it was Ye (with Markus's 'nades) and the Beast, which was damaged enough that it wasn't shooting dead straight. Chaz came running from Parthos to try and save anyone he could. Just as he arrived Ye went down, but miraculously Vitos managed put out his own flames and recovered his senses. Chaz grabbed Ye and Vitos grabbed the bandolier of explosives. Burnt, bleeding, and probably cursing mightily, Vitos finished off the centipede. With his last bit of energy he destroyed the ship. He lasted just as long as he could, breaking right afterwards, wandering into the distance; I wrote him off as dead. The next day as group of visitors came to mill about in my base, an insane, naked Vitos came stumbling back home. Enraged, he attacked the strangers, and was shot down just as Chaz came running out of the medical bay.

Chaz, poor, sweet, imbecilic Chaz tried to save Ye, but she died several days later, despite, or perhaps because of, his medical treatment. Chaz tried to keep the colony afloat while he waited for someone else to join Parthos, but he just wasn't skilled enough. Eventually an escape pod crashed nearby, injuring the passenger, Bradley, a scientist. Desperate for company, Chaz imprisoned Brad, attempting to get him to join the colony, but again, Chaz failed. A few days later, the sappers came again, and this time there was no hope. Chaz released Brad, so that at least he might live, and attempted to run away himself, to an old pre-colony building on the edge of the map, but just as he left the door of the colony, he was shot by one of the raiders. He managed to make it to the old structure and lay down in a sleeping spot.

Mercifully, he passed out before long, slipping quietly away into the cold night, the soft glow of the burning Parthos in the distance.

I will never stop playing this damn, awesome, heart wrenching, soul crushing/lifting game.
Title: Re: The Doomed Colonists of Parthos
Post by: BetaSpectre on October 22, 2015, 07:38:41 AM
Construct more Turrets(Pylons)
Need more metal(minerals)
Title: Re: The Doomed Colonists of Parthos
Post by: rodney_rodnerson on October 22, 2015, 09:33:14 AM
I had some power problems. I could almost hear a Protoss voice saying, "NEED ADDITIONAL PYLONS"
Title: Re: The Doomed Colonists of Parthos
Post by: MeowRailroad on October 23, 2015, 07:05:59 PM
I also have a colony named Parthos. I changed it's name to Parthosburg.
Title: Re: The Doomed Colonists of Parthos
Post by: rodney_rodnerson on November 03, 2015, 02:56:36 PM
Started a new game, decided to call it Parthos II...that was a mistake, nothing like having your last two colonists fighting to the death in a dark bedroom covered in filth because one has gone insane and the other WAS laid up, missing having their goram face from a mad turtle attack.

I swear I'm only bad with colonies named Parthos. I got 7 colonists off planet in one play through and am just one ship part away from getting 10 launched on my current game.