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RimWorld => Mods => Help => Topic started by: RawCode on February 14, 2017, 06:04:00 AM

Title: [Code Snippet (CS)] Not very safe _FunctionHandle class
Post by: RawCode on February 14, 2017, 06:04:00 AM
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;

namespace rcrml
unsafe public class _FunctionHandle
//sync with domain internals header line # 199

//void* equal to "native integer", it follows word size based on platform used automatically
public struct _MonoJitInfo
//should work on x64 due to variable size of void*
public RuntimeMethodHandle method; //should work properly because IntPtr host void* intenrnally
public void* next_jit_code_hash;
public IntPtr code_start; //same void* under wrappers
public uint  unwind_info;
public int    code_size;
public void* __rest_is_omitted;
//struct is longer actually, but rest of fields does not matter

//you may pass byte that belong to function, but is not first byte of function
//first byte will be used internally and can be accessed by ->code_start
//yes undescores violate naming convention, leave them be
private void* function_pointer;
private int malloc_size;
private byte[] function_image;    //managed pointer, managed type
private byte[][]    image_backup_stack;//managed pointer, managed type

//very unsafe
//raw (direct) pointer into VM memory structure that holds actual data
//modification to this data will cause VM wide effects
//both expected and unforseen
private _MonoJitInfo* function_jit_native; //pointer into native memory, unmanaged, unsafe

//semi constructors:

public _FunctionHandle(void* _pointer)
Initialize (_pointer);

public _FunctionHandle(MethodInfo _method_info)
Initialize ((void*)_method_info.MethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer ());

public _FunctionHandle(RuntimeMethodHandle _method_info_native)
Initialize ((void*)_method_info_native.GetFunctionPointer ());

//no platform word size checks here
public _FunctionHandle(long _unsafe_long)
Initialize ((void*)_unsafe_long);
public _FunctionHandle(int _unsafe_int)
Initialize ((void*)_unsafe_int);

private void Initialize(void* _pointer)
function_pointer = _pointer;
function_jit_native =
(_MonoJitInfo*)_Native.mono_jit_info_table_find (_Native.mono_domain_get (),function_pointer);

if (function_jit_native == null)

malloc_size = Math.Max (function_jit_native->code_size, sizeof(void*) * 2);

public MethodBase GetReflectionHandle()
if (function_jit_native == null)
return null;
return MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle (function_jit_native->method);
//real return is MonoMethod

//read and write methods are follow

private void PushImageBackup()
if (image_backup_stack == null)
image_backup_stack = new byte[8][];

Array.Copy (image_backup_stack, 0, image_backup_stack, 1, 7);
image_backup_stack [0] = function_image;

public byte[] Undo()
if (image_backup_stack == null)
return null;
if (image_backup_stack[0] == null)
return null;

byte[] shadow = function_image;

function_image = image_backup_stack [0];
Array.Copy (image_backup_stack, 1, image_backup_stack, 0, 7);
return shadow;

//read unmanaged memory into fresh byte[]
//always push value of function_image to backup stack
public void SyncRaw2Image()
if (function_jit_native == null)
throw new Exception ("Pointer " + string.Format("{0:X4}",(long)function_pointer) + " does not belong to managed method");

byte[] newarray = new byte[malloc_size];
Marshal.Copy (function_jit_native->code_start, newarray, 0, malloc_size);

PushImageBackup ();
function_image = newarray;

//replace existing array with new one, params syntax sugar version, no safety
public void SyncArray2Image(params byte[] _array)
//no safety here!
PushImageBackup ();
function_image = _array;

public byte[] GetFunctionImage()
byte[] shadow = new byte[function_image.Length];
Array.Copy (function_image, shadow, function_image.Length);
return shadow;

public byte[] GetFunctionImageRef()
return function_image;

//Emit data stored inside array into unmanaged RWX memory
//no safety checks, may ruin your game deeply
public void SyncImage2Raw()
if (function_jit_native == null)
throw new Exception ("Pointer " + string.Format("{0:X4}",(long)function_pointer) + " does not belong to managed method");

if (function_image.Length > malloc_size)
throw new Exception ("Provided array cannot fit, check your code or use Rebase");

Marshal.Copy (function_image, 0, function_jit_native->code_start, function_image.Length);

public void WriteLine()
Console.WriteLine (ToString ());

public override string ToString()
//this required to for one line printing of function data
if (function_image == null)
SyncRaw2Image ();
if (function_image == null)
return "Pointer " + string.Format("{0:X4}",(long)function_pointer) + " does not belong to managed method";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
MethodBase mb = GetReflectionHandle ();

long delta = (long)function_pointer - (long)function_jit_native->code_start;

sb.Append ("IP BEGIN " + mb + "+" + string.Format("{0:X4}",delta) +" ( "+String.Format("{0:X2}", (long)function_jit_native->code_start)+" )");

int az = -1;

foreach (byte i in function_image)
if (az % 4 == 0)
sb.Append ("\n" + String.Format("{0:X2}", i));
sb.Append (" " + String.Format("{0:X2}", i));
sb.Append ("\nIP END " + mb +" ( "+String.Format("{0:X2}", (int)function_jit_native->code_start)+" )");

return sb.ToString ();



_FunctionHandle fh1 = new _FunctionHandle (typeof(Kagimono).GetMethod ("TEST_HOOK"));

fh1.SyncRaw2Image (); //read native memory into "image"
fh1.SyncArray2Image (0xC3); //replace "image" with solo RET sequence
TEST_HOOK (); //test invoke
fh1.SyncImage2Raw (); //apply modifications to native memory
TEST_HOOK (); //test invoke
byte[] redo = fh1.Undo (); //undo last modification - in our caseSyncArray2Image
//there is no "redo" stack.
//up to 8 modifications are tracked for each function handle
fh1.SyncImage2Raw (); //apply Undo to native memory
TEST_HOOK (); //test invoke
fh1.SyncArray2Image (redo); //redo changes to image
fh1.SyncImage2Raw (); //write image to native memory
TEST_HOOK (); //test invoke