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RimWorld => General Discussion => Topic started by: APBRainbowcar on December 15, 2018, 01:51:52 PM

Title: Rate my base.
Post by: APBRainbowcar on December 15, 2018, 01:51:52 PM
Oh boy, I can't wait to see the massacre of comments telling me how bad It is.

Main Defence:
Secondary Defence/Stockpile:
Cave Base:
Research: &
It also should be a little more clean, working on it.
Title: Re: Rate my base.
Post by: fritzgryphon on December 15, 2018, 03:40:28 PM
Well, you asked for it!

My main impression is that the base is extremely spread out, and there are way more rooms than needed.  It makes travel times long, building wealth unnecessarily high, room mood buffs low, and crafting work slow.  Defense requirements depend heavily on difficulty level, but a large base will generally spread out your defense. 

What I would do if I got your save:

Place wind turbines overlooking crops and solar panels to save space.  (or delete the turbine and put a geothermal there).
Consolidate perishable and sellable items into one room, and leave non-perishable materials outside.
Move the drug lab and sculpting table to the main workshop. 
Tool cabinets increase work speed, and two of them can serve -all- of your work benches if they are arranged well. 
Make sure the workshop is right next to the storage room and the drug crop.   
Put research bench in the hospital.  It gets a speed bonus for cleanliness.
Switch the kitchen and freezer so freezer will have less traffic.
Make a small stockpile for meals in the kitchen, near the door to the dining room. 
Put the stove right next to the freezer door, and place a small vegetable stockpile at the chef's feet.
Move butcher table to freezer or somewhere else (blood in the kitchen will increase food poison chance). 
Rearrange the hospital beds around a single vitals monitor. 
Delete the battery room and just put batteries anywhere (away from flammables).
Combine dining room and poker room (one room can function as both dining and rec room for mood buffs). 
Replace wood walls, doors and flooring, especially where combat might happen.
Use tile floor in bedrooms and rec/dining room for beauty. 
Put conduit in walls when possible. 
Roof all outdoor conduit so it doesn't zzzt in rain. 
Put sterile tile in hospital and kitchen. 
Hold-open doors that are used often (like kitchen -> dining room door). 
Max out the hydroponic basins to get better use of the lamp, and make more room to walk around the basin cluster.
Mood seems very low.  I'd improve the rooms of unhappy pawns, assign them (safe) drugs and better food.
Combine the prison barracks with another room, like the main storage. 
If you want to recruit a specific prisoner quickly, put that prisoner in a bedroom and temporarily put a bunch of statues in there.
Delete dressers and end tables.  Bedroom comfort only affects mood, and mood doesn't change while sleeping.
Delete bedrooms for any colonist who's happy enough to stay in a barracks, and make the dining/rec room the barracks.

Whoa, text block.  And some defense suggestions.

Place mortars more centrally so colonists can get to them quicker in a raid.
Place the turrets so they can fire at enemies as soon as they enter the trap corridor.
Put a small screening wall just outside the inlet of the trap corridor, so snipers can't shoot in from outside the corridor.
Maybe a fire trap in the corridor (incendiary IED near stools or trees that will block the corridor with fire when triggered).
Minimize wall thickness except where it's needed to keep sappers out. 
This base has a huge infestation risk, so plan your defensive spots in advance (a single door, held open, where there is enough room for 3 melee fighters to stand, and shooters behind them).
Delete the weapon room, and place the weapons at defensive positions.

Hope some of that is helpful.  P.S. whats the steel room in the southwest for?
Title: Re: Rate my base.
Post by: APBRainbowcar on December 15, 2018, 03:46:44 PM
Woah, thank you for all that.
The Steel room was a Workshop, but as I researched more workbenches I decided to make a bigger area in the cave base.
Looking to make use of it, Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Rate my base.
Post by: mlzovozlm on December 16, 2018, 09:44:18 AM
might as well minmax the stockpiles+workshop by having a big workshop with all the workbenches
with 2 tool cabinets at 2 opposite walls & benches in middle, or, 2 cabinets in middle, with all benches surrounding them
then put a bunch of stockpiles with all the needed materials like components, herbal meds, steels, adv components, plasteels, uraniums, etc. around respective benches
usually i have a 15x15 workshop, surrounded by 15x15 stockpile rooms :p 
put prisoners far away from weapons, in separated rooms to prevent breakout & stuff, i usually put prison cells near freezer+dining room/common room+hospital so pawns dont need much time taking prisoner to their cells, or taking meals/meds to the rooms
it's also easier to get them prepared for breakout & what not since they use a lot of time hanging out in dining room/recreation room (i tends to have dining room & recreation room as 1)
Title: Re: Rate my base.
Post by: Yoshida Keiji on December 17, 2018, 05:41:56 AM
First off, when you use Imgur to share images, select the BBCode link so that the pictures can be displayed directly within your post, instead of forcing readers to open additional windows/tabs, makes reading faster and more comfortable.

Everybody has their own play style and to each their own, I personally never built killboxes, not even from my day one, but I do understand it conceptually. Same applies to other arrengements like the kill corridor.

My advices:

* Remove trees, specially in the killbox, as they obstruct your firing and also provide cover to your enemies.
* Pod launchers and power generators are very precious buildings. My tendency is to hide them far from harm. To me, yours look too exposed. I build a power room myself to shield them. And more often than not, I center them in the very middle of my base, unless I have the back to a mountain.
* Plantations are too close to each other, if the enemy breaches your defenses, they will lit them all on fire, I usually leave 3 tiles corridors between plantations so that not everything burns at once.
* I would move the Hospital to "Sunny's" bedroom instead, its the closest to the entrance, so whichever fight you have, rescuing your fallen doesn't require "long" pathing.
* Wait a moment... are you building with steel...that's ...flammable...
* Steel doesn't need to be stored "inside" it doesn't deteriorate.
* You have lots of trees surrounding the solar panels at the north, too many flammables. Chop them down and put stone flooring.
* Put war masks to your pawns.

If you want more in depth observations, load the save file to Google Drive so that we can download it and give it a play ourselves.
Title: Re: Rate my base.
Post by: Shurp on December 17, 2018, 06:10:26 AM
Three thoughts:

1) Why is your killbox so small?  Your turrets barely get a chance to shoot before enemies are on top of them.  Unless the turrets are just there as a decoy for the raiders to attack while your pawns shoot them?

2) You must get a lot of Infestations with all that mined out area.  How do you handle them?  They look like they have direct access to your hydroponics.  Unless they tend to spawn in the mined out area to the left?

3) How do you handle sappers?  Seems like it wouldn't be hard for them to bypass your defenses.
Title: Re: Rate my base.
Post by: krampe on December 19, 2018, 04:38:20 AM
Quote from: fritzgryphon on December 15, 2018, 03:40:28 PM
Delete dressers and end tables.  Bedroom comfort only affects mood, and mood doesn't change while sleeping.
Delete bedrooms for any colonist who's happy enough to stay in a barracks, and make the dining/rec room the barracks.

All tips are fine, except these two.

Mood does not change while sleeping, true, but comfort does and It increases the potentially max level of mood it will rise to as soon as they are awake. But you need to put your end tables next to the top part of a bed or they don't have an effect.

Barracks are bad in general, the bigger the barrack the more debuffs you get from disturbed sleep. Not any good at all if you can afford bedrooms and want to get some inspirations.

I'm not sure but i think you build stone beds, don't. They only have 90% Rest effectiveness (more effective = less sleep needed) Only build wood or steel beds (or silver/gold if you want your wealth to skyrocket), the higher the quality the better. More working, less sleeping.
Title: Re: Rate my base.
Post by: Shurp on December 19, 2018, 09:03:45 PM
But how long does that comfy bed feeling last?  You're better off investing in a comfy chair in front of the worktable for them to sit and relax in while making parkas.

(Insofar as furniture increases the value of the room and thus it's impressiveness it's definitely worthwhile.  But I prefer sculptures since it gives my art capable pawns something useful to do)

As for barracks, yes, they're generally awful, it's a rare pawn that can tolerate the barracks penalty *and* the sleep interruption penalties.
Title: Re: Rate my base.
Post by: Demoulius on December 20, 2018, 05:53:13 AM
Comfy chairs and nice bedchambers buffs go a long way to prevent your pawns from beeing grumpy or breaking down. They boost productivity alot when you combine the 2 and I dont see a reason not to go for it ;)

I second Shurp though on the comment of sculpures. You really dont need alot to make a room impressive and they can sell for alot as well. Even wooden ones :) and they dont weight all that much either. Great for trading!
Title: Re: Rate my base.
Post by: Chesssx on December 20, 2018, 11:13:15 PM
Just curious, how many hours do you have played? I have 200 and my base at year 5503 is worse than yours in terms of planning. I think your base has upsides and downsides, but overall it isn't bad.