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RimWorld => Mods => Unfinished => Topic started by: K on October 11, 2019, 01:15:48 PM

Title: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on October 11, 2019, 01:15:48 PM
PsiTech has been fully released so this thread is now locked. Please refer to this post ( in the releases forum instead.

PsiTech is a mod I've been working on for a while that adds psionics into the game. Thanks to the wonderful quarantine that many of us are now living under, I've managed to make quite a bit of progress on it recently.

Things that are implemented right now:
There's a couple of mechanics that aren't really explained. You need to build a training tube and assign a pawn to it to unlock the psi UI. After the UI is unlocked all training is handled through it. Improve your pawn's focus and energy nodes to unlock new ability slots.

And here's the download:
Dropbox (


RC4 (30.4.20)
* Fixed a bug that caused "data bleed" between saves.
* Fixed a bug that allowed for multiple pawns to enter the same psychic trainer.

RC3 (26.4.20)
* Fixed a bug that prevented psychic weapons from displaying their stat offsets.
* Rebalanced psychic weapons.

RC2 (26.4.20)
* Fixed a bug that caused issues when awakening a pawn.

RC1 (25.4.20)
* Overhauled the training system to allow queuing of abilities for training.
* Added some more new art, including an awesome preview image.
* Added new sound effects courtesy of tinykidtoo.
* As always, fixes abound.

The Cabal Update (15.4.20)
* Added a psionic faction who will raid you if you've researched deep enough into psionics.
* Nerfed Mindmelt.
* Probably a bunch of fixes.

Autocast Update (13.4.20)
* Fully implemented autocasting system. The system is highly configurable to allow a range of custom behaviors.
* Some more new visual assets, primarily new effects for Psi storm and Psi rally, as well as a "pointer" effect on targeted casts. The pointer effect is not done yet.
* A few balancing changes (nerfs to Mindfray and Inspire, whose OP-ness was brought out by the autocast system).
* Major performance improvements.
* Some more bug fixes, as always.

1.1 and Visual Update (4.4.20)
* Updated to 1.1.
* Added a ton of new art courtesy of Emma Caraway.
* Half-implemented autocasting system. It's not done, but I can't disable it to put out this update. Use at your own risk. It shouldn't break anything, but it may not work properly either.
* Some bug fixes for equipment.

A Christmas Present (25.12.19)
* Implemented equipment system, which means that every tech tree node now has a purpose!
* Added psionic weapons. Any weapon (except single fire devices and grenades) can be upgraded to be psionic, giving benefits when used by trained pawns. Upgraded weapons are denoted with a (P) in their label.
* Added psionic armors. Three robes, a hood, and three sets of power armor are available, with different benefits. Art is very bad/stolen from base game.
* Psychic artifacts can be crafted with the proper research.
* Athenium can be crafted from plasteel and gold by a properly trained pawn.
* Psychic foil helmets can be crafted using steel and athenium at the psychic workbench.
* Added three new tier 1 abilities and a research node to unlock them - psi empathy.
* Fixed some bugs and balanced some things. In particular, armor penetration bonuses now work and all abilities are unlocked by their proper researches now.

Big Feature Update (20.12.19)
* Implemented remaining tier 3 abilities for a total of 6 tier 3 abilities.
* Added currently useless defensive abilities to each tier.
* Added a new tier 2 ability, mindlash, which stuns attackers for a short time.
* Target stats now have an impact on the battlefield tier 2 passives. You can't read a mechanoid's thoughts.
* Fixed several bugs where mental states wouldn't work properly, leading to every state resulting in aimless wandering.
* Various balancing changes, including limits on dodge chances and changes to Athenium's properties.
* Refactored many things.

Bugfix (25.10.19)
* Psychic Workbench can actually be used now.
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Ruisuki on October 12, 2019, 11:45:54 PM
this sounds so cool. like a more realistic (since vanilla already has a psychic framework, just one thats underutilized) version of rimworld of magic. Cant wait to see what the actual abilities are.
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Kirby23590 on October 15, 2019, 09:19:02 PM

Can't wait to try this, once i get my main PC back where Steam and Rimworld is, when comes back while typing in my mom's old laptop.

As a fan of Psychics and using them in XCOM. Can't wait to try it out...

I really like seeing magic in Sci-fi but actually being part of it and something out of fantasy. :D
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on October 15, 2019, 11:11:22 PM
I'm more of a techno-magic type myself anyway which is why I made it the way it is.

I tried to keep it all as lore-consistent as I could, too. Of course, the lore does say that the psychic abilities of archotechs are beyond all human comprehension...
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Ruisuki on October 17, 2019, 07:04:00 AM
how many building fixtures can we expect from this mod? I see you mentioned a training tube, will that suffice or will there be more? Any dimensions for them, if so?  Will I need a big room to contain them
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on October 17, 2019, 12:43:18 PM
I've tried not to add too many new buildings. There's the training tube, which has the same dimensions as a cyptosleep casket and needs to be accessible from the side the same way that building does. There's also a workbench where all the recipes are consolidated, though I haven't added too many of those yet, and it's 3x1.

Since training pawns can take a while you want multiple training tubes to parallelize, but you can have a functional setup with just one of each of the two buildings I mentioned.
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: RaptorX on October 24, 2019, 08:58:54 PM
Cant open bills tab, get this error on the Psychic workbench:

Exception filling tab RimWorld.ITab_Bills: System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
at RimWorld.ITab_Bills.get_SelTable () <0x0003c>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.ITab_Bills.FillTab_Patch1 (object) <0x00b13>
at Verse.InspectTabBase/<DoTabGUI>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () <0x00118>

Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.Log:ErrorOnce(String, Int32, Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)

Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on October 25, 2019, 06:07:58 PM
Quote from: RaptorX on October 24, 2019, 08:58:54 PM
Cant open bills tab, get this error on the Psychic workbench:


I don't know how I missed this one. I never gave the workbench a thingClass...

Anyway, it's fixed now. The only implemented recipe right now is a more efficient Athenium reclamation recipe though.
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on December 21, 2019, 01:51:50 AM
I've just put out a big update with a ton of new content, in particular new tier 3 abilities, and a bunch of various fixes, balance changes, and refactors. You can now train a pawn to their full capacity, filling every ability slot.

I made a lot of changes in this version, so if you're one of the few people playing with this WIP version feel free to yell at me if I broke anything. I don't think I did, but you never know.
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on December 26, 2019, 01:33:26 AM
I've just put out another big update which adds the psychic equipment system. This update gives a purpose to every node in the "upper level" of the tech tree, which until now was useless. Weapons can now be upgraded to be psychic and psychic power armor and cult-ish robes can be created. With the currently implemented feature set, it's possible to create overpowered psionic melee ninjas, though it would take quite a while to get there during normal play.

I'd also like to ask any artist who'd be willing to create art for the mod to message me. I'm no artist and I currently don't have one to help create art assets for the mod. Art is needed for the things in the mod, primarily apparel, and icons are needed for abilities that show up on the gizmo bar.
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on January 29, 2020, 10:27:51 AM
I am still working on it, albeit quite slowly. It's more or less content complete if you want to play with it, with the notable exceptions of psychic raiders which I haven't implemented yet. The art and sound assets are also placeholders right now and look pretty bad.

Currently I'm working on adding autocast functionalities which will form the basis of the psychic raider AI in the future. Progress is slow primarily because I don't really have the time to work on it right now and because I'm stuck tearing apart the AI system to figure out how to implement the functionality I want. Since the AI system is fairly complex, it's taking me a while to determine how to proceed.
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Ruisuki on February 24, 2020, 02:41:42 PM
Sounds like your work inspired Tynan and the team!
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on February 24, 2020, 08:36:23 PM
Quote from: Ruisuki on February 24, 2020, 02:41:42 PM
Sounds like your work inspired Tynan and the team!

One would hope. It doesn't look like the psionics in Royalty work much like PsiTech.

For anyone who might be watching this mod, I still intend to finish it despite Royalty's release. I believe that the mechanics are different enough that this mod and the official expansion will offer significantly different experiences. However, I won't guarantee technical or mechanical compatibility with Royalty. Additionally, I don't intend to purchase Royalty so it will not be required for this mod. Hopefully there are still some people that want to play it despite Royalty's release.
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: lugaruclone on March 06, 2020, 04:19:11 PM
Honestly I never got any combat abilities from your mod so my experience using it was super different than Royalty. I would love to see both systems merged one day but even if not your specific abilities are really cool, original and systemically interesting.
Title: Re: [1.0] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Esterior on March 07, 2020, 02:02:06 AM
Hello just want to say that I'm starting to enjoy the content of your mod. Ill eventually buy royalty just for the sake of saying thanks, but I consider their psychic system inferior to most ability mods out there. I truly appreciate your hard work
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 05, 2020, 01:57:05 AM
I've just put out a 1.1 update for this mod. Sorry to anyone who's playing/wanting to play it for the delay. I've been caught up with real life and updating GlitterNet and CyberNet. Note that since this mod is pre-release and I don't like maintaining multiple versions, it will be 1.1 only from now on.

This update also brings a ton of new visual assets courtesy of Emma Caraway ( Everything should now look much better than my garbage development assets. There's a couple of things that need tweaking visually still, but it's much, much better looking now than before.

I've also been at work on the autocast system. There's a button for it now but it's not complete, so use it at your own risk. I couldn't disable it easily to put out the 1.1 update, so it's there. There shouldn't be any issues if you try to use it, but it probably won't work correctly.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 13, 2020, 04:56:47 PM
I've just put out an update that adds a fully completed version of the autocast system. It is highly configurable, and modular so I can add even more options as new ones appear to be needed. A side-effect of the high level of configurability is that the system is also quite complicated at first glance, so here's an explanation for anyone playing with it. Note that you can ignore it completely and happily go your way manually casting instead.

Here's an image of the new autocast configuration UI. There's four major sections to it.

At the top there's tabs for each ability that a pawn has that can be autocast. In the image, the only ability that this pawn has is Inspire, so there's only one tab. The tabs also convey some additional information, with a bracketed A appearing if autocasting is enabled for that ability, as well as a plus or minus appearing after the name if the priority is high or low respectively.

At the top of the menu section there's two options, a checkbox to control whether the selected ability is autocast and a priority selection which is used to determine which ability to cast if multiple are available.

Lower and on the left side of the menu are autocast conditions. You can add autocast conditions with the "Add Autocast Condition" button and configure them in the interface. Autocast conditions are conditions on the psion that must be met for an autocast to be allowed. There's currently five different types of autocast conditions and I can add more as the need arises. All autocast conditions can be inverted, flipping the default behavior, and most of them also have a threshold which can be set. The threshold is the value at which a condition changes from being unsatisfied to satisfied or vice-versa. To help with "debugging" autocast profiles, conditions also list whether they're currently met or not.

Opposite the conditions on the right side of the menu is the autocast filter. The filter has options relating to target selection. For single target abilities, you can set the minimum success chance, target range, target type, and a target selector. The target selector in particular is not terribly obvious; it determines the algorithm used to pick the best target after filtering. Selectors can also be inverted, flipping their default behavior. For "burst" type abilities (Psi storm and Psi rally) there's available options for determining how many targets there must be to attempt an autocast. The settings there are similar to those for the single target filter.

Lastly, a warning. It's very possible to make dysfunctional autocast AIs using this system, like one that tries to Mindfray your colonists constantly. With great configurability comes great possibility for failure, or something.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 15, 2020, 08:08:29 PM
I've just pushed a new update that adds the psionic faction to PsiTech. This faction also utilizes psionics and will raid you if you research too deep into the tree. They don't like the threat to their mental dominion.

This faction can be quite difficult to fight, particularly when they deploy their three elite tier units, the commando, the warrior, and the conduit, named after the armor sets they utilize. For this reason, I've added an option to disable raids by the psionic faction. It can be toggled at any time to change whether the psionic faction is in the pool for raid factions.

With this release I now consider PsiTech to be feature complete. I am now waiting on some assets from collaborators before the full release, but all gameplay features is implemented.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 16, 2020, 04:15:27 AM
Ohh Imperial Inquisitor faction to conquer the research and use of non-imperial pschic power ! :-)

That remind me i allready wanted to try out this mod, time to start a new colony.

Some request for the first posting, could you maybe adjust the dropbox link ?
Change the 0 at the end into a 1, then the download start without opening the dropbox page.

Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 22, 2020, 12:52:15 PM
what do you think about the spread the psionic abit more.
Currently it is a hightech research and use only, since you need the multianalyser.
So it isn't anything useful for a tribe start.
The tribe should have access to some early psionic too. To awak the psionic the pawn need to do a ritual. I think you need to mix a ritual-potion first made from herbal,smokelead and psychite leaves. That will awake the power, but the pawn will sleep 2-5 days.

Damn, i just notice i started with a race that don't got any Psi.
I used the Mantodean
and found it curious that i never saw anything with Psi. Just spawned a human and first time saw the Psi tab.
Does Psi only work's for humans ?
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 23, 2020, 12:48:22 PM
It should work for any pawn type that inherits from the base pawn type. I'm not certain if HAR races do this, but I'll look into writing a compatibility patch if they don't. It shouldn't be too difficult to ensure that they also get the tab properly.

As for early game psionics, PsiTech is supposed to be a late-game techno-magic mod, so I'm hesitant to add anything like that. There are plenty of magic mods out there that (I assume) add early game magic content if that's what you want. PsiTech is about "unlocking the secrets of the archotechs" or something along those lines, so it doesn't really make sense for low-tech civilizations to have easy access to it. From a non-lore perspective, psionics are meant to act as an alternative enhancement path to bionics, which are also late game, so I like it where it is now.

Edit: After investigating the mantodean race it appears that the author has chosen to do things in a way that breaks my various patches. Other races I tested worked fine as the followed the HAR guide for how to create a race. This means that they'll need a custom patch for the psi tab to appear. If you want them to have a tab all you need to do is go to the PsiTech/Patches folder, copy the PawnITabPatch and rename it to something else, then open it with a text editor and change "BasePawn" to "BaseMantoPawn".

I'll try to think of a better way to ensure compatibility with alien races but it's difficult for me when race creators essentially hide their race from me. I'm not very keen on writing individual patches for every conflicting race but that may be the only way to make it work.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 23, 2020, 03:56:42 PM
Maybe just leave the author of the race a hint how he could made his mod more compactible with others mods. Many authors just use/test their own mod without others so they don't be aware of such issues.

Ok, i can understood you definition of Psionic as TechnoMage, while i got something else in mind.
And ofcouse a technomage don't fit in any early tribe development.
And yes i am a fan of Rim of Magic, but since it is pretty overpowered, i wanted to use something else.

Since now these Mantodeans got the Psi tab i can finaly train them.
But it is very annoying job.
Could you maybe add some queue system for it ?
And i think a reuse timer for training couldn't hurt either. So long they got the cyrosleep sickness they shouldn't be allowed to enter the trainer.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 23, 2020, 04:52:11 PM
I'm not so keen on trying to tell people that their mods have issues; it hasn't worked out so well for me in the past.

I don't particularly want to add any sort of additional time restrictions on training since it takes so long anyway. I could probably just get rid of the cryptosleep sickness that pawns get afterward instead. To be honest, I never even saw a pawn get cryptosleep sickness in my testing, so I wasn't aware that it happened.

As for a queuing system for training, I certainly think it's a good idea but I don't particularly know how I would implement the UI for it. The way that the psi card is set up right now sort of locks me in on the way that training works. The way training works right now is intimately tied to the concept of an "ability slot" in the UI, which becomes something of an issue when trying to implement queuing. It's a very good idea that I certainly have considered, but it might wait until after release when a bunch of people are complaining.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 24, 2020, 02:27:40 AM
Maybe add a new job category. Like a sub category of "Bed rest" since it is pretty high.
Instead to send the pawn straight to the casket you create something similar like a surgery. And the pawn will seek out the casket after no other higher priority job need to be done.
At this way you don't need a free casket when you add the training, the pawn just wait if one get free.

About the cyrosleep sickness, it happen all the time, i just tested it with vanilla+psitech and happen too. So it isn't based on a my modlist.

I notice a retraining subcon. ability will cancel the awoken ability.
I need to train Weapon syncro first so i can train perfected synco.
But then i can train Weapon syncro again. At last there should be a warning that this would unlearn the awoken ability.
But i rather would see a right click menu to unlearn an ability if you wanted to have such option.

Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 25, 2020, 02:34:56 AM
What is the capacity of the pschic trainer ?
I though just 1 pawn each. But i could train multiple pawn and they did some group cuddle inside the casket.
But only the first one got the training.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 25, 2020, 01:55:11 PM
It's a good thing for me that you decided to play the prerelease Canute. You're finding a lot of bugs I didn't know about.

I'm currently overhauling the training system to allow for queuing, and I'll include a fix for that issue along with it.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 26, 2020, 12:05:42 AM
I've just put out a new update which includes an overhauled training system and some new art and sound effects. I consider this update to be a release candidate. This update might have some minor save incompatibilities if you've got pawns training.

This update should hopefully address all the various issues and concerns with the training system, but do tell if you manage to find more Canute. I'd like to fix as many issues as possible before a full release likely happening late next week.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 26, 2020, 02:32:20 AM
I just found with the old version, the training times don't match.
At the description of Battlefield Precision it say 2 days, but when the pawn enter the casket only 0,2 days left.
Basicly all training times was just 0,2 so far beside the focus/node to 3, that was 0,8.
Just downloading now the new version.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 26, 2020, 02:59:10 AM
Yeah, I noticed that while overhauling the system. I had a test setup with lower training times and forgot to remove it. The most recent version has the proper training times.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 26, 2020, 04:02:41 AM
Ok, looks like the new version don't works well with old safegames.
The Psi tab stay mosttimes empty.  At afew pawn a few things show up but not all and wasn't useable at all.

On a new test colony with same modset but human pawns, the casket got problems to display the proper informations (picture) for the awaking process.
The pawn's came out after ~2 days.
The casket got normal display, seting up some training and the display was normal.
The pawn's stay at the casket for the next queued training.
Nice that you can queue training while he pawn is inside !!

I think i will setup later a new colony with some Lighter then fast races.

When i started a new colony i found out, PsiTech isn't compatible with Prepare Carefully.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 26, 2020, 01:27:31 PM
Sorry that I broke your save. I had to change a lot of things around internally.

Anyway, that other issue you posted was just a case of "I didn't touch it so it's definitely not broken". I just put out an update that should fix it.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 26, 2020, 01:35:56 PM
Don't worry about that safegame, these race was special anyway and couldn't wear any clothes.

But could you maybe explain about the weapon synco and the psi enhanced weapons ?
I enhanced the weapons so they got the (P) at the end and the pawn got the weapon syncro.
But i didn't notice any difference.
But it is hard to say anyway since you wrote that the effect depend on the traits and ability, i think i needed to check the combat log.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 26, 2020, 02:34:25 PM
Psychically enhanced weapons get extra stat bonuses when used by anyone with weapon synchronicity. You can get weapon synchronicity through the Weapon Synchronicity and Perfected Synchronicity abilities as well as by equipping the Warrior advanced psionic armor set. Ranged weapons gain better accuracy and lower cooldowns while melee weapons gain more damage and lower cooldowns. All stat effects are scaled of the user's synchronicity.

These bonuses should appear in the info tab for weapons when they're in effect, but evidently I broke that too. I'll fix it and put out another update.

Edit: Stat offsets should show up now, at least on ranged weapons. The stats that are offset on melee weapons aren't displayed by the game so I can't actually show them. However, compare the dps with and without psychic enhancement and you'll see the difference.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 26, 2020, 04:20:25 PM
And what's about unarmed ?
Since they don't carry any enhanced weapon. But there are still strong bionic implants for mellee combat.
But i can see the limitness about it, since the pawn need a focus for the ability. Sure we can discuss about that the own body is a focus too. But that your descision but you should mention this at the weapon synco ability description then.

Could you please take a look to made PsiTech working with Prepare Carefully ? PC don't need to be able to assign Psi abilities, but currently it isn't useable while PsiTech is active.
I need to setup a colony first and activate Psitech after that.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 26, 2020, 06:36:13 PM
That conflict is fixed in the version I just updated. I didn't have a label for the faction which Prepare Carefully apparently requires.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 28, 2020, 12:47:39 PM
Could you maybe put the clothes into a sub-categories Psi and Psi/Headgear , like Noble ?

Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 28, 2020, 03:14:19 PM
I've pushed an update that now organizes all Psi equipment under the Psi category, as well as a Psi Headgear subcategory. Should make it a lot easier to actually find the stuff in menus.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 30, 2020, 10:34:01 AM
The issue with the group cuddle isn't fixed yet.
Just got it that a pawn path to the allready occupied casket for training and enter it.

And i just saw at the log after loading
Null key while loading dictionary of Verse.Pawn and PsiTech.Psionics.PsiTechTracker. label=Trackers
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.Scribe_Collections:Look(Dictionary`2&, String, LookMode, LookMode, List`1&, List`1&)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object)

Just a thought since i didn't could test it yet. Mindray at example got at target enemy.
But does Mindray do anything against mechanoids ? If not you maybe need to recognize that at the autocast.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 30, 2020, 12:45:19 PM
Cuddling has been fixed. I sort of forgot about it with the training overhaul.

As for autocasting on mechanoids - they are not vulnerable to psionics and havea hit chance of 0% so you can filter them out using the "Minimum chance to hit" setting in the autocast configuration window. This also applies to psychically deaf individuals.

And for that last bug, it was quite an elusive one that didn't show up in my testing because you have to load a save, then load another save for it to occur. It was caused by data "bleed" between saves that was harmless but also very annoying. It's fixed now.

Lastly, I intend to release PsiTech later today, so I want to thank you Canute for all your bug testing and breaking of the mod. The release will go far smoother due to your efforts.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: Canute on April 30, 2020, 04:10:12 PM
I just like to play unique mods and yours is ofcouse unique ! :-)

But i think you focus to much at the psychic aspect. You said self it is an mod for the endgame, but since 1.1 special with royality i got alot more mechanoid encounter then regular pirate raids.
I didn't encouter the special Psi faction yet, so i can't say anything about it.

Maybe you should think about some matter manipulation abilities too.
like pushback or throw. Telekinetic accelerate the target away from the user. Advance skill, you can select the destination where the target should fly too.
If the target hit another object or pawn both are damaged, depend on the ability of the user and the distance the target fly (higher velocity).

Maybe an advanced training casket to reduce training time.
Title: Re: [1.1] (WIP) PsiTech - Harness psychic phenomenon!
Post by: K on April 30, 2020, 04:39:18 PM
I'm wary of stuff like that because it violates the lore of the game in that psychic phenomenon are purely mental. Some things in PsiTech (Heal most notably) sort of violate that but I made them anyway. We'll see if people want them badly and then I could add them.

As for the casket training time I've certainly considered it but as with other abilities we'll see what people want. Some of the balance is in the long time it takes to train psions.

At any rate, PsiTech is now fully released so I'm going to lock this thread. The new releases post can be found here (