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RimWorld => Mods => Help => Topic started by: adwarfnamedduck on January 02, 2021, 10:16:56 AM

Title: Mod idea, looking for advice
Post by: adwarfnamedduck on January 02, 2021, 10:16:56 AM
I am just starting out with modding and learning C# and XML. I have an idea for a mod and would love if someone more experienced could give me an indication of how difficult/time consuming it would be to make.

I'd like to add more pacing to the rim by limiting tech stage advancement until certain goals have been reached, to give a kind of "through the ages" feel. The goal would also be about giving real reasons to enjoy the following:

earlier tech stages to be more relevant and more fully experienced for longer and greater immersion in those eras; adding longevity, greater impetus to travel, and possibly even to build multiple colonies in different parts of the world across one game; adding more overall narrative and direction.

I'll hash it out as succinctly as I can and in the minimal form that I would consider it worthwhile:

- you would only be raided or visited by civilizations of your tech level and (very rarely) the next one up, and you could only advance to the next one after you have successfully raided an enemy base and acquired a special item that would allow the advancement. For instance, with narrative in mind and starting at Neolithic, there is a base on the map within a certain radius of your chosen starting area which belongs to an aggressive tribe. You must raid it in order to visit a cave with paintings they consider sacred but are actually detailed schematics for understanding engineering and alloys, so as to advance to the Medieval stage (if using Vanilla Expanded Medieval and Viking). Then taking over a fortress where the lord jealously guards <item> allowing advancement to the Industrial era, and so on.

- all trade conducted with civilizations more advanced than your own would be negatively doubled for each step further than your own, to heavily restrict accessing more advanced items through trade.

- events would be restricted by tech level so as to basically not break the immersion of that era or, again, grant arbitrary access to items beyond your era.

So, any advice on this to help me get an idea would be much appreciated, or if anyone would even like to start a conversation on working together on such a thing, I'd be keen. I have more ideas to flesh this out into something quite grand but I see this as the minimum. Thanks!
Title: Re: Mod idea, looking for advice
Post by: RawCode on January 06, 2021, 01:11:59 PM
you will have "total conversion" and random people will swarm you about how bad your mod works with other mods, ever if you put red flashing letters all around.

it's not time consuming to make "tiers" for raids, but you will have major issues with compatibility with other mods, that may have weapons and raids, that you will need to assign to specific tier.

as for "tech gates" its stupid and silly:

hello gun trader
sorry mate, no shiny guns for you, you must get specific tech first
but i have money
i have bows and stones for you
but this is gun shop
get tech first
Title: Re: Mod idea, looking for advice
Post by: adwarfnamedduck on January 17, 2021, 08:34:48 PM
Well that is off-putting. Guess I'll learn the languages first and figure it out myself, I'm probably just asking because I'm looking for reassurance that this kind of thing would be easily doable coming from zero, which I know it is not.

"Tech gates" could be totally justifiable. In the example that you've presented, yes indeed it is stupid and silly. You may have missed my suggestion that traders of a more advanced era may rarely visit and trade for more advance tech is possible, so you can buy "shiny guns" but they will patronize and cheat you out of your goods because you are savages to be taken advantage of. Seems realistic to me.