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Messages - LoneWolf245

Releases / Re: [1.0] Rabbie, The MoonRabbit Race
August 20, 2019, 12:24:39 AM
Oh and to @Runne the fact the we are arguing about trivial matters instead if giving you feedback about your wonderful mod... i humbly apologize for that :)
Releases / Re: [1.0] Rabbie, The MoonRabbit Race
August 20, 2019, 12:15:37 AM
Quote from: Chibisuke on August 19, 2019, 11:04:26 PM
lol justifying piracy lol......thats refreshing

what ur saying is exactly like going to a restaurant and ordering something for $30 and eating it and not paying for it, just so you can enjoy the sauce and the salad? Because that is exactly what piracy is just a virtual form of it, because you can't put a face or a brick and mortar building to it you feel that it's okay and justified? it's people like you that indie company are so fearful of coming up with new n creative ideas, because people like you think it's okay to steal intellectual property, it is SOMEone's income.

i dont see what  ''indie company are so fearful of coming up with new n creative ideas'' has anything to do whit this. but a fair point about the restaurant analogy except this is virtual and  unlike a restaurant where the food,ingredients etc cost money and if someone were to steal it you would be at a loss, in the virtual space at least in gaming  piracy doesn't impacts the sales of a game, if a game is good its gonna sell great regardless, are you really that petty that you want every nickel  and dime and deny people the enjoyment of playing a video game? just for an extra buck?,hhm? people like me?haha calm down man you should lay off the corporate marketing speak man ;)

-And yes i acknowledge that indie devs especially put a lot of heart and soul into their game and its ultimately a business so yes if you have the spare income you should definitely support them but its ok if you cant give them money, you can support them in another ways like  writing a review that the game is  really good and it may end up extending  it to a wider audience then it was intended for.Take for example Patalogic 2, a friend of mine he couldn't  afford it but liked the first one soo much from playing it at the arcade, he ended up pirating it,played it for hours and wouldn't shut up about how good it was, so while browsing GoG me and my sister decided why not lets see if its THAT good and ended up getting it and man are we enjoying it right now...and we would have never of hear of the game if it wasn't for my friend...and
im not saying whoo go crazy and pirate all games even if you have the money to buy it because that would be stupid but you can support the devs  in more then one way...tbh

- Look i can understand where you are coming from you like indie devs and want to see them rewarded for their hard work but i think you are aiming your anger at the wrong people because the only people who end up hurting the indie devs and the gaming sphere in general is not the pirates or the money greedy AAA corporate executives (ok maybe some blame is for them ;D ) but the people who are committing credit card fraud,buying game keys in bulk so they can sell them again...they are the ones  who cost indie devs to lose money...

whew that was a long post  ;D im not trying to get you to agree with me but hope you can atleast see my point of view because in the end  we are all here to enjoy the games  :)
Releases / Re: [1.0] Rabbie, The MoonRabbit Race
August 19, 2019, 11:00:39 PM
Quote from: Chibisuke on August 19, 2019, 08:19:04 PM
And why isnt he allowed to post a forum post? DRM-Free users can always input the registered email address into ludeon page and it gives them a steam code. Pure DRM-free these days imo is just cracked version of the game.

-Your statement although true on most occasions is flawed, look not everyone in the world is as fortunate as us to buy video games like its nothing. There are people in the world who like video games but cant afford to buy them for one reason or another and that's why they pirate them,so excluding them and making them seem lesser just because they couldn't afford it is just pathetic imo .We are all here because we enjoy Rim World yeah?, so what does it matter if they have a pirated copy or not, we're all here to enjoy the game and the mods.

-And i agree with @Canute to a extend that yeah the forums is a source for the DRM-free,seeing steam only mods can become annoying if you dont use steam but you cant just tell a modder not to post here...i think...

-To @Runne just a bit of advice you dont have to heed it if you dont want to but if you're going to post mods on the forums a DRM-Free version would be much appreciated by that i mean an alternate place to download your Mod like Onedrive,dropbox etc just  so that people dont get into trivial argument with each other about who is right or wrong..i  dont want to community to become Toxic... buut thats just my opinion.

-Lastly i must say your mod is very well done im going to use them in my next playthrough, hope to see more mods from you :D ;D