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Messages - Elrood

Understood :(
Thank you for your time.
Looks like my guess is correct and it is a bug in rimworld.

Found this on steam Dubs Bad Hygiene Bug report thread:

Quote from: DubwiseFromSteam
Quote from: EnemyAreaFromSteamHey ppl,
is this a known bug that the mod spams "Error executing m_FMODChannel->stop() (The specified channel has been reused to play another sound. )" into the logfile, if the game is quit? sometimes it also happens, when I build showers. The game gets laggy and spams into the log-file.
its some kind of problem with having too many mods or things on the map trying to play sounds and its running out of memory to play them or something like that, only people that have an excessive amount of mods seem to get it, and i dont really want to disable sound effects just because of that, it also isn't specifically my mod, its just any sounds will trigger the issue, maybe he doesn't have a proper limit on the number of sounds that are allowed to play or its not handled properly with certain types of sounds

Looks to me that its not exactly mod specific, rather how rimworld is handling sound general problem.

On side note, I'm trying workaround from the forum thread point to me out. If it will help I will update this thread.

I tried "workaround" attached to the thread, as expected, the same message is still spammed into log file:
C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Audio/Public/sound/SoundChannel.cpp(393) : Error executing m_FMODChannel->stop() (The specified channel has been reused to play another sound. )

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Audio/Public/sound/SoundChannel.h Line: 15)

The only reason this file is so "small" is that i'm killing rimworld process the moment it is stopping to be responsive.

My current playthrough has around 200 mods active (including Dub's Bad Hygiene, Save our Ship 2 and Rimworld of magic) working good enough togeather to be playable. Finding which one of those mods is actually causing the issue (if its not combination of mods) is too much work for me at my current shedule.

Beside I had the same issues around a year ago around the time last expansion was released. Its long standing issue for me, cropping up every time I'm doing heavily moded playthrough. Add the fact that around half a year ago I've build completely new PC and I highly doubt its hardware related - unless its because of Logitech g633 headphones - that and SSDs are the only thing that are left out of old system.

But the thread you pointed looks very similar to what is happening to me. I will try to do the same thing with Dub's Bad Hygiene sound and see what will happen. Thank you for pointing it to me!
Quote from: Canute on July 10, 2021, 03:51:41 AM
- player-prev.log is the previous logfile. When you exit Rimworld the actual logfile is still player.log
When you start Rimworld the existing player.log get renamed into player-prev.log, and a new one get created.

Mosttimes big logfiles is the fault of some mods, because the mod author add debug messages and didn't removed them at their final release or you use a mod under development.

You can open the logfile with a good texteditor and check what messages fill up the log, maybe you get a hint about the mod.
But that is nothing for the bug section.

Okey, I will try to be patient here.

I know what -prev means. I actually did check few things before posting it, so thats why it generated new player.log. Doesn't really matter if i post screenshot of prev or current log - its still log generated by game.

From other threads about this problem you could see examples of log files going up and beyond 1TB if disk space is available.

its a bug because it interfere with windows - filling whole available disk space of system drive is a problem.

And on the side note: sound system error is not mod log message. I did open this file and checked. You can see on screenshot I posted what message is spammed.
Forgot to add screenshot.
I have tone of mods. When i'm playing everything is fine.
When i try to exit rimworld without killing it by taskmaster, after loading and playing with my current save for few hours, log files is growing to fill all remaining disk space.
When i'm not outright killing rimworld with taskmaster, I got into habit of force closing rimworld immediatelly after clicking "Quit to OS", which truncate the log to few gigabytes top - depending on how fast I can kill it, how much it will write down.
This issue is nothing new, I see this kind of logs - with exactly the same message - for what feels like 2 years by now, this issue pop up every so often when I'm on playthrough with enough mods.

Can we please get an option to turn this particular logging off? In some advanced, hidden setting, even in .config or xml or ini file?
Or at least set level of logging which will turn this message (and similar) off?

So if someone don't need to turn it off, no problem, but for people like me, we can play with mods we want and manage to get to work good enough, without trying to kill our SSDs?

This issue pops up on this forum from time to time, easy to find.

Quote from: Canute on November 30, 2020, 08:13:37 AM
Hi again,
with your speed to answer, the problem is maybe solved at xmas.
Maybe take a look at

Its not a bug because log is working as intended and this is the only reason why I didn't write it down in bugs forum section. Its just working in stupid way, feeling all empty space on partition with %APPDATA% folder.
What is worse - from one of reddit solution - log doesn't have to save to file to work in game. So there is literally no reason to save 5-10 GB of text.
Beside, if you have millions of lines of error - I'm quite sure its enough if you have first thousand or two. All the other are just noise and redundant information.

What I'm trying to say - what should happen is devs should consider putting a limit on how big the log can be so its not silently fill users disk space. I was lucky and found it in few minutes after I notice my C: is full, solved it and I have no problem keeping it under control. But not everyone is enough tech savvy to do it quickly or do it at all. If your read through the reddit post you will find for example someone who was not able to find it at all and was going to pay for servicing his computer. That is not something which a game should cause, right? -.-
Bump, just found this little thread:
Not only my problem. Rather unhealthy for SSDs. Do something about it please?

When I close rimworld, it spam
QuoteC:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Audio/Public/sound/SoundChannel.cpp(152) : Error executing m_FMODChannel->isPlaying(playing) (The specified channel has been reused to play another sound. )

(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules/Audio/Public/sound/SoundChannel.h Line: 15)

Yes, i have tons of mods. But that doesn't change the fact that such spam shouldn't happen. I understand few lines of "you have a problem". Even few thousands lines. Not that much. This time I killed rimworld when it went to 2GB. Previous time I tried to close rimworld normally it actually gone up and beyond 70GB and took every free byte of my free space on my system disk - and keep trying to get more. Before I realised what is happening I tried deleting few GB, it was filled nearly instantly.
When i play - file is keeping below 1mb, few errors every time autosave goes. It explodes only when I close the game.
This is something which imho should be solved in the game code itself.
I would only add - if you are going to play mainly rimworld on said laptop, good idea is to buy better intel CPU and skimp on graphic as its very underutilized in rimworld.

I say Intel and definitely not AMD because it has better single core clock speed and ram access time.

As for RAM, my heavily modded game take around 1.6-1.7 GB of it, so you should be good. A bit on a skimp size because with chrome open my system take total of around 7.5gb. A bit tight but still perfectly usable with 8gb of said laptop.
There is Hospitality mod - for a lot of people who play with content mods, its a must have and expand upon the concept tremendously.

As for vanilia - right now they can be thrown into prison or attacked by hostiles on map. Both results in reputation lost. I may be remembering wrong, but i think they can also give small reputation boost if they leave peacefully and liked what the saw.
The clash between factions can be quite funny when you have some high tech visitors who kill most of tribal riders early game :) . For that to happen factions need to be at negative reputation with each other. If you then rescue those of visitors who survive, when they finally fall, reputation lose is mitigated.
General Discussion / Re: The river content is dead.
March 11, 2020, 01:33:41 PM
Quote from: Boboid on March 11, 2020, 08:34:02 AM
I fundamentally disagree with your assessment and think you're stuck on comparisons to previous versions instead of considering what can be done with the current rivers and what new tactics can be employed to take full advantage of them.

I think however we're going to have to chalk this one up to personal preference.

Actually what can be done which is not simple inconvenience or possible big problem down the road?

Rivers are hard to use as killbox/enemy slow down because you can use only wood walls for funneling. That is actually the only use i can think off in vanilia.

Rivers in mountainous can also work as natural barriers for expanding your base being yet another obstacle - if you plan wrong and choose too small place which won't be spawning infestations....

Mills are generating less power than geothermal per building and per component.
Without any mod which would allow you to build watermills on water they require a long line line to outdo even two geothermals (not to mention that its hard to place so many of them without using heavy bridges from some mod).
You need to research them - which means they are not quick and dirty way to generate energy - for that you have generators and considering their efficiency you are better off researching geothermal.

Sure, i like to start near them, but i also have few mods chucked in which re-balance them enough for me to be useful/less inconvenient.
It could take send grid like 20 hours (or more in few occasions) to send mail to my more obscure/spam email. Gmail, it is taking them like 20 minutes which is just meh.
General Discussion / Re: The river content is dead.
March 10, 2020, 12:18:19 PM
Yeah, rivers without are useless and more detrimental than helpful.

With above mod with how many water mill you can stuck and protect with solid walls river are again valid alternative to geothermal.
Quote from: Tynan on March 10, 2020, 06:56:26 AM
Excellent ongoing feedback, thanks so much!

I'm looking at the psycasts; berserk pulse may be fundamentally OP or it may be saveable, hard to tell so far. I think a lot of gain could be had with a simple per-psycast cooldown for some psycases (e.g. 1 berserk pulse per day regardless of entropy) but that's adding some ugly complexity so I'd kind of rather avoid it.
Going with your reasoning, you could just randomize success chance to get 1, maybe 2 successful berserk pulse for 10, 20, not really sure how many attempts. Imho would be closer to Rimworld feel of chaos than static once a day DnD hording problem solution.

Still, reading this whole topic, I still fill that loosing a colonist jobs to get situational OP ability through titles is not worth it or barely worth it. IMHO its OP only because you can get the same effect without any disadvantages by ignoring Empire and going full rogue.