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Messages - Locklear

Did you capture any of the pawns in your colony from the raiding faction?
I have 2k hours in this game and it's definitely my favorite game of all time. Bought Biotech and really like everything about it, especially the ability for colonists to have kids.

Maybe I'm just old, or it's the fact I'm a father, but it is extremely off-putting to watch a group of 3-10 year old desperate refugee children enter the map only to get mowed down by a charge turret that arrived the day before. I find no enjoyment in watching a bunch of kids get machine gunned down, even if it's just a videogame. I just feel disgusted tbh.

Give us a check box in the settings to disable violence vs children. Raiders wont use children, and manhunter packs, mechs, and raiders wont target unarmed children AT ALL.

Also there should be an option to right click and "detain" a child even if they're hostile and attacking. They're a child, no need to beat them half to death before carrying them off to time-out.
Cannibals are very frustrating to play due to the lack of proper food management. All we have for basic options are simple meals.

So say I want to have 10 simple meals with human meat, and 10 without human meat, there is no way to do this. So I have to awkwardly tweak the work orders constantly to make food based on current needs.

Carnivore and Vegetarian Fine Meals were added to accomodate food restrictions, so a "Cannibal Simple Meal" that takes 10 Human Meat to make would be a nice addition imo.
Right now the late game raids are cheesy and difficult for the wrong reasons.

The game seems to scale raids by just throwing more at you. 80 Scythers, 120 tribals, 60 wolf manhunter pack, etc. The only way to defend against these raids is with a massive killbox or a mountain base. With the addition of sappers, even the killbox route is a risky one. Mountain bases are king, and flat map bases are a pipe dream.

If you want to make an authentic feeling village, I have one thing to say to you; lol gl

As raids get more difficult, the number of raiders should increase but not to anything outrageous. Once the numbers get to the extremes I mentioned above, the number should be cut way down and made up for by subbing in boss pawns that are extra tough. Or maybe even changing it to waves instead of all at once.

Instead of a 60 wolf manhunter pack, why not 2-4 manhunter thrumbos?
Instead of 100 tribals, why not 25 tribals and 2 chiefs that are extra tough.
Instead of 50 mercenaries, why not 10 mercs and a commander in a mech?

This would also improve performance. I have a pretty decent PC and can run any game on max settings. But late game Rimworld raids turn into a slideshow as it tries to render and keep track of 200 manhunter guinea pigs. I also believe that the game generating thousands of pawns over the course of the game and tracking their relationships just bloats the code and is a contributing factor in late-game performance issues. I tried the console version for ~200 hours and the late game is borderline unplayable because of this. Once that first massive raid comes in it's game over.

Also wealth should be looked at imo. A bunch of gold and jade statues is worth raiding someone for. 5 bedrooms with dressers and end tables is not.
Ideas / Hitching spot for butchering.
April 27, 2023, 05:19:59 PM
Would be cool if animals marked for butcher could be tied to a hitching post near the butcher table. Can make a toggle settling like tables have for marking it as a gathering spot.
My guess is you have incompatible mods and it's causing the game to crash. Can try disabling 10 at a time until the game boots normally, and you can whittle it down from there.
Just picked up Biotech DLC and noticed that sometimes the skill bars in the pawn's Bio tab will be orange, yellow, or green. Anyone know why?

Edit: Nevermind I figured it out. If anyone else is wondering, it means the pawn has Xenogenes that alter their skill.
Sorry if this is the wrong forum. Don't know where else to post console edition feedback as Double Eleven doesn't seem to have a forum.

Loving the game so far. Have 2000 hours on the PC version and after ~100 hours on the console edition I can honestly say it's the best port I've ever played.

Only have 1 complaint. To change the game speed you have to hold RT then press A/X/Y to change the speed. The problem is there's a half second delay between the RT press and the game speed menu popping up. So quickly pressing RT+Y to set max speed often causes the game to register the Y press first, which will draft any selected colonist.

This has been a huge source of frustration. Please make a RT press instantly bring up the game speed menu. Every other menu pops up instantly, not sure why the game speed menu has a delay.

Thank you.
Ideas / Make pen markers double as hitching posts.
September 21, 2021, 11:01:55 AM
If a pen marker is not fenced in, it should work as a hitching post. Pawns will tether the animals to it like they do when packing a caravan.

This would make caravanning with animals much better. Right now animals just stand at the edge of the map, holding all the supplies, so you have to run back and forth carrying stuff 1 at a time, unless you build a whole pen for them. If you settle a second colony for a temporary hunting/mining outpost, animals wander off almost immediately.

If pen markers worked like hitching posts, you could just bring one with you, put it down where you want it, and all your animals can just be tied to it.
So frustrating seeing "Colonist Needs Rescue" because a pawn on a phychite/food binge ran into an infestation to eat the insect jelly, even though the jelly is forbidden, the area is forbidden, and the door to the cave is forbidden.

Might as well just have them wander over to the armory and put a gun in their mouth.
Ideas / Auto-slaughtering named animals.
August 20, 2021, 01:36:10 PM
Can it be made so that named animals are bottom prio for auto-slaughter? Just watched my handler slaughter Bill the bull. Bill was with us since day 3 when he wandered in.  :-[
Bugs / Re: Stop "Allow cutting" doesn't work
August 17, 2021, 10:59:04 AM
Quote from: skullywag on August 17, 2021, 09:34:29 AM
In what scenario would you NOT want to harvest?

The hay field inside my animal pen when I have too much hay stockpiled already.
Bugs / 1.3 Ideology, found 2 bugs.
August 15, 2021, 12:33:51 PM
First bug is if you have a doctor set to carry 3 herbal medicine, and set his medical allowance to Industrial Medicine, he will not self tend with the Industrial Meds because he's at the max amount of carried meds allowed. If you make him drop the 3 herbal meds then order him to self tend, he will use Industrial Meds. This also happens when trying to treat other pawns with a higher medicine allowance than the meds the doctor is carrying. For example trying to treat someone with an infection by using Glitterworld Medicine, but the doctor will use herbal instead unless you make him drop the herbal meds first.

The second bug is pawns with the Cannibal meme will avoid wearing human leather even though it goes them a positive moodlet for wearing it. All human leather apparel has to be manually equipped, and if you clear forced, they will strip out of it.

Moderator Note:

Thanks for the bug report.  These bugs have been reported multiple times, and have either been fixed or put in for consideration.
I love modded Rimworld. After 600 hours of modded-only gameplay, I got sick of my saves breaking every time one of my 50+ mods updated so I decided to give vanilla a try. The experience has been frustrating to say the least.

Once your colony gets to a certain size, hauling and cleaning becomes a never ending mini-game of frustration. When my pawns are hauling 50 corn at a time and there's 1500 corn on the ground, it can spiral everything out of control unless I manually start telling people to haul shit. Same goes for cleaning. Unless you can dedicate 1 pawn to cleaning and 1-2 to hauling, you need to keep cleaning and hauling at the front of your mind and do it manually. Pick Up and Haul and Common Sense are 2 mods that completely fix this issue.

Creativity with building is extremely lacking. We have 4 floors we can use, if you exclude the ultra expensive niche floors like shag carpet and sterile tiles. We have 1 wood floor, 1 stone floor, 1 steel floor, and 1 carpet. Some more variant would be nice like in the More Floors addon.

The 3 mods in the title deserve to be added to the base game. They're incredibly functional, balanced, and lightweight enough I don't see how implementing them would be difficult.
Wont let me accept a ceremony quest until all enemies of the Empire are defeated, but that enemy is a Megascarab inside of a hive. Just the one, none of the others are marked as enemies currently.

I think it might be caused by the Megascarab being outside of the cave when the quest came through?

Including a screenshot and the save file.

Save file:

EDIT: Reloading game cleared the bug.