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Messages - Chonchon

Mods / [Mod Request] Snappy Dresser
May 31, 2015, 09:07:26 AM
There's a mod for Alpha 9 called Snappy Dresser ( It's a great mod that lets you edit the colour of your colonist's clothing. Unfortunately, the dude who created it is lazy and hasn't updated it for A10. Would it be possible to create something similar? I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult and a lot of people would appreciate it.
Quote from: jaidens111 on May 30, 2015, 02:51:01 PM
Could you toss the A10 patch my way? I wanna kill bugs too.
also how the heck did he mod the storyteller?!

truth be told I just modified the Wave Survival Storyteller, but even then it doesn't satisfy me. So whenever an attack happens, I turn on godmode, roll a die, and whatever number happens is how many times I click "Send Raid"
Quote from: Adamiks on May 30, 2015, 12:32:46 AM
Wow :o These are amazing, Chonchon! Do you can upload your modpack? ^^
If no i just want these aliens ;D

Here's the aliens

I also have wave survival and zombie apocalypse, and I screwed around with the storytellers to make raids really, really huge.

This mod is great because it makes guns not suck so much and also adds machine guns which are sexy as

An enormous swarm of alien monsters has arrived. Platoon A greets it with a barrage of machine gun and cannon fire.

This is no minor incursion. This is a major assault by the xeno hive mind. The troops are fully mobilized and rushed to battle. The Rock has begun spitting a wall of plasma and lead.

The aliens have gotten close enough. They vomit globs of flaming bile and volleys of razor sharp spikes, forcing my men from their posts.

The gate cannon magazines have detonated, killing private Danil and destroying one of the bunkers. The aliens have a way into The Rock.

Xeno melee forms swarm in over the ruins of the bunker. Shocktrooper swordsmen rush to meet them.

With superhuman strength and reflexes, the shocktroopers slay dozens of aliens. It's not enough. There are hundreds.

Perimeter defenses have collapsed. The defenders pull back to secondary defensive positions. There is no time to rescue the wounded.

The aliens rush through the gates and are funneled into two killing zones. They have taken more than 60% casualties so far.

The battle rages for hours at a stalemate. Slowly but surely, the aliens are reduced to a pitiful handful. Captain Meyers orders a charge to drive the aliens out of the fort.

The battle is won, but more than half of the company, including almost the entire shocktrooper brigade, have lost their lives. The surgeons work overtime treating severe burns and removing poisoned spikes. The defenses must be repaired, and new recruits trained and equipped. The next attack will come within three days.
We're not a bunch of scruffy castaways; we're an army goddamnit, and we will have army discipline and organization

White helmets are the infantry who man the defenses, brown power helmets are the artillerymen, brown beanies are the pioneers who repair gear and craft shells. In the back are the fully cyborged shocktroopers who leave the fort to assault the enemy directly. We have chefs and surgeons in the support crew.

Captain Meyers commands the Company, Lieutenants Coff and Stella command platoons A and B, and Commissar McClain enforces discipline with an iron fist.

This is The Rock. It is built into a coastal cliff and is protected by a line of plasteel machine gun bunkers. The field hospital has firing holes cut into it and spare machine guns in case we need to fight a heroic last stand.

120mm cannons are important for anti mechanoid action

All of this seems like overkill right?


I'm actually pretty proud of this one. I decided to run it not as a smelly bunch of castaways, but as a full-on occupying army. I play on extreme challenge wave survival mode, with random zombie invasions thrown in, for maximum fun.

The barracks is close to the perimeter defenses and the artillery yard, so that the troops can quickly take their positions in the event of an attack. No dumb turrets for us, thank you very much. There's also only one prisoner bed, because my manpower comes from frequent slave trader troop-ship visits. (Average life expectancy is incredibly short.)

There's also "Break In Case of Emergency" shotgun racks scattered all over the base, so that if the worst happens and the enemy breaches the defenses, my men can have the advantage in a bloody urban brawl.

The trench line is equipped with heavy machine guns and 120mm cannons for anti-mechanoid use.

Black helmets are sergeants, gold is the commander, red for medics, and red with power armor for flamethrowers.

The guy in the black coat is a political commissar, who 'takes care' of prisoners and maintains discipline in the ranks.

This man broke down during a zombie invasion and abandoned his squad. His actions cost the life of a fellow soldier. The commissar oversees the disciplinary action.

Changed my mind. it's definitely the way my flame troopers incinerate bodies after a battle... without bothering about whether or not said bodies are still alive.
Probably that one time when my soldiers gathered around a wounded enemy and forced their newest recruit to gut him like a fish in retaliation for a much beloved medic lost in that battle.