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Messages - grandad1982

General Discussion / Re: Restrict Animals from food
December 20, 2016, 09:12:34 AM
In general my pets always eat what they shouldn't. Plenty of kibble? I'll eat this fine meal instead thanks.
I think your over thinking this is just a stockpile with different default settings, it's most likely so that at the start people can just slap down 2 zones and cover their needs. Nothing more nothing less.
General Discussion / Scenario editor question
July 28, 2016, 05:06:37 PM
Is there a way to set the animals to be psychotic in the editor? I can't find it if it's there. Trying to create a "hunter/hunted" scenario with a couple of well kitted out pawns and loads of angry wildlife!
General Discussion / Re: Thanks Tynan
January 23, 2015, 06:01:25 PM
Quote from: Teovald on January 23, 2015, 01:02:25 PM
Quote from: Numar on January 22, 2015, 05:36:09 PM
Quote from: grandad1982 on January 22, 2015, 04:28:19 PM
The one I'm pleased about is...
Added command to make trade beacon automatically generate a matching stockpile

Same here. Thought about suggesting it again, but pow, here it is. Beer brewing was a nice surprise as well, though :D
I hope that this system is a placeholder though, having to move goods from a stockpile to another in order to sell them is clunky and cumbersome.

I sort of agree. I don't mind a dedicated stockpile but as I put in another thread somewhere I'd like the option to tag objects and stacks as trade goods and have them automatically taken to the trade stockpile as a haul job (needs a goods hauling priority liust to work well).
General Discussion / Re: Thanks Tynan
January 22, 2015, 04:28:19 PM
The one I'm pleased about is...
Added command to make trade beacon automatically generate a matching stockpile

So I had a few ideas that would IMO improve how the flow of resources and how  trade goods move. I wondered what people thought of them and whether people had other ideas on the subject.

First off is my ideas for improving resource flow.

1. When a colonist is doing a job and they finish that job (growing, mining etc) they should load up on resources  from the job they just finshied as often they return to base empty handed.
2. There should be a rearrangeable hierarcy of goods to determine the preference for hauling them. I don't know if people played the first couple of Settlers games (this may have carried on after but I don't know) but they had a system where you could set the priority of goods transport, e.g. gold>wood>grain> could be changed to grain>gold>wood depending on what you needed most.

Now for some ideas for trade. Goods or stacks of goods, depending on how they are stored normaly, should have the option of being specifically desiganted as trade goods. These should then get hauled to a stockpile that has been specified as a trade stockpile (or better yet the beckon could automatically place a trade stockpile within its borders when placed). For example, In my freezer room I have excess potatoes that I want to sell so I click the stack and say that it is a trade item (T) a hauler will then come to take it to a trade stockpile (TS). This means I don't need to have priorties changed and have all of my goods hauled out of the freezer to the trade becon just to sell a few spuds!

If you want me to try and explain my ideas more clearly just ask! Also please share your ideas.
I reckon you should post this in the bugs forum with a copy of the save!
General Discussion / Re: Alpha 8?
October 02, 2014, 09:16:37 AM
I'm hoping that the need for water will become a thing. Seems to me that depending on your biome you might need to factore in water to farm or drink, e.g. a desert will maybe need irrigation to get better crop growth whilst a moist jungle should be fine as is.
General Discussion / Re: Cool World Seeds?
September 25, 2014, 05:06:25 PM
Quote from: TinnedEpic on August 23, 2014, 10:18:36 PM
I found 1 seed I really liked.

Seed: PlanetHell

Been playing on a few of the smaller desert islands, but may give the mainland a go next game :).

Is it just me or does part of the map look like a bear?
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
September 12, 2014, 12:47:00 AM
Can we see people's passions in the overview screen when we are assigning work profits to them. It should be in the tool tip that already comes up.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 22, 2014, 03:21:39 AM
I'm sure some of these have already been mentioned but:

  • a smaller table (1x1) this would be great in prison cells!
  • make the trade beacon automatically place a stockpile
  • add tool tips to the different body parts etc in the health screen so it clearer what is being effected and by how much. This could be a right click menu like gear.
  • use the stone cutter bench to carve fancy blocks. Tech unlocked and more costly to produce.