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Messages - Okava

Bugs / Re: Comms console stopped working
June 24, 2015, 03:15:45 PM
1. Yes, it is powered, thanks for taking care :)
2. Mods i use:
-Anti Tank Weapons
-Armor Crafting 1.1
-BionicReplacementsCrafting 1.1
-Embasures 1.41
-Mannable Turrets 1.2.6
-MedicineKitCrafting 1.3.6
-MIRV Artilery 1.2.6
-Neurotrainer 1.1
-ReplacementOrganCrafting 1.1
-Weapon Crafting 1.3.76

Yes i like mods :D

3. Save files:
Bugs / Comms console stopped working
June 24, 2015, 02:12:39 PM
Hey guys i've got a problem.
Suddenly my Comms console stopped working. I chose a colonist (which i've been using from the very beggining because of his high social skill) to contact some trader and completely nothing happens.
I've tried chosing other colonists, building the comms console again but without any result :( I also tried the "replace all trade ships". 
That's what my Debug log says:

Is there something i can do to turn tons of potatoes into silver again?
Thanks in advance :)
Yes the stockpile was set to be able to hold Everything just to see what will happen but without any results. I didn't even know about something called "development mode", and i've checked it. And, not sure what happened few minutes ago, but the bug disappeared. There are 2 options, pc reboot or launching the game in the development mode (maybe it fixed some things, don't know).
I'm a bit confused about that, but it works fine now so whatever xD Eventually, you probably helped me so thanks a lot :D
Ive got something Special for some of you that like "pirate cove" places, a world with just ONE zone that contains a shore and some mountains!

AAnd the seed is: ao5k (i've created a 200x150 sized world, bigger size will stretch the island and make a gap between the mountains and the shore)

Update: the smaller the world is, the bigger the chance of such zones is! I've just found it out:P
Well...Looks like ive found some problem with the new Alpha 7 Zombie mod. My colonists just Can't see storage areas, it's like nothing more than just a randomly coloured square on the ground. When my colonists have landed, i've tried to gather some supplies AAAaaaaaannnnnnnd That's whan happened

The mods im using are:
EdB Prepare Carefully
Surgeon Extended
[T] ConditionRed
[T] ExpandedCloth
[T] MoreBeds
[T] MoreFloors
Practise Target
(obviously) Zompie Apocalypse (v. 1.0)

Does anybody know any compability problems including these mods, or any other solution of such problem?

I tried playing without that mod first, and the issue appeared in a world created After turning on the zombie mode.
Ideas / Re: Map generator suggestion
September 20, 2014, 09:29:18 PM
Well, i think that we have to wait at least till Alpha 7 is released cus it simply makes no sense of making such thing. Aaaand i can't do anything myself cus im a c++ noob:D and any other code-things noob :(
Ideas / Map generator suggestion
September 20, 2014, 07:43:52 AM
It seems like ive posted my thread in a wrong section (, and I'am sorry for that. Let me repost it Here so its all clear now.

Ive got a proposition for something that might make some fun. I mean about some mod allowing world generator to put some small hills/mountains/large hills directly next to the sea. For example giving the generator a 10% to make it happen (higher chance would make the world look a little weird i think). I had fun playing at the coast, but it would be even better playing at a mountainous coast and be able to have an "underground" hideout with a "backyard beach". And maybe there is also some way to make a map which has a coast from 2 sides, not Only from 1 Even if a selected landing site adjacents with a sea from 2 sides. In the other hand playing on an island would destroy the fun cus of no raiders (except the "landing" ones). What do you think about it?
Mods / Mod proposition/request
September 18, 2014, 03:31:30 PM
Ive got a proposition for something that might make some fun. I mean about some mod allowing world generator to put some small hills/mountains/large hills directly next to the sea. For example giving the generator a 10% to make it happen (higher chance would make the world look a little weird i think). I had fun playing at the coast, but it would be even better playing at a mountainous coast and be able to have an "underground" hideout with a "backyard beach". And maybe there is also some way to make a map which has a coast from 2 sides, not Only from 1 Even if a selected landing site adjacents with a sea from 2 sides. In the other hand playing on an island would destroy the fun cus of no raiders (except the "landing" ones). What do you think about it?