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Messages - majesty

the patch notes say that this works with norbals, however, when i request immediate aid they cybernetic faction simply sits around and watches my base burn. furthermore, when i attempt to call them at times i get this error:
it takes a few tries and some time for it to work.
Quote from: Kyos on February 26, 2015, 05:10:36 PM
I'm not squeamish, but my colony of ~30 goons are. The riots are not worth this crafting recipe.
well like i said, its fine to just grow them. it would just take longer. also, this thread would fit the riot thing perfectly.
Quote from: Dragoon on February 26, 2015, 04:20:18 PM
No but what if your colonist loses an arm and you're not the type to just dismember a prisoner?  :(
well then you'd be pretty squeamish for a person in an environment surrounded by death. I think the prosthetics mod covers that, though. but like you said, a growing vat could make arms.
Quote from: Dragoon on February 26, 2015, 04:12:56 PM
Quote from: majesty on February 26, 2015, 03:21:18 PM
bionic arm requires one human arm

HOW THE HELL are we supposed to get an arm for that hack off the arm of someone who alive we can't grow limbs?! We can't just take an arm off a dead body  and traders who do sell arms usually sell bionic ones already >:( !!!
you dont dismember your prisoners before you sell them into slavery? odd...
besides, you'd put the limb back. it'll just be better than before.
definetely makes sense, so my solution to the many crafting benches thing would be to have multiple benches, but as you progress in research you would replace them with the newer benches, they would contain the new and the old recipies. or perhaps have one bench with all the recipies instantly unlocked, but require research to grow say, nanovine, or cybervine, or whatever. instead of having to unlock the research you would have to unlock the method of obtaining the ingredients to craft them. for example:
tier 1: bionic
requires bionic research, unlocks bionic workbench, tinkerers workbench.  can craft all bionic components, requires vanilla materials.
tier 2: nanotech
requires nanotech research, unlocks nanotech workbench, nanovine, tinkerer's workbench 2. can craft all bionic and nano recipies, requires nanovine to craft.
tier 3: cybertech
requires cyber research, unlocks cybertech workbench, cybervine, tinkerers workbench 3.
can craft all bionic, nano, cyber recipies, requires cybervine to craft.

crafting:  we'll use the same principal for all crafts.
you cannot make nano without first making bionic, as the bionic part will be part of the nano recipe. for for instance, bionic arm requires one human arm,20 gears, 5 pistons, 15 springs, etc etc. those will all require crafting time and metal. some silver, gold, steel, plastium. not too much but a good mix of that to ensure people arent making a cyborg army their first day.
once youve crafted the bionic part, you research nanotech. you replace those 2 workbenches with the next tier of benches, and grow nanovine.. the nano arm recipe would require you to make the same resources as the bionic, except now you make nano gears, nano pistons, etc. as well as the bionic arm. crafting this makes a nano arm.
next you research cybertech. replace 2 benches. you grow cybervine, craft cyber resources, use nano arm as part of the craft, and finally you have a cyber arm.

going through with this whole process is not an easy task, so it makes it that much more rewarding when you craft your cyber weapons/armor/limbs.
essensially what we have done here is replace a complex research system with a more complex crafting system, while removing the need for the player to own 50 henches

as for the dll thing, its quite a shame really. id like to petition for Ty to unrestrict whst can heal what for more modding potential. say someone breaks a leg or an arm, medicine is useful but you would need a cast for it, as opposed to someone getting sick and needing medicine and rest, or someone getting shot or stabbed, where bandages would make more sense. ill make a thread about this in the suggestions later today, I think its a neat standalone system for the main game anyway. while I know nothing about modding myself, I am assuming if he has a system in place for using different medicine for different limbs, it would give you the potential to heal mechanical limbs with scrap metal and toolkits.

edit: if you do happen to do any of this, I might be able to help out with the art. im a first year art student so I know what a paint brush is, at the very least. might be able to make placeholders if anything.
i really love the nano/cyber items and such, but i dislike how all it takes is a day of research to unlock it. i feel like we should have to work at it a bit more. for instance you would need to grow/refine/craft MANY components of a basic bionic arm (gears, servos, microchips etc etc) as well as researching the tech in order to craft the arm, which is essentially just as good as a normal arm but with more durability. then, if you wanted to upgrade to nano, you'd need to research more, create even more complex components, and lots of them, and use the bionic arm in the crafting recipe in order to "upgrade" it into nano tech. finally, after a crap ton more research and component crafting and growing and refining etc you would be able to turn that nano arm into a cyber arm. i feel like this kind of progression is a lot more rewarding as it forces you to go out of your way to actually craft these items individually and you dont have a million of them lying around. it really makes them valuable. i also feel that the cybernetic dealer should be removed alltogether and replaced with a tinkerer that would sell you some of the very BASIC components, like gears and switches and servos and chips for the basic bionic arm, but nano and cyber should never be sold. or perhaps sold at a high price for a very badly damaged and crafted set, which would degrade after a battle or two. this makes it so you cant just get rich off of other means and buy anything you want, it emphasizes the crafting aspect. this also needs to be applied to weapons and armor. finally, i feel like its silly to have your doctors repair tech limbs and organs with medicine and doctoring. this is why i feel like your crafter should be in charge of these bionic repairs. it would not require medicine, it would require spare parts that you can craft. the patient would not bleed out or lose a limb when its bionic, but it would shut down completely until repaired.  essentially what i am describing is a balance overhaul to make these items more coveted and useful. i would like to be able to play a game where after a year or two of hard work and dedication i would be able to turn my original 3 colonists into pure cyber machines.

i really hope you read this, and while i understand how you might feel about recreating your mod because of just one suggestion from a random user, i honestly feel like this has merit, especially in a game so highly based on micromanaging. if you dont want to include this into the main mod, perhaps an add on mod would do this. i understand its a lot of work, and no pressure, but please tell me what you think of this suggestion and the chances that you would consider it? you mentioned you had 3500 downloads, thats quite a large user base. if you still feel apprehesive about this idea, i would be more than happy to start a poll (or you start, whatever works) asking this user base what they think about this. thanks for reading!
Help / Re: cannot install legs and other organs.
February 26, 2015, 12:38:59 PM
Quote from: elStrages on February 26, 2015, 08:20:36 AM
The will have something to do with the Race_Humanoid XML.
I would suggest you look through the MODs you have installed and check to see if any of them have this file in the 'ThingDefs' folder. 
If more than one have the file then your installation parts will conflict as they are all trying to over write the same file. Then what happens is that only similar named installations get added to the list, everything else gets ignored.

To resolve the issue you need to:
1: open all the moddeed xml in an editor (not core)
2: open a plain text document
3: copy only the Installation recipes
     - will be in between these tags '<li> </li>' at the bottom of the page
4: once copied, exit all xmls leaving the plain text document open.
5: delete all the Race_Humanoid.xml files in the mod folders
6: open up the Race_humainoid.xml in the core folder
7: paste in, out of the text document, all the recipes making sure you dont have duplicates.

This should solve your problem with the conflict.

this doesnt really make any sense to me, i dont know how to mod or anything (would love to learn if i had a tutor though, ive tried coding before many times and i just plain suck at it. i cannot learn anything lol, guess im not wired that way.)
anyway i just removed mods untill the problem went away.
Ideas / Re: colonists should gain some traits over time
February 26, 2015, 12:37:35 PM
Quote from: BinaryBlackhole on February 26, 2015, 04:54:23 AM
How about traits only really develop in extreme conditions that happen a lot so you would have to kill people or have lots of prisoners killed or harvested making people be balanced on the edge a little killing now and then wont cut it maybe a trait bar where trait points are lost over time so people can go soft.
yes, i really like this idea. for instance if you have a crashes ship part emitting phychic waves constantly and you do nothing about it, after a long series of mental breaks and psychotic rampages they would eventually gain physically dull and even deaf after a while, but once those waves stop, they would slowly lose a rank in that progression, after say a year or so. just like with cannibalism. normally you'd lose 15 happiness for eating human flesh, but after doing it for weeks you'd only lose 10, after half a year only 5, after 1 year you gain cannibalism trait. going without eating any human flesh for half a year would remove the cannibalism trait and you'd lose a rank in that progression.
Quote from: elStrages on February 25, 2015, 04:46:36 PM
Quote from: majesty on February 25, 2015, 04:32:28 PM
Quote from: elStrages on February 25, 2015, 04:18:59 AM
Those images don't show any Cubernetic storm issues, or am I being blind. If that's the case your posting in the wrong topic.
they might not, but it is certainty the right topic as they appeared after i applied the fix from this thread.
I see. The fix you applied is it the one that was made by someone else as it may be out of date? I believe your on about CS and Zombie Apocalypse conflicts right?
Quote from: dareddevil7 on February 25, 2015, 04:36:00 PM
would it be possible for you to add an execute operation, one that just involves a colonist walking up to the specified target and shooting them in the head twice, but like with a chance that it won't be lethal and they won't die, and an implant that basically puts a colonist into a coma so they can be healed better, like in medically induced comas, and then remove the implant and they wake up from the coma? Also, is the download for the version with nano meds? Also, what breaks if you have zombie apocalypse on and cybernetic storm?
As to your first point what would be the purpose of this? you can already euthanize people so I don't get why you would need it. As for the comas it would be possible yes, all I would need to do is make it lower consciousness to say 10% maybe. I will look into it. I will be expanding the Brain implant section in due course.
no, it was the expanded prosthetic and organ engineering fix. i dont have the zombie one. i thought you made the fix, CS is your mod.
Help / cannot install legs and other organs.
February 25, 2015, 04:56:45 PM
i have a colonist in a bed and i can harvest legs from prisoners and i have a bunch in my stockpile but when i go to operations on the colonist who is missing a leg it only lets me harvest her organs, but not install any. i think it might be mod related, but i wouldnt know which one and i dont know how to find out. below is a list of my mods , ive checked all the threads for them and none of them say that they disable this, so i am at a loss here. please help me! thanks.
Ideas / Re: colonists should gain some traits over time
February 25, 2015, 04:36:19 PM
Quote from: cultist on February 25, 2015, 12:47:57 PM
I personally disagree. Having a colony of clones with all positive traits makes the game stale and predictable. If all my colonists reacted in a similar fashion to every event, it would be too easy to just set up a game that runs itself with the AI providing the only surprises.
this isnt necessarily what i meant. bad traits would also be gained, and lost. as the posted below you said, it wouldnt be gradual, it would be event based, but it would require a certain amount of events, so gradual in a way.
Quote from: elStrages on February 25, 2015, 04:18:59 AM
Those images don't show any Cubernetic storm issues, or am I being blind. If that's the case your posting in the wrong topic.
they might not, but it is certainty the right topic as they appeared after i applied the fix from this thread.
Outdated / Re: [MOD](Alpha 9) Prison Improvements
February 25, 2015, 03:10:20 AM
Quote from: Wastelander on February 25, 2015, 03:08:22 AM
Just looked at my code and they won't haul downed prisoners... that's probably what's up with stumpy there. :) I'll fix that in the next version.
awesome, thanks! cant wait to get this lovely little organ harvesting facility to 100% efficiency!
Outdated / Re: [MOD](Alpha 9) Prison Improvements
February 25, 2015, 03:02:05 AM
Quote from: Wastelander on February 25, 2015, 02:50:08 AM
Quotecant seem to transfer prisoners. made 2 rooms, both have cameras, "the lab" and "the stables" both prisoners have no legs so they cant walk on their own, and my wardens are not moving them.
You have to transfer prisoners using the button in the prisoner tab, are you doing that? If so, can I see a screenshot of your situation? I don't know that I tested legless prisoners.... :)

neither of them have legs, or much of anything for that matter. just the necessities.
Outdated / Re: [MOD](Alpha 9) Prison Improvements
February 25, 2015, 02:38:18 AM
cant seem to transfer prisoners. made 2 rooms, both have cameras, "the lab" and "the stables" both prisoners have no legs so they cant walk on their own, and my wardens are not moving them.