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Messages - The Deeping Wall

Stories / Re: Crazzy
January 29, 2014, 01:46:55 PM
178 raiders landed IN my base.
Stories / Re: 28 Days Later
January 18, 2014, 12:59:27 PM
Quote from: metalsynkk on January 09, 2014, 09:49:21 AM
Well at least I am not the only one that went to something beyond the first dozen of days (279 here and I mined every single thing out, basically nothing left except grow food, wait for raiders, explode raiders, clean up guns and raiders, grow food...). Very nice work and a good read, but did those turrets manage to hold off the larger waves or did you have to rebuild now and then, or often? For me the blasting charge strategy works best, did you use that too eventually?

No no, those turrets are COMPLETELY for show. I completely relied on blasting charges. They *edit*turrets*edit* were installed in towards the end of my 365 because I wanted it to look 'perfect'. I can give you a mathematical formula for how many raiders I killed with charges. 265*(60-250)+100*(5-60)= Raider's death with the () being ranges.

Quote from: Untrustedlife on January 11, 2014, 11:11:31 AM
What storyteller are you using?
Originally it was Cassie but after spending roughly 200 days and stuck at 30 or so colonists... And capturing raiders is so hard... I looked around and figured out how to change the difficulty settings and now it's Randy Random.
Stories / Re: 28 Days Later
December 03, 2013, 04:28:49 PM
Because well... Once you get to this point, there's really nothing stopping you from doing so. (See those blood spots? Each once is stacked at least 6-15 times of raider's blood.) I was in a race against the 365 day deadline to finish 'stylizing' my base as 'Helmsdeep'.
Though, instead of a field behind the Deeping Wall, it's a solar panel farm... >.<
(Raiders landed IN my base because of this. 0.0)
I was half tempted to have all my colonists lined up against the walls in military formation like in the LOTR movies.
Building batteries never really occurred to me since it would take like a quarter of the day for the electricity to reach every appliance in my base. >.<
Stories / Re: 28 Days Later
December 01, 2013, 03:40:51 PM
Quote from: Mindfreezer on December 01, 2013, 05:29:10 AM
Remarkable base, sweet!

I went ahead and put your base together into one picture. Keep up the good work!

Thanks! ^0^ I wanted to put it all together but didn't know how. ^_^'
Quote from: CodyRex123 on December 01, 2013, 11:41:10 AM
Gotta be honest, that is a ton of fricking solar panels, why do you have so few batterys, it dont even look like its long enfo to survive a eclipse, well, my eclipses are pretty long on my planet
That is so true. This was one of those rare few times where all my appliances were lit and fully energized. >.<
I'm planning on turning that section bottom right I dug out into a battery field. Maybe then my appliances will last past a couple hours in. Usually I had to turn off all my turrets.
Stories / Re: 28 Days Later
November 30, 2013, 09:13:52 PM
Ehhh.... I don't have anything new.... I was kind of burned out after making it to day 365.
Maybe I'll do a raider attack scene...
Quote from: Ender on November 24, 2013, 05:04:44 AM
Pretty funny. And, Thats sure a lot of turrets, it would be a shame if something like a solar flare were to happen :P (knowing from personal experience having died because of either a flare, or short circuit.)
In all honesty, the turrets are there just for show. ^^'
Raiders spawn in waves of like 150 at this point, turret are just speed bumps for them.

You'll LOVE random, solar flares and eclipses happen every other day. >.<
Wow, nice job.
I was playing on classic for 200+ days and kept wondering why I was stuck at 17 colonists facing 164# waves. I switched the mode from classic to randy and it jumped to 70+.
Quote from: ShadowDragon8685 on November 15, 2013, 04:31:28 AM
(Last Sunday, I basically winged it, and kept them all busy talking in a stair-well in-character for about three-four hours real-time.)
Omg, you're a genius. XD!
Stories / 28 Days Later
November 15, 2013, 11:54:37 PM
28 Days Later 365 Days Later...
Bottom Left

Bottom Right

Middle Right

Middle Left

Top Right

Top Left

The door hissed open as the warden stepped into the room. A 38 year old, female courtesan. Tall, blonde hair, and strikingly beautiful. Aside from being manually skilled and manually dumb at the same time, she was also a really weak fighter. If not for her social skills, she would have been kicked out of the colony the moment she stood foot in it.

"Wake up Pheleps! Now I'll be honest with you. Unlike the other prisoners, you were one of our own. Driven insane by the lack of food and sleep, you either drifted around dazed or went on a rampage. You were dragged into this cell until you came to your senses. Do you think you can carry your duties now?" she barked, her eyes full of authority.

"... Yes." replied the slim-looking entrepreneur. A vat-grown soldier by birth, who was incapable of emotions and care, he was trained into the trade of massive corporations and businesses. Lara nodded and grinned at him.

"Listen up! There have been many changes to the base since you went insane. Get your rear over to the armor and equip yourself! Remember, standard-issued only! No pistols, no M-16s,  no fancy incendiary launchers! Only M-24s or R-4 Charge Rifles! Move it!"
The scrawny-looking entrepreneur saluted and quickly jogged over the the armory. Went he got there though, he saw that many of the racks were empty. Curious, he arced an eyebrow and looked at Lara.

"We... Were a bit short on money and had to sell off most of our stock.
Don't just stand there, grab a gun and report to duty!"
This extra command sent him running for the racks to search of a suitable gun. Afterwards, he immediately joined the ranks of the other colonists.

Colony Log:
-Colonial Leader-
Founded in stardate 3224 by a group of settlers, sent to the outermost rim of a moon in the T-X233 Solar System. It lied in a major crossroad for trading vessels and seemed like a profitable move by the Company.

So they sent us, a group of 3 'economically' trained and talented individuals. The ride went well for most of the trip except the ship was too 'economic' and the 'economic' engines gave out during orbital entry. Violently wretched from our sleep, we were thrown onto this world inside even more 'economic' drop pods.

Couldn't even afford decent shock absorbers can you? *mutter*

-Second in command-
Since its been 365 days since we landed on here, I'm not going to be able to tell you the full extent of what happened between then and now. But I'll try to summarize the whole thing.

Immediately after landing, our leader immediately began ordering us to do things. No, even before we landed he began ordering us. Something about this being his third try and he's not going to mess this one up...

Anyway, we began to set up our base of operations. Building a shelter and clearing an area to grow food in. It was a couple days in before we start digging into the mountainside and created 'The Deep'. At first our defensive capabilities lied solely in turrets and sandbags. After fighting off raiders of increasing difficulty, we realized the turrets wouldn't hold.

I know I'm skipping a lot here but we finally managed to recruit more people and research. It was then we found the solution to our problem with raiders. And was met with another problem, our asinine leader who couldn't figure out the idea of using that solution.

It wasn't until a few days to a week later that we implemented the system. By then, the raiders were attacking in waves of 50 and 60. And once started, the fields became paved with blood...

-Colonial Leader-
Welcome everybody. Today we'll be discussing a very important matter.
-Colonial Leader-
Relax! We still have a thousand bushels left.
And do you know what we had a couple days before? FIVE THOUSAND! WE'RE DOOOOOMED!
-Colonial Leader-
That's what I want to announce today. Today. Our food surplus. Rose.
-Colonial Leader-
Yes, you heard me. It rose. It seems that by directing our workers to farming instead of mining the tunnels of Helmsdeep, it actually gave us food. You have me to thank for.
*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
-Colonial Leader-
Now then, to address the next issue. The issue with fires.... If you see a fire, please put it out. I know it's one of the few entertainment we get around here, but when that fire reaches the turrets, bad things happen. Don't ignore it and go on eating your food or sleeping, put it out. Especially you Benten. That fire was right next to your bed.
-Colonial Leader-
Aside from that, the colony is progressing smoothly. We've just recruited our 70th something colonist and Boone here just hauled in another prisoner this morning. Everyone, congratulate him.
*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
But sir, isn't kidnapping travelers kind of bad for our reputation?
-Colonial Leader-
Shut up Quinn. You may be a marine but you're still wounded from your last fight and I'm not.
*Somebody's stomach growls*
-Colonial Leader-
It really is. Meeting dismissed everyone. Be back here same time next week. Remember to rest and eat you dam workaholics. At least five of you near insanity every other day.... *Mutters*