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Messages - serge89

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
November 20, 2013, 03:56:03 AM
What about some piping for this game? Like water supply and sanitary system?

Idea is simple:
Colonists need water for cooking/sanitary. So there also need to dump out the used water. Design the underground piping (just like the conduit) and dump outside somewhere.

It will clogged some times so repair is required.
Some researches might need water (Lab) and it will create pollution. Maybe implemented a waste water treatment plant later? Keep it simple for now...:)
Ideas / Re: Idea- Morgue Ship?
November 20, 2013, 02:15:22 AM
Quote from: Tynan on October 06, 2013, 10:38:19 PM
You can actually get rid of bodies by blowing them up. Or burning them :)

I need to write some code so there are psychological costs to doing this...

Two ways in doing this, burns those boodies with respect will resullts a boost in morale and destroying those corpse without proper handling will cause a drop in morale. :)

Perhaps we should add a leadership system in this game. Like appointing a leader at the beginning of the game. If just in case he/she died, you need to re-appoint a new one. XD
Ideas / Re: The many-guns problem
November 19, 2013, 11:30:15 PM
Hi there,

I think every little enemies will drop all kind of misc stuff instead of the guns they holding. Those stuff could be foods, medkits, gun parts, and schematics perhaps? 8)

If you really wanna solve this issue, why not make the limit the enemies drops? Instead of one full & complete weapon. (Too good to be true in survival game as I am playing this game, I got M-24 at first wave of enemy invasion...) ;D

But this gonna be a lot more work for you since you need to define those parts and add in another system just for this. Gonna be more challanging for sure, at least it solve "too many guns" issue.

Nonetheless, if you played over a very long period of time, you still might able to craft out tons of guns, then this is where the melting your guns/parts into the big furnace and recraft into something better. Maybe from a blueprints/researches/schematics?

I am pretty sure you will develop those heavy mechanic enemies like robots or mammoth tanks etc later on (We are talking about space invasions & drop pod here, c'mon). Because I see the shells and missiles in the game which aren't much useful atm. :-\

Or even you can developed some quests system in the game later on? Some people will require you to give up some equipment so they will trade in some better stuffs.

Anyway, I am slowly getting out of this topic.  ::) ::)
Ideas / Terrains & Conditions
November 18, 2013, 08:48:15 PM
Hi there,

I was a player from WarZ and DayZ. (And lots games out there) So my idea might not able to help out much here and might conflict with copyrights issue here. Just take it as an article and read...

-->In the RimWorld, 3 guys started out with only 3 beds lying on the ground without any protection or supply, lets starts with the classic way in survival!!! :P

- Find some woods, start a camp fire. So ar night, there will be strong beast coming out to attack any livings, but they scared of FIRE! Like the game "Starving"
Making propers tools and weapons.(There are none inplicate in this game so far)
This make game looks more interesting, instead of start up with super Hi-Tech Solar power w/ Battery? Maybe because of this world, all of the people are well educated at first and they now fleeing into different planets. So they can start with some high tech building, idk.

- Able to advanced the technology by researching? (Like age of Empire) Some higher tiers age must be done by Researchers class ONLY when he reach Research skill level above 15 or ++ (I leave the details part)

- In this wild vast planets, people might get diseases or coldness etc...But there will be doctor class to investigate, discover, and produce immunity for the settlers! They might need to go out gather samples! In later game, Doc can be a field medic to heal/resuscitate fallen soldiers? (Doc might be like the Noble class where they cant fight well, so a partner with good combat skills might need to accompany this Doc all the time :P)

- Also, when the surface is getting scarce and you want to expand your colony, why no seek out the underground world? With higher tech upgrades, your people are ready to expand downward to underground (Perhaps ONLY settler with Deep Space Miner adulthood can do this) and seek better protection from the Sky 'Invadersssss'. But...there are actually more dangerous living waiting underneath OR unexpected good stuffs...XD

- For the trading so far its kinda good and simple, but it would be good if the trader can actually landed and do trading. You can choose to ambush the traders and get all their stuffs for FREE! But this will results more and more invaders to ur planets. Otherwise you will proceed with honest way that will results in more traders coming your ways and do tradings.

- Guns and Turrets are essential in this game. Maybe add in some more defence that will pro against/ weak against system. Hmmm, let me get into more detail here:
  1. Guns       Good -> infantry       Weak -> Armored (Improved by piercing ammo)
  2. Rockets   Good -> Armored Units    Weak -> Less Accuracy (Improved by homing sys.)
  3. Lasers     Good -> Overall                   Weak -> Consume tons of energy. (Nuclear Reactor Plant?)

I been thinking for a bigger pictures like aircrafts and tanks, OR even spaceships that allow your people to colonized nearby planets. There will be male and female marriage and get babies. People gets old and died (Time frame), but thats way too far for the game right now. Its not wrong to go bigger pictures right? XD ;)