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Messages - webkilla

I wish this mod collection would get updated - or if someone else would at least take it over and port it to 1.3
Quote from: Jaxxa on November 02, 2018, 08:11:32 AM
Thanks, I totally know how real life can get in the way.

I put up a version using those icons on stream. Plan to put forum links up soon.

It's been a while - did you ever put a link to this updated mod up?
General Discussion / any future plans for the game?
February 03, 2019, 07:53:20 AM
Love the game, been playing it for ages - but I've been thinking, and looking around on the dev blog without any luck: Have there been any official statement from the dev on whether there are any plans for the game moving forward?

any plans for future expansions, or more official content?
General Discussion / Re: after 1.0
July 16, 2018, 07:29:01 PM
ya its been over six months - and nothing

No DLC, no expansions - no followup updates?

I know that the modding scene for Rimworld is still going strong - but without future updates I don't see this game living enjoying nearly as much longevity as I had hoped it would have.

General Discussion / So... what's next?
April 15, 2018, 09:36:18 AM
The last devblog update was from back in january. The last facebook update is even older

Are the devs still working on the game, or are they working on something new? If so, what?
yes - but hypothermia also reduces Manipulation, which is the 'work' stat
Quote from: zandadoum on August 21, 2016, 01:41:34 PM
made a video a while back on how to deal with them

just do like my video and if your base grows a lot under mountain, just make heater hubs with switch like mine and make sure parts of your base can be sealed off with doors

that... is a LOT  of bears and cassowaries. Wow

but that took almost 10mins RL time at max speed to cook the things. Though, your heaters never got things up above 64C - can't they be cranked up higher?
I thought about that - but I looked at the injury charts on the wiki - hypothermia seems to be a lot more severe than heatstroke.

But I guess it depends on which of hypothermia or heatstroke that kills you the fastest. Anyone has any numbers on that?
What we need is a kipple dispenser

basically a machine with an internal inventory that can be fed via hoppers, that barfs out piles of kipple at certain times of day or something - or just tries to maintain a kipple pile of X size at all time next to itself
General Discussion / Insect countermeasure with ACs
August 21, 2016, 01:08:30 PM

when digging out large amounts of mining tunnels, the risk of bug infestation grows greater and greater, because... lots of dark tunnels

however, I got the idea of putting three ACs at the tunnel entrance, along with some nice and sturdy granite doors, and then if bugs come along... turn on the freezer and wait for all the live bugs to turn bugcicle

This isn't intended for insect farming - though I guess this could work for that too

do you lot think this could work?
I just found the mod on the Steam workshop - looks fun

Got it researched - but... where do I actually make the devices? I'm not seeing any guidelines or instructions on what workbench creates these?
Quote from: xlockeed on May 30, 2016, 02:47:47 PM
All I can say is chickens, swarms of them. You won't need walls or weapons. Just buy two and in less time it takes to research stone cutting. You'll have a feather maelstrom of nightmares. Make a restricted area all around base, let them eat grass or build hay fields. All it takes is one raider to kill or harm a single chicken and the rest will attack. Wish there was fear or panic modes. As long as the animal zone is the entire outside map not a single raider can flee. They can try, but in my experiences they can't out run 100+ chickens. Loot + Chicken meat = win win.

this is brilliant - the chicken zerg is real
General Discussion / Re: Steam keys?
June 02, 2016, 06:44:31 AM
Quote from: Nitro1248 on June 02, 2016, 06:32:56 AM

You're just not allowed to say, "you guys are gonna get keys because you bought the game"

I think the trick is that until the game is actually available on steam - then Valve doesn't let you promise steam keys to anyone. Especially for indie-games like this, then development might stop for all kinds of fun reasons - so Valve probably doesn't like it if devs promise keys before there is a ready game on steam for those keys.

I suspect its chiefly an aspect of Valve's PR policy - because by preventing people from going "But I was promised a steam key" puts on the onus purely on the game dev, not on Steam and Valve.
General Discussion / Re: Steam keys?
June 01, 2016, 02:29:06 PM
Quote from: Tynan on June 01, 2016, 02:14:32 PM
Valve's policies specifically prohibit selling keys to a game that isn't also for sale on Steam.

RimWorld isn't yet available on Steam, so I'm not allowed to sell keys for it.

If I promised a key to everyone who gave me $30, I'd be selling keys. I used to do this, and they emailed me and specifically told me to stop.

So, that's why I can't promise Steam keys to anyone.

However, Valve also seems to allow developers to give away as many keys as they like, after the game hits Steam. You're just not allowed to sell/promise them before the fact (for obvious reasons). So I don't.

Fair enough

For Factorio, the dev just sent out keys to all the non-steam early adopters. Shouldn't be hard if you have a costumer list you can cross reference with costumer email addresses. Just spam some mail-keys out once its up on steam.

Btw, with the animal breeding and hydroponics in the game, then I'm missing some weird science bits: Like being able to science up a 'mix' of animal and plants, so you make a 'flesh plant' that produces meat instead of potato. Do you think something like that could make it into the game?
Would it be possible to build a kind of trap where you lure enemies into a room, then seal the room, and then crank up heaters to cook your enemies inside? Like turning it up to 100 and watching them all stroke to death?