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Messages - Stan-K

General Discussion / Re: Closed vs. Open Colonies
January 04, 2018, 06:50:08 AM
I love to play open. However manhunter packs on permadeath make that very hard, so I compromise by adding doors in between the buildings - and scramble to close them when needed.

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Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
April 21, 2015, 08:42:08 AM
The "clear all" button could magically transform into an "add all" button, when all ingredients/items are cleared.
Ideas / Re: Shift force override reservations
April 20, 2015, 07:56:08 AM

And perhaps shift isn't even needed. Keep the text as is "Haul item (Jim is not a hauler)" or something like that, but allow you to click on it and override this way.

For me this means all pawns get a 4 priority on all tasks currently, which can result in some less than successful operations if you're not careful.
Why would a state of the art luxury space cruiser crash in the RimWorld universe? An asteroid? A sloppy AI? Perhaps even both...

But really, any excuse to combine my two favourite games is a good one.
Very short, but surprising those pesky raiders is very rewarding as well as visually appealing I'd say.

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Level 15 snipers should be able too hit targets often enough to break through shields.

That is if their weapon is reasonable, and their eye sight and manipulation are good. (EDIT: and consciousness)

To prevent the domino effect, you can build walls in between the turrets. One block can already stop the wave if they are build in a straight line. I would opt for stone ones, not sure if wood would suffice.
Ideas / What is a house without a window?
April 14, 2015, 05:59:36 PM
What would you expect from windows in a RimWorld colony?

I would like to build windows for the colonists. To get that homey feel you just don't get in a room without any natural lighting. This as well as for the shooting-through-the-window-like-they-did-in-the-wild-west feeling. It would allow for a lot of extra building styles, in an intuitive way, and it could be relatively simple to add.

Adding windows will make it easier to build a colony with minimal power usage, especially if you set the pawns scheduling (a10) to sleep during the dark hours. Windows would add some benefit to cave dwelling colonies, but lots of benefits to outdoor colonies, balancing these two styles slightly. E.g. to defend an open colony, windows would add a lot extra hard cover on your walls (currently, I just build lots, and lots of doors, which doesn't look right). But mostly, windows just make sense.

So I suggest the main window behaviours:

  • Natural lighting. Perhaps make the window's surroundings 'lit', if one side is 'brightly lit'.
  • Cover. They can be like sandbags between a wall, think wall/sandbag/wall.
  • Temperature. Like temperature flows acts on doors. Some leakage when closed, a lot when open.
  • Movement. Pawns can climb through them like doors on top of sandbags (time to open, and slow to get through).
  • Movement/shooting. They could be locked locked like doors, or by a controller, preventing movement as well as shooting.

My favourites snippets from older window threads (indeed, without their full context):
Quote from: Ruger on January 25, 2015, 04:27:50 PM
As this game is loosely based on Firefly and one of my favourite episodes being the defence of a brothel, where the party fortify the building and fire at the raiders from the windows. This is also a strong staple of shoot outs and standoffs in many Western films e.g Young Guns (1988).
Quote from: Mullie0 on November 06, 2013, 11:43:34 AM
The colonists should really like to look outside and should feel trapped when they are in a position where they can't see the outside for too long.

The window should give a larger bonus depending on the 'view'. The more cells without anything in it (like walls or rocks) should increase the bonus. When people can see wildlife (for example boomrats, muffalos or cacti) from their windows the bonus should be even larger.
And a nice thread on different types of windows
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
April 14, 2015, 08:16:05 AM
Make dead animals not be forbidden by default. It's frankly quite useless and dumb, and unless you live in a cold place, ends up with many rotting animal carcasses and bones littering the map making places ugly and your colonists unhappy.

Miniguns etc. kill unsuspecting animals as well as enemies. Animals that die this way will not be in safe places. I'd say:

QuoteMake dead animals not be forbidden by default
...except when fighting is going on. This is already recognised by the game and slows down time to 'normal'.
My a7 colony reached 67 colonists, food was never a problem, but that was growing outside. There was seconds long lag during the start of battles though. About 20 of them may have "lived" in the spaceship in stasis, only to get out if there's a fight they were needed for. That'll save some food, but uses metal too.

Quote from: b0rsuk on March 31, 2015, 10:22:28 AM
Why basins ?? Why not just roofed soil with sunlamps ?

Exactly, you'll only need the heater, and a sunlamp for growing indoors. Just build over soil and don't place floors.

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
March 30, 2015, 12:11:26 PM
Quote from: Nuggerath on March 29, 2015, 02:20:15 AM
Add a possiblity to randomly choose landing location - sometimes i can`t decide which bio/terrain i want to play so...this will be quite helpfull :D

And on top of that, a "Quick Start" button on the home screen. Click quick start, choose difficulty, start.
General Discussion / Re: Alternatives to killboxing
March 30, 2015, 08:23:12 AM
Killboxes will make defending easier, but they are not needed. A completely open plan base can be defended with colonists only, and I am currently playing this on Cassandra extreme. (

A base will give you plenty of cover ( And while the enemy is still approaching, they're exposed. Once their numbers are too many, and when they take cover behind trees, and chunks, you can reposition a bit further into the base (, and The enemy will need to approach, leaving cover and find a new spot. This will also split their long range guys from the short range ones. Once the enemy is in the base, you have full advantage. Yes, corners will provide cover for the enemy, but only your colonist can use doors efficiently. Move through a room, pop out the door, shoot them in the back, close the door again.

A few notes
- When they out-range you, retreating in the base solves all your problems.
- This will work for mechanoids as well, these do not seem to cope well with close corner combat.
- Having a 0-3 shooting skill colonist means they'll be a hunter equipped with a shoddy pistol for a few days. That will get basic shooting skills quickly, and most gain for short range is in the first shooting points.
- Drop pods can be dealt with in the same way, and the few seconds you have for the enemy to exist their pods is enough to get colonists out of direct danger.
- Damage to walls and colonists is inevitable, make sure to capture/recruit more enough new ones, and prepare to invest in bionics.
- Yes, this strategy can fail too :D (

I like to build with lots of separate houses. Ample use of doors provides lots of cover and a maneuvering advantage. Once the enemy gets close, retreat indoors, and run to a new spot.

This is from a7 though, in the very cold/hot I have been playing since lots of houses are a bad idea.

More images of this colony at
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
March 21, 2015, 11:10:57 AM
A warning if a colonist is about to run out of blood. Ideally a combination of blood loss and rate. E.g. "At this rate your colonist will die in half a day"

A blood transfusion operation/action could also help. Donate 20% of The doctors bloos to the patient or something like that.

Quote from: b0rsuk on March 21, 2015, 05:24:11 AM
* Monkeys should randomly move loose items a few tiles. If you leave your wood, steel or item stockpiles in the open, they will throw it around several tiles..

Ideas / Re: Belief System
March 21, 2015, 07:16:36 AM
Belief systems can be a great way to aim for something grand, think of the pyramids, cathedrals and the like. It could also add victory conditions. I thought to make something grand, and once finshed, I'd be happy without needing to leave by spaceship.

My a7 chapel was too simple in itself, so it was dedicated to expensive stuffs. It wasn't frequented by any pawns other than those watering plants which would have been nice. And to make it a challenge, it should be expensive, which quickly degraded to a hunger for gold... more gold! So the $ grand plan was designed. After this was burned down by tribals a few walls before it was finished, I took it as a sign to trade this godforsaken planet for space the traditional way.

Ideas / Re: Override
December 14, 2014, 05:47:28 AM

Simple, elegant, and a good Improvement.

I would like to add the similar situation can be solved too: "X is not a hauler/doctor/etc". Ok, so x is not a hauler, but if she is capable of it, for just this once, she should do it, just because I say so.