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Messages - Riph

Quote from: Loki88 on October 10, 2015, 01:52:03 PM
a quick fix
Oh I know how to fix it.  I just thought it was hilarious.
Saw this in my food stores today.
Quote from: Darkhymn on March 13, 2015, 02:05:34 AM
As for sieges, on standard sized maps at least, they rarely finish building a mortar before I eliminate them, so they don't do much harm. I find this more fun than just ignoring them until they starve to death like I do in mountains lol.
This attitude I see all over and it is such a mystery to me.

When the enemy brings a mortar siege on me, they have more M-24 troopers guarding the approach to their site than I have colonists in total.  And when I do decide to get into a sniper duel, it requires ~5 quickloads before my sniper (skill 12, cyber eyes, cyber arms) manages to land a shot on their sniper (skill 3, bad back) before getting instantly headshotted.

Quote from: Mathenaut on March 12, 2015, 10:33:53 PM
Pirate sieges will eventually die out in winter, though with mortars being more accurate, they stand to do alot of damage you can't afford to play cleanup with.

And that's why every colony of mine is deep under a mountain.
I remember shortly after the temperature system was implemented, I got this great idea that I would make an arctic colony (a fun challenge in and of itself) with the sadistic side benefit of watching those detestable mortar siege teams freeze to death.

I barely got the colony started when I realized:  Everyone spawning on this map seems to spawn with a parka.  All the raiders are smartly dressed and have nothing to fear from the cold.  Worse, I can just put parkas on all my own colonists and now all temperature problems are solved, I don't even seem to need room heaters.

Has anyone else experienced this?  I'm kind of disappointed, but off the top of my head I'm not sure how you'd implement cold weather gear that allows you to temporarily go outside and not die.
Also, negative thoughts aside, I'm really glad for more opportunities to behave as a non-sociopath in this game.  The totally optimized solution is also frequently the one paved with human suffering.

Not that I know anything about that.
I'm surprised there's this much "Why was this included?!?" hubbub.  This is a feature that I've wanted for some time.  I don't like dealing with the negative thoughts fallout of executions, and a full prison is annoying.  A one-click GTFO button is a great fix that likely didn't eat up much devtime.
Mods / Re: 'Make until you have (range)'
November 10, 2014, 05:53:31 AM
On a totally unrelated note, this feature (make until x) is primarily responsible for me being unable to play Dwarf Fortress anymore. ;)  Going back now I have no idea how I ever put up with having to queue up things like food and drink production over and over and over again.
Mods / Re: 'Make until you have (range)'
November 10, 2014, 05:08:31 AM
Quote from: Tynan on November 10, 2014, 01:15:45 AM
Understood. It is something I want, conceptually, but it's actually quite tricky because of the way the AI is structured. Essentially, the AI has no way of transferring information between 'jobs', which means every decision to make food is totally independent of the one before. This can, of course be feasibly solved. I'm just very wary of adding any complexity to the AI. It is already by far the most complex and difficult-to-maintain system in the game.

If I may hurl uneducated speculations at you for just a moment, a suggested solution:

Player sets a "Make until you have 6-20" request as noted earlier in the thread.
The game records this internally as "Make until you have 20" and the cook runs over and cooks until there is 20.  Now, the check you add, is "Is this the last item in the batch order?" which I'm foolishly guessing is pretty easy.  Each time the cook cooks, he compares the current stocks 18.. 19.. 20.. to the target number which is 20.  There is no change in behavior until he hits the last item in the batch order.  At 20, the table sets its internal cook order to 6.

Nothing happens until the stocks hit 5, at which point the cook returns to the table.  Now the second change, is a second check to see if the current batch quantity is the low or the high.  The cook returns, and the game compares the current 6 internal number to the 20 we stored earlier.  It sees a difference, and sets the internal value from 6 to 20.

The cook now cooks to 20.  The last item check is made, and the internal value is set to 6.

System now takes care of itself, and it only makes checks during the beginning of each job execution.
Looks good Mipen.  Can you tell us if you've tested if this wall will cause cave-ins if a long line of them are toggled at the same time (because for a brief instant they're in a nothing-state?)  That concern was raised earlier in the thread.

It's not a huge issue if it does, I'd just like to know.  It would be understandable if our amazing toggleable walls were not load bearing.
Quote from: Coenmcj on November 06, 2014, 10:50:20 PM

Edit ; If someone does make a smaller one, what would the possibility of something having toggleable cover properties?
Like from something the height of a sandbag to a full blown wall?
For embrasure type pillboxes that turn into full-on bunkers at the click of a button

This sounds fantastic.  The ideal implementation is probably something like a 'blast window' that, when set to the open state allows firing through but provides cover, and when set to the closed state is completely impassable to walking and shooting.
Quote from: eatKenny on November 07, 2014, 04:52:49 AM

i just did a quick test but everthing seems ok, currently i have little time but i will test it more carefully in this weekend.

I just made a new colony to test and started some fires.  Everything works fine.

Loading my old save still has bugged fires though.  Strange!
Quote from: mrofa on November 07, 2014, 03:46:08 PM
Basic concept is that after button is pressed current object get destroy and the other object is spawned.
Are you able to retain the building's HP?  Otherwise wouldn't it get a full heal every time you switch its state?
Quote from: Timber on November 07, 2014, 04:28:05 AM
How wide do you want it?
I was thinking 2x1, though that's an excellent question.  I don't suppose it's possible to make it 1x1 so that the user can simply drag out as many as they like to get an exact width?  In my mind that's the best solution, but if there's unexpected difficulty then 2x1 or 3x1 is probably acceptable.
One of the things I've been looking for in the mods section is a block which functions like the Dwarf Fortress drawbridge.  For those who don't play dwarf fortress, this is a wall panel that can be toggled by the user to flip up (as a shield) or flip down (as a walkable passage)

The reason for this is that I'd love to have certain areas of my colony protected by improvised turrets, but of course any random passing foe will just snipe them out rather than get in range.  With this item you could wait until the pirates are in range, then surprise them with a wall panel that opens up revealing guns.  I'd also like to be able to 'flip up' a protective armor plate in front of my colonists' pillbox during a firefight if one of them gets badly wounded and needs to withdraw.

The bridge part of the drawbridge is largely unnecessary because Rimworld doesn't feature z levels.  It could be implemented as an 'automatic window' toggleable by the user and it'd be great.

Also if anything like this exists now, please link me!