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Messages - TracerFox

Any news regarding an A9 version of Natural Terrain Floors?
Quote from: curi0 on February 27, 2015, 01:12:16 PMBtw, does anyone know how to increase the radius of the roof support? I changed the value of <specialDisplayRadius> from 5 to 12, but as the tag suggest it only affect the radius display, not the real support radius.

I'm no expert, but that sounds like the kind of thing you'd need a dll edit to accomplish, since I suspect that the actual support radius might be hard-coded normally.  Either that, or it's tied to the base wall defs, in which case you could either edit *all* walls support radius, or make a new basedef and parent the roof pillar to that one.
Quote from: Haplo on February 22, 2015, 03:43:40 PM
The reason I have one mod is, that it is much easier for me to handle.
Because of that I most likely won't provide 10 part mods where I can provide one or two instead.
But I'll maybe change the structure a bit to make it easier for you to delete the parts you don't want to have.
Or I'll provide a reduced variant. But what should be inside the reduced one? Who knows.. We'll see.
If you do end up making a 'lite' version, I would suggest just the trader and artefact incidents, as well as door locks as the Lite features.  Possibly the modular turrets, but that one's debatable.

Incidentally... What would I need to do/change to get a weapon from another mod (Stun Gun from the Non-Lethal's mod) to show up as an option for the modular turret base?
Quote from: Minus on February 20, 2015, 11:22:10 AM
Okay guys! I've not got a clue where to even start on updating this to A9. So anything you think might be helpful to tell me will help! I only just read my msitake on making arms attach to arms still. Really thought I'd already fixed that but, whoops.
Confused by that bug about harvesting dead bodies. Is that something they put in A8? If so, it kinda makes my vats redundant.
Damn Jabba those look nice! I'll put them in and see how they look. As nice as they are, I'm a little worried they might clash with vanilla.

*sigh*. Really got a lot of work to do now. Turtle Medic, halp!
After some testing and research I'm fairly certain that this was something *removed* in A8, not put in.  Near as I can tell Tynan thought that being able to harvest organs from the dead was a bug, and 'fixed' it.
Personally, I would like the ability to harvest from corpses.  Maybe not organs, but at least the ability to recover implants and prosthetics.  So maybe it's something worth doing anyway.
Quote from: elStrages on February 20, 2015, 11:33:57 AMThe problem is, is that he workbench code he used was from my original water in food mod which I directly copied from CS. If anything needs to change the coding In his mod for the bucket well and workbench all need to be done. I have told him this a couple of times but seems to have not been seen in the posts or maybe he forgot or something. I'll message over there again and see what's up

Gotcha.  I finally made a work-around of my own by removing the water bucket from the dough recipe.  Not very realistic, but functional.  Two additional possible workarounds I tested included changing the water bucket recipe (at the well) to require wood directly (instead of crafting empty bucket first).  Third workaround would be to edit the dough recipe again; in there is a commented out section which gives the empty bucket back after making dough, just uncomment this to make buckets re-usable.  This third option would require you to start with at least one bucket of course.
Just wanted to share an amusing story that happened while using Mechanical Defense.  I was playing the Sole Survivor scenario using a colonist I'd tweaked using Prepare Carefully.  I wanted to create a kind of Borg feel for this colony, with new arrivals being fitted with implants and drone cores.  To help get things started I decided to max out the skills and implants of this single colonist, with the premise being some kind of mad genius character.
So everything's going well, I've got hydroponics, crafting, ore production and other essentials going.  Even managed to craft one of each droid type to help things along.  Lo and behold I get a raider party show up.  I snipe a few of em, then the main group rushes the base.  I'd already set up a pillbox turret nest using embrasures and parked my armored and cybered up colonist in here to take down the raiders.
No less than thirty seconds into the fight and my lone colonist, my cyborg hive king, gets shot by two raiders carrying endgame nano-pistols from the Glittertech mod, and down goes the hive's king!
Now I expected to get a game over, but the game apparently considers all those droids to be still-living colonists.  So now I have a colony which is basically running on auto-pilot with droids!
I'm planning on making a few combat droids to capture the next visitor and toss them into the surgical bay for augmentation.
Got a compatibility suggestion to make.  I've finally tracked down why my colonists were ignoring the crafting bill to make the wooden buckets at the wood worktable (buckets coming from Hermit's Kitchen mod).  Turns out that both CS and HK make changes to that workbench which interfere with each other.  I'm not sure what exactly is overriding what, but might be worth exploring.
Quote from: elStrages on February 18, 2015, 01:30:38 AM
Rimwolrd folder > mods > "mod name" > defs > thingDefs > race_humanoid.xml
I believe that's the file path, I'm not near my computer to look right now :) but I'm pritty sure its that
Huh... Just checked the ES mod, and it does not use that file, nor does it seem to edit the humanoid pawn defs anywhere else in the mod.
Quote from: elStrages on February 17, 2015, 01:29:40 AM
Merge the pawn_humanoid install part section def in the XML should resolve the issue

Huh.  Just did a search for pawn_humanoid in all the XML files of both CS and ES and got no hits at all.  Sorry to sound obtuse here, but which files specifically am I looking for/at?  Pretty sure I can figure out the merges to make once I know what files to work on.
Quote from: Asfalto on February 12, 2015, 05:58:14 PM
Any possibilieties of compatibility between this and Glitter Tech?

I mean, now i know they aren't.. will they be?
What's incompatible between this and Glittertech?  I've had them running together, but didn't notice anything.
Can anyone confirm if ES and CS are incompatible if used together? Could they be edited to be made compatible?
If so, would anyone be willing to guide me through this?
Got a quick question for you guys.  Can anyone give me a summary of how this mod differs from Extended Surgery?  I love the basic idea of new implants, surgeries, and organ harvesting.  Both mods seem to have these basic themes, but I really don't know how they differ, and not sure which one I would want to use more.
Quote from: JuliaEllie on February 12, 2015, 05:06:07 AM
Yes it is possible but only through .dll also it would make an already OP feature even more OP and it might become ridiculously OP to a point it breaks the game.

Drat.  Was hoping this would be possible without changing the source code, ah well.
I'm not overly concerned with balance here.  This would have been a personal tweak intended for a run I'd planned to theme kinda like the Borg, absorbing or harvesting all the colonists and raiders I came across.  I tried adding a tweaked trait to my colonists, but it kinda backfired when I got raiders who spawned with the same buffs I was giving my crew.
Okay got a question for ya regarding the drone core implant.  Is it possible to have an implant affect things normally altered by colonist traits?  Specifically, I want to tweak the drone core so that those who have it installed are no longer affected by mood changes.  Idea being that if they're just drones now, they shouldn't have mental breakdowns, right?

If this is indeed possible, is it something which can be added via the def files, or would it need to be changed in the source and recompiled?
Hey Telkir, I had some ideas I wanted to suggest for future development of the Natural Terrain Floors mod.
First off, hopefully you can find a way to 'wildcard' stonetypes into recipes needing stone. Wonder if each of the stone types could be made to inherit from a generic stone deftype, which could then be used as the wildcard.  This is something that should've been in vanilla I think.  Having visually distinctive stone is cool, but it multiplies all the recipes where the visual type shouldn't matter.

Second, with regards to water, dirt, gravel and sand.  I think the more realistic option would be to introduce resource types for each of these. 
I know there's a couple mods which allow you to process stone into sand.  This could easily be done for NTF as well, with similar recipe for gravel.  Is it possible to copy the deftypes from these other mods so that they would be interchangeable if both mods are installed?
For water tiles, a similar approach could be taken using a 'well' building which produces water resources (Such a thing exists in Hermit's Kitchen, and I think one other mod).  Water mixed with sand/gravel could produce dirt, and water with dirt could be used for mud.

That should give you the gist of where my suggestions are going.  Hopefully the input is useful!