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Messages - Reolos

In no particular order of importance:

Z Levels. Without Z levels Rimworld will always be in the looming shadow of Dwarf Fortress. I know it is probably beyond reality, as the game would have to be totally recoded, but that is my Wish...

Core "Prepare Carefully". I will wait to play a new Alpha or Beta until the Prepare Carefully Mod is updated to compatibility. I never play the game without it and I am not alone. It, or something similar, should be a core part of the game.

Water. There has never been a water mechanic to the game, and since A11, it has been my greatest request. Water for pawns, livestock, crops, heating, cooling, etc... Adds more depth and difficulty to biomes.

Revamped quest system. The quests you receive from other factions are nice, but they are very basic, with not much depth. A deeper colony quest system that you could design with the editor or at game start would be welcome, so the path of your colony is rewarded by meeting quests along the way.

Other "win" conditions. I have never built the ship and "won". It isn't how I like to play. I would rather tough it out until it is no longer fun or the framerate from the raids are impossible. Other win conditions could include Hegemony: 10 of your own bases built and surviving, Alliance: A certain number of factions are allied with you against the remaining, Dominance: A certain number of bases raided and or destroyed by your hand. They aren't much richer than the Escape win, but at least there could be alternatives.

Children. Everyone wants pawns to reproduce and children to be a part of the game, I assume.

General Discussion / Re: B18 - Crafting Medicine sucks
December 26, 2017, 10:42:45 AM
I would suggest getting Mad Skillz from the workshop. You can adjust and even eliminate the needless skill degradation with it.

Mods / Re: [Mod Request] World Map Road Building System
October 14, 2017, 10:21:11 AM
It has been developed!

Rimroads by Jekrell:
A video of it in action:

I haven't used it yet, but THANK YOU!
General Discussion / Alpha 18?
September 30, 2017, 09:12:36 AM
Has there been any posts or words to the aether about A18? Just curious. Loving A17 and the tons of new mods for it, but I also love hearing from Tynan...

Mods / Re: [mod request]Forced labor for prisonners
June 04, 2017, 10:07:56 AM
This is an excellent idea. Rimworld... Prison Architect style! Haul rocks from point A to point B, cut stone blocks, crush rocks into rubble, mine, cook their own food, butcher and skin creatures... It could be like a real prison! Their would be merit in actually holding prisoners now, and utilizing them, rather than just trying to recruit them or release...

I think it might be cool to implement it for factions as well. I think a trading faction that you buy from often, that travels to you often, and that you have built a good rapport with (Hospitality A17 please!), could also build roads to you as well!

Mods / [Mod Request] World Map Road Building System
June 02, 2017, 12:49:00 PM
Hi all,

Before you troll, I am NOT talking about a pack like MikeRobe's Highway Restoration (excellent work!). I am suggesting a system that uses the caravan model to build roads of varying levels on the world map. You would need to pack or procure materials along the way, man hours would need to be involved, as well as terrain modifiers, but the goal would be to, over time, connect your colony to the other known civilizations of the rimworld, through road-making. I have no modding abilities whatsoever outside of sprite tweaking, and so, this is why I am suggesting it here.

Hi Tynan,

Thanks for A16, best ever! As a player who loves a certain 10 mods, I would prefer the latter option. There is also more content to add in your release video, otherwise it's just "fixes" and no one wants to watch that video...

The Underpeople

Faction History:  Centuries before our player's toons arrive, another crash brought victims to the planet.  These found shelter in a large cave system under the planet, and were never able to contact the outer galaxy.  Over the generations, they survived on cave flora and fauna, tunneled out villages and tunnel networks, and adapted to cave living.  They also became insular and greatly mistrust those who live on the surface.

Special Traits: 1) Enhanced vision in the dark/ Diminished vision when it is light.  2) All Underpeople have an exceedingly high mining skill

Equipment: I picture medieval weaponry.  Axes, picks and crossbows. They should be heavily armoured because of the easy access they get to minerals, and should carry a larger than normal amount of wealth with them.

Player Relationship: Hostile. Recruiting should be rather hard, and toons will keep their darkness preference.

Special Events: Attacks should take place only at night. Underpeople should literally pop out of a newly made tunnel in the ground, sometimes right in the center of a base. They will attack light sources first, and then move on to general mayhem and melee. When finished, they will retreat to the tunnel, or off the map, whichever is closer.
General Discussion / Re: Why is milk a vegetable?
August 08, 2016, 09:12:45 AM
Perhaps, as most vegetarians are ovo-lacto (eat milk and eggs), milk was better served in the veg category, rather than the meat?
Hi all,

I have been playing since A8 (if I remember correctly). I had mentioned a water system way back when, as had others, and I was wondering if Tynan had commented on it, or if was in the works in any way?

What I had envisioned was water needed for everything. Pawns need to dig wells for finding it, or use map water if it is present.
Water would be needed for:

  pawn hydration (canteens and bubblers)
  plumbing (for cooking and droppin' deuce)
  animal hydration (both domestic and wild)
  crops (irrigation channels, then sprinkler systems, then aquaponics)
  firefighting (bucket brigade, then hoses and sprinklers)
  defense (moats, floodgates, and fire-hosing)
  some crafting (hide-working, tempering steel, etc)
  cleaning (mopping, and even personal hygiene)
  biome fauna (fish, mollusk, crustaceans).

Looking forward to the next alpha, keep up the good work!
General Discussion / Re: Purpose of the "world"?
January 26, 2016, 11:33:12 AM
Random Map Generation is a thing of beauty in of itself. It does affect long play, in that, when you decide to start a new colony on the same map, that colony you started will still be there. It is also a nice vehicle for delivering the different random factions that you encounter. On top of that, it creates a "realistic" way to choose your biome and starting location. I often spend 20 minutes (1/2 the time compared to DF) or more looking over my map and choosing my spot, I enjoy it.

Thinking about this game as an immersive-survival-roleplaying experience, the world map gives the backdrop for your colony. Just like the galaxy in Star Wars, the map gives you the background for the personal stories we experience there. Without the galaxy/world map, our "suspension of disbelief" would suffer.

Remembering that this game is still Alpha, the world map gives us the potential for a lot of actual gameplay. We may be able to leave OUR colony at one point. We may be able to send trade missions or assaults off-map. we may be able to expand our colonies to neighboring or new locations. Without the world map already in place, these things come off the board.
I am surprised no one has mentioned UnReal World...
Thank you so much for A9!!!
Here is what I giggle about when daydreaming at work about Rimworld's future:

(1) Build Over "Stuff" When we are able to make the jump from wood to stone or metal, new walls could be built over old without first removing the old, and the 50% mats would be left on the ground for you. Same goes with flooring. PLEASE let us repurpose floor material.

(2) Husbandry It is time, no? A10 is a big one, double digits and all. I want to breed cobras so badly, and train them as watch snakes!

(3) Wheelbarrows Or some other hauling condenser mechanic.

(4) Adopt EDB's Stuff Honestly, Prepare Carefully and UI are so good I find it less of a game without them installed. No offense intended.

(5) Half Walls and Gun Slits (fortifications) Walls we can shoot over, and slits we can shoot through.

(6) Buildable Roofing Roofs must be built manually, but we get to choose the mats, thus changing their durability.

Love you.
General Discussion / Re: Call for public testers!
February 05, 2015, 10:17:54 AM
I would like to help. I can devote about 1-2 hours a night.