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Messages - Anduin1357

Mods / Re: Deterministic raiding parties
October 27, 2020, 12:15:06 PM
Many thanks!

The rest was just me venting ahaha.

EDIT: Actually, I found the specific mod that matches my [request] and supersedes the Spotted mod!

Preemptive Strike (Fork) (1.2)
Mods / Deterministic raiding parties
October 26, 2020, 07:29:02 AM
I remember that there was some watchtower mod where you could set up a structure and man it to get advance warning and vision on nearby travelling caravans and raiders. I think the last time I saw it, it was a [1.0] mod.

If the game could be made a bit more deterministic about raids and raid strength where you could kill or really hurt enemy settlements to stymie raiders, that would really help end-game colonies ease the pressure off all the bandits trying to make off with the dragon's hoard.

And of course, some kind of high power jammer to ward off mechanoids, and preventing insectoid infestations if there's no drilling or digging happening. (By moving all the mining to another location and a lot of pods)

There's gotta be a way to 'win', and losing in the end-game should be something political about factions and blood feuds, no way some random raiders gonna knock down those walls!
Compatible with Rimfeller? ie. Not generating a new oil layer down there!!!
Mods / [Mod Request] Custom food defines framework.
April 06, 2019, 02:24:52 AM
A utility mod that enables other mods to create pawns that can eat 'food' that doesn't have nutrition such as chemfuel, using custom defines for what 'nutrition' should mean to those pawns and their diets.

Should enable motorized rover 'animals' that dock to a fuelling station to eat and hibernate.

Alternatively, a vehicle charger that spawns within its own inventory, a massless 'charge' item that an electric rover pawn then 'eats' and hibernates at.

Other applications include robotics, mythical creatures, golems and elementals.

Additionally, Caravans can also benefit from pawns with high movement speed, therefore a vehicle pack 'animal' with high moving speed will increase the caravan speed, opening the door to vehicle mods.

Vehicle Mod Concept section
To deal with moving vehicles, force the vehicle to spawn directly at their chargers/refueling stations on entry to a settlement; then prevent all movement of the 'animal pawn' and force them to feed on chemfuel/charge.

Range of vehicle is limited to their considerable 'food' reserves. Chemfuel vehicles require significantly more maintenance, while electric vehicles require infrastructure to charge. Chemfuel vehicles may be hand fed by colonists but maintenance requires docking to a refueling station or activation of item 'vehicle repair kit' and targeting of the vehicle, similar to Questionable Ethics mod's Brain Scanner - apply to colonist.
I know all you guys wanna do is feed those disgusting nutrient paste meals to them animals.
It's all you Rimworlders know how to do, commit war crimes and just be horrible people in general.

How do I know? Simple.

I'm one of you guys too...

Seriously though,
Assigning meals to animals should work the same as assigning meals to colonists.
Actually, I'll just close this, it's probably something dumb like ingredient radius.
The workbench cannot find material for it's current bill, therefore forbids it's use until its current bill can complete,
preventing other bills that may actually provide material for the workbench to complete its current bill. Cue production jam.

Take for example, the workbench - Stonecutter table.

Bill 1. [stone chunks] to break into precursor material [2x crushed rocks]
Bill 2. [1x crushed rocks] to be made into precursor material [1x sand]
Bill 3. [5x cement][20x crushed rocks][20x sand] to be combined into [150x concrete]
The colony has run out of [sand] to use in bill 3.

All Stonecutter tables are currently focused on fulfilling {Bill 3} but lack [20x sand] to proceed.
In order for {Bill 3} to proceed, {Bill 2} must be fulfilled first; to make [sand].
Therefore, since the stone cutter never proceeds to {Bill 2}, {Bill 3} is never completed.

This bug was mitigated by suspending and resuming the affected bills in order for the tables to move on to another bill.

Appeal for Consideration
Although this bug only occurs in mods where bills with precursor materials exist, this is a bug of the vanilla function of work table bills.
I thereby appeal for this bug to be considered despite being less relevant to the base content of Rimworld.

Thank you.

Does this mod respect crafting skill gates so that no random pawn can just pick them up and craft me an awful without my consent?
Also, is the unfinished items still tied to one workbench only or can it be worked on by any other similar workbenches?
Is 64-bit? My save crashes the applet at render when the browser process hit 4GB of memory usage.
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Pause when satisfied stockpiles
December 21, 2017, 06:21:24 PM
Well, it doesn't have that for stockpiles :/
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Reloading guns
December 21, 2017, 01:28:38 AM
Honestly, this game needs an overhaul on how guns are used, a smart approach to using the ammunition in a magazine such as choosing when to spray and when to carefully aim, with the trigger-happy/careful shooter traits being modifiers to bias either way and a bonus to accuracy in their preferred fire modes. This would make assault rifles and LMGs way more effective at laying down fire than semi-automatics at the cost of well, more ammunition use.

But I digress. Such an overhaul would surely require rewriting how shooting works which naturally requires C# and a boat load of time.
Mods / [Mod Request] Pause when satisfied stockpiles
December 20, 2017, 07:18:01 PM
Sometimes, we just want to bring some material to a stockpile and forget about it for awhile and let our haulers do other stuff than restock it every time stuff gets taken.
Let's make this happen with a pause when satisfied option where the stockpile is ignored once filled until it runs out to the specified stock level.

Quote from: Cybernetic Storm Steam Workshop description
Key Points

  • A Fresh Game will be needed due to core file edits.
  • The mod will need to be close to the top of the mods list for full functionality.
Is there a previous version to download? I really want to continue my (now effectively broken) save. I used the workshop and so I don't have the previous version anywhere...
Yes Vehicles mod isn't B18 though...  :'(
Might I say that having electric vehicles similar to the Tesla model S, X and Semi would be great, the model X having built-in bio-weapon defense capability so no problem with toxic fallout, for example. The party would be forced to temporarily make camp and put down stuff to charge the batteries once in awhile but it would be quite worth it with a much better enhanced stealth (because it's quiet) and safe that it won't explode or something.

The downside? Components and breakdowns... :/