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Messages - PieTau

Ideas / sterile tile research
December 22, 2016, 12:30:26 PM
I think sterile tile should require research.

The fact that i can make a room sterile, but can't make a carpet seems a little odd.
Ideas / Re: Cannibal meal
November 08, 2016, 07:03:59 PM
Placing a human meal on top of regural ones does not change the other meals.
The issue is that only the top one is accessible, this causes the problem that the game thinks that there are no meals and your cook doesn't make new ones once "make to x" is reached.
This is also true the other way around if you have human meal but normal meals got placed on top, to bad for your canibal no juicy red steak.

Solution is simple make different meals for canibals so they dont stack.
May i suggest pemmican. This cooking method is invented by tribal people who have perfected the art of cooking people. It holds for a long time so it won't spoil before your next shipment arrives, it require vegetables so you can make more delicous meals and it comes in a big pile, perfect to take a single bite when you are running low or want a mood boost. In theorie your appetite can be satisfied for 18 day by a single piece of human meat.
General Discussion / Re: Impressiveness Calculator
November 03, 2016, 05:34:05 AM
i found a error
it should also make the value inside the ln negative, or error
= IF(ABS(K5)<1;K5;IF(K5>0; 1+LOG(K5);-1-LOG(K5)))
= IF(ABS(K5)<1;K5;IF(K5>0; 1+LOG(K5);-1-LOG(-K5)))

and the second part doesn't take into account that there is a room limit of 350space (250tiles) or the beauty limit of 1000
makes it only capable of going to 126 impresiveness

it is very impresive and fancy sheet, i just was a little sad that it couldn't go higher
General Discussion / leaking battery
November 02, 2016, 11:24:38 PM
i wanted to now how much watt a solarpanel produces in a day. Because the light is irregural i desided to do it ingame.
I placed solargenerator with a battery and one with resp. 2,3 and 4 for a better average.

But what i discovered that when you have more than one batery some of the charge gets lost.
I did another test now to see how this stacks up with more bateries.
Up to 12 batteries being charged by a single solargenerator.
The results concluded that more bateries means more losses,  with 12 you loose 35%
This could be because when one battery has a little more charge it will give it to the others, but this causses the charge to be stored with another 50% loss. More batteries means more jumps from batery to batery each with more losses.

The results are a little odd.
The power jumps at sertain battery count, but doesn't seem to be a correslation between jumpnummers.
The amount that is lost and the amount of batteries doesn't has a correslation.
It is not random, i had multiple of each setup (breakdowns) and they all gave the exact same for the same batery count.

Can someone figure out wat causes this behavior and how exactly it can be calculated?

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
it is mentioned at the joy page, but yeah not that much info about it.
General Discussion / Re: Unwanted colonists
October 30, 2016, 12:53:56 PM
Let him hit everyone so no one likes him, this way you get positive mood from killing him.
Organ harvest is the most lucrative if you can afford the mood debuf.

If you have enough food then you can get rid of him without mood debuf and a easy raid.
Take its Legg and let him sleep in front of the killzone in sleepingspot, when raid delete spot and let them take him.
General Discussion / Re: Old age questions
October 30, 2016, 12:37:56 PM
I think that when a pawn gets older it gets higher chances for getting cancer. I have seen animals that were to old get it. Guess that it's the same for colonists
Ideas / Re: Square maps/rotate map
October 25, 2016, 12:37:32 PM
do you mean the worldmap?
because,i am pretty sure that the gamemap is a square
A spaceship is not designed for indoor flying.
you could try to make a prison cell close to the map and let your warden bring him to there and then release him

Not realy the best solution requires some micro managing but can help you negate those buffs
Ideas / Re: multi leveld buildings
October 23, 2016, 06:30:14 PM
i dont think it is going to be added in the near future but if you look at a tile in dev-mode you can see that there are three coordinates (*, *, *). the middle one is always zero right now -litle odd thought norm(x,y,z) and z was height-, so all is on lvl 0. But it is already in the code so it could be inplemented, will still be technically difficult.
Ideas / Re: Prison area
October 23, 2016, 05:00:43 AM
Star wars
Ideas / Re: Heat
October 22, 2016, 07:08:58 PM
that can be done with a heater and a cooler
if it is to hot cooler will cool, if it is to cold heater will heat
make sure the temp dont overlap or they will both work wasting energy
Quote from: Roy on October 20, 2016, 09:08:38 AM
I just found out that you can put sleeping spots on the interaction spots of workbenches to get a free 40% comfort. I get that stools, dining chairs, and armchairs would give the colonist something to sit to improve comfort. But a sleeping spot that you create out of thin air shouldn't do anything, right?

Is this actually an exploit? Now that I think about it, sleeping spots are very weird... They give 40% comfort (vs 0% from sleeping on the ground without sleeping spot), but don't require anything to be build. How does that work?

For the attachments, notice the difference in location of the little white triangle under the comfort bar.

then why limit with workshop put the entire base full of sleeping spot, they dont slow you down, comfort would never be an isue anymore. for wake-up user it is a real help they get grumpy becuse they can't relax.
getting extra food and shels from sieges

wait til they are asleep
take the food and the shels
(being carried be colonist counts as not being in base) so when you see drop pots coming down, let the colonist farthest away drop the food/shels and let him take the ones closest to the centre
repeat until they wake up
after enough runs you can have a lot of stacks laying outside there base.
now you can kill them and get the extra loot

i dont now exactly how far you have to bring it so the game thinks it is gone, it is difficult to see edge or centre of the siege camp