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Messages - MikhailBoho

General Discussion / Re: Your Predictions for Alpha 9
January 30, 2015, 08:51:21 PM
I'll actually have to bother with crafting as a source of income and outfitting my colonists now that raiders' clothing will deteriorate!
From my experience, Careful Shooter can be amazing early game before M-24's are common in enemy hands, yet those colonists lose their value later on when trigger-happy colonists shine, as like others have said they can mow down whole swaths of raiders.

Careful shooters main advantage might be their ability to deal with Mech raids as they can out-range Scythers and can slowly work down a crashed ship. Still, if you can manage to get a Trigger Happy colonists skill up, they are just as good at doing this, if not better.
The change I'm most excited about, the one that is going to massively change the way I play, rhe armor degradation system. It is going to make raider apparel based economies unviable, which should increase the allure of crafting disciplines. I can't wait for it!
Do you have a picture of the placement? If they see your entry door first, they'll go for that. The trick is to make walls that route them directly into your killbox.
I usually have two beacons. One inside my base that I can roof and unroof when I need to trade and another outside my base that leads into a killbox. Not sure if it's perfect but I haven't had any issues with it.
General Discussion / Re: How's the disease balance?
January 14, 2015, 09:32:48 PM
Thanks StorymasterQ, that was my point.

Also, the conversation about infections was in response to Tynan's question earlier in the thread, so it wasn't really derailing.

Quote from: Tynan on January 07, 2015, 12:10:23 AM
Are there too many infections?

Do others have opinions on this? I did tune infections up after A7.

Anyway, I checked the defs, and gunshot wounds have a 30% chance of infection. Early game, this is perfect as you'd usually end up with 1-3 wounds before your colonist or a raider is incapacitated (so the odds of infection are worrisome but not overwhelming).

Late game fights however are much harsher as both forces will be geared with armored hats and vests, power armor--so they take tons of bullet wounds before being incapacitated. So, they'll inevitably wind up with 15-20 bullet wounds, each of which has a 30% chance of becoming infected. This means that odds are they'll wind up with at least one infection that you'll need to deal with. When you have 6 prisoners and 6 injured colonists to care for and a small colony of 12, it can be a lot to manage.
General Discussion / Re: social experiment
January 13, 2015, 06:57:47 AM
Hahaha MathMog, that is amazing! What a strong little colonist. I get so salty when I watch 20 of my mortar hits miss, and they hit me, twice. During my game I had an enemy hit my mortar, injuring my colonists, then.. he hit them exactly in the same spot blowing two of them (right in my colonists face). I absolutely hate their accuracy.
Has the project finished? Are they still striking?
General Discussion / Re: How's the disease balance?
January 13, 2015, 06:48:22 AM
Quote from: Voqar on January 12, 2015, 10:55:13 PM
I think infection happens too fast/easy.  I guess you can micro dealing with it better but considering how often you fight and how many wardens/doctors you may have set up, you shouldn't need to micro it (making sure prisoners get medical attention) so much (IMO).  I feel like in my most recent game I had good doctors and wardens and a tight/efficient layout and I think my prisoners got infections every time I captured people.

Were you treating your prisoners in medical beds with medicine? Using no medicine guarantees poor quality treatment (what do you expect from rotting potato bandages from last years harvest?), and raiders typically get a lot of wounds before they fall. Have a look at their injuries sometime. I'm amazed at the damage some of them manage to take without dying.

Anyway, every poorly treated wound carries with it a chance of infection, so as the number of wounds increases, the odds that you'll get at least one infection becomes pretty high. To avoid that, give them medicine (herbal medicine is preferred as most prisoners are swine anyway) and if you can manage it, a couple hospital beds for 'em.
Out of curiosity, did you have any locked doors, any large projects that couldn't be completed due to a lack of materials, or orders on production tables that couldn't be filled? I've noticed that sometimes when I'm in a situation where the AI cannot complete a task they're assigned to for whatever reason, they sometimes enter into the frozen state you describe, where they're just "standing". Like you said, manually moving them about with the draft function seems to unstick them, but I'm curious if the scenarios I listed above play a role.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
January 12, 2015, 09:56:00 PM
I never really understood the point of conduit walls. What advantage do they have over ordinary walls with conduits built over them?
Ideas / Re: Easy identify fully grown trees
January 12, 2015, 09:53:32 PM
I second this. If not an easy way to identify them, make it so that the Chop Wood order will only work on fully grown trees. I hate the idea of losing out on resources by cutting trees too early.
I'm going to do some testing. See if putting a trade beacon with a home region some ways away from my base can force them to drop somewhere random.
Stories / Re: Your Best Screenshots
January 12, 2015, 12:26:52 AM
I present to you Dandelion Fields. It was a glorious home, before we decided to abandon it for the comfort of space. I just could not mentally handle another alien spaceship. No Cassandra. No.

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General Discussion / Re: social experiment
January 12, 2015, 12:10:39 AM
Just had another crashed ship fall and my colonists are fed up of it. We've built our ship and are preparing to leave. Just hit Spring of Year 4. Soon to abandon Fort Dandelion Fields. Learned a lot.

- Solar is too limited for late game extravagance and batteries are incredibly annoying when they explode every two weeks. Wind is the way to go because they're ridiculously reliable.
- Mechs love to start fires inside of killboxes decorated with dandelions and dandelions are great for landscaping as they don't die as often as flowers.
- Don't game the system so that tribals are your only enemy. It makes the game way too easy late game.
- If 1/3 of your colony's population are decent doctors, you're set for life. Had 0 serious injuries due to our huge medicine stockpile and hospital beds. Also had many bionic supersoldiers, and I could have gone further but it reached a point where there was really no point.
- I can't wait for Alpha 9 because the economy goes to crap once the AI starts sending a crap-ton of raiders at you. It ruined most of the fun pretty quickly after I wasn't desperately trying to scrounge for resources.

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