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Messages - Maroxad

You can use an XML editor to edit your save file and delete the lines of code, that the game loads the mineral deposit from.

That is what I do when the game wont let me delete something glitchy via dev mode. Just make sure to make an extra copy first.
Is it just me, or are the poisoned arrows a bit too strong right now?

I used them to finish of a pack of 3 raptors in just a few seconds with one guy using a composite bow. I am glad that tribals will actually be a potential threat in the late and midgame now, rather than just food for your compost bins. But at the same time, any large creatures were just completely trivialized. Making the early game a lot easier.

Quote from: Binarydream on January 01, 2017, 09:46:18 AM
Will this modpack work for the stable version of Rimworld A16? I tried using this modpack yesterday and it was saying mods incompatible and was messing with the main menu's tutorial button, replacing "Tutorial" with "LearnHowToPlay."

I have been using it no problem. Psychology is most likely the issue.
Quote from: Elimenator8970 on December 11, 2016, 03:48:49 PM
Are there any plans to nerf the Extraterrestrial Railgun, or whatever it is that the Scythers sometimes show up with? It feels really cheaty. It's an instant-down/kill gun that works at almost any range, is extremely accurate, pierces armor and only takes 2 seconds to both aim and fire. There's basically no way to defeat it without casualties besides an extremely overwhelming force of melee colonists bum-rushing the Scyther in close quarters, which isn't really feasible when I'm still in early-game and don't have access to personal shields, or even any guns or decent melee weapons other than what I started out with. It's basically the only thing that got me to Alt+F4 on a Permadeath game.

Wait... you got attacked by a scyther before you had any access to guns? What day/week were you on? Seems like some really bad luck to me.

While I am not sure that weapon needs a nerf... what I hope for in a future path maybe is add some kind of gating before you get invaded by certain threats. You dont really feel like a tribal village after your entire tribe is armed with firearms and one of your guys has a Beta Poly bodysuit within the first 2 weeks. It also kinda kills any need to develop and research weapon technology.

Quote from: Chestnutcute on December 12, 2016, 04:56:23 AM
im getting weapons disappearing probably due to the ammos related mod? is there any solution for this or am i doing it wrongly? =/

i had to manually pick up the cartridge and kept them in their inventory for specific gun else when they use ...the gun will just disappear "poof" O_O

Did you check your colonist's inventory? The gun is probably still in there. Just no longer equipped, and you need to re-equip it.