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Messages - misterblort

Creative Rewards / Re: With the game 1.0
January 24, 2019, 07:47:16 AM
Quote from: Kirby23590 on January 09, 2019, 10:09:23 PM
Yea last month was Christmas and the people who were working at Ludeon including Tynan where at home and with their families having a holiday...

There is still a glint of hope of your name appearing (including others...) in the game...

To be fair, these people paid to have their name in the game, it's not hard at all to add their names to the "name-pool" and deliver what they ordered..
Ideas / Re: Forced Sedation
April 12, 2016, 05:25:22 AM
Yeah, or some sort of tranquiliser gun/blowpipe.

Every time one of my prisoners berserks I have to shoot him..
Thanks for this, especially the fishing. Makes sense they should be able to fish :)
The fact that the cropping is bad makes this not fun to watch.. you'd better just scrap this video and restart because if people see this in part 1 they won't look at part 2.
The editing is bad, lets plays of rimworld should not be edited in any way, because you should tell your thought process of why you do the stuff you do. If you just skip parts and suddenly there's 2 solar panels.. Yeah that doesn't work. Rimworld is basically a storytelling game, with random events that make up the story. You can't skip parts of a story.
pew pew pew, when someone shoots.. yeah.. No

My suggestion, start over completely. Just keep on talking of what you are thinking and why you are putting things on  certain spots and why you make your decisions.
Don't edit. Just a small intro to tell how u ended previous episode and what your plans are for the current episode.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
September 23, 2015, 03:59:49 AM
smooth wall.. That is all :p Instead of smoothing floor, smoothing wall for more prettyness.