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Ideas / Specify What Material Clothing Colonists Can Equip
September 09, 2018, 12:06:10 AM
New Recommendation:
Specify what MATERIAL clothing colonists can wear...ahem
When you have human leather clothing in your cannibal society but you have a special NON cannibal they dont like wearing human leather clothing :).
So some cannibals take human leather clothing and normal clothing, i want to restrict them to just human leather clothing for mood boost, leave other clothing for normal colonists!
Also Tynan!

New Recommendation:
Specify what MATERIAL clothing colonists can wear...ahem
When you have human leather clothing in your cannibal society but you have a special NON cannibal they dont like wearing human leather clothing :).
So some cannibals take human leather clothing and normal clothing, i want to restrict them to just human leather clothing for mood boost, leave other clothing for normal colonists!
New Recommendation:
Specify what MATERIAL clothing colonists can wear...ahem
When you have human leather clothing in your cannibal society but you have a special NON cannibal they dont like wearing human leather clothing :).
So some cannibals take human leather clothing and normal clothing, i want to restrict them to just human leather clothing for mood boost, leave other clothing for normal colonists!
This mod is breaking ALOT of things.
colonists CANT shoot over sandbags.
CANT shoot through open doors.

who knows what other problems this mod is causing...would not recommend using this mod until the author fixes these problems
Quote from: Call me Arty on September 08, 2018, 01:43:13 AM
Quote from: Tynan on September 07, 2018, 09:56:43 PM
A few things I feel are just worth noting. Note that I'm not arguing in any particular direction here; I just think it's worth getting some info on the table.

    • We've never had a sale and I'm not planning one. But of course some day the price will go down, or the game will go on sale. Even if it's not until ten years from now, it'll happen.
    • Two Point Hospital costs $35, seems to have done okay.
    • Crusader Kings 2 costs $40 (but they regularly put it deep on sale).
    • RimWorld did cost $20 if you bought it during the Kickstarter in 2013.

I'm no market expert, but I feel that I can at least fairly debate these. $30 is an excellent price for Rimworld, and $20 is an amazing deal, but there's a difference between it and the other games listed. Two Point hospital is fresh, backed by Sega, and fits a niche. After a bit of research, I have found that there are not a lot of hospital games, and the ones we have access to on Steam are either not great or not the most serious. Similarly, there aren't many games that can compete with Crusader Kings II and what it does, the closest is another game by the same developers. It's got cult status and the aforementioned frequent sales that can bring it down to a quarter of its price. Rimworld doesn't occupy the niche of no-other-game-like-it, or at least, nothing-else-good-that's-like-it. Prison Architect, Factorio, and Dwarf Fortress are the obvious competitors for attention, with a few choice others such as Rise to Ruins, Banished, and Oxygen not Included being well-received and also hitting the same notes that make Rimworld and the aforementioned titles work.

I'm not here trying to shit on Rimworld, I love it, it's great. There's just a reason why Verdun did so well when Battlefield I hit the scene, or how Team Fortress is still played so much despite all the new hero shooters. I don't think an increase in price would do much good for it's sales, and might just make people more aware of alternatives. I'm not saying it'll bring sales to a standstill, but it will certainly get an article or comment saying "Didja know that Rise to Ruins is like Rimworld in a fantasy setting for a third of the price?"

I personally believe that DLC is still the way to go. If the intention of 1.0 is to finish Rimworld and move on to other projects, then it, of course, isn't. However, if there is still some intent to expand it further, then I think the game should still see work. There is so much potential left in the game and the Cryptosleep Revival Briefing, I'd happily support the DLC - and I'm certain that a sizeable amount of the one million sales would too. Again: Keep the momentum of it's current price going, and get support from those who already bought it.

Tynan i have been playing your game since alpha 4, easily my most played game to date, that say a slot considering i play EVERY kind of game, cities skylines, factorio, oxygen not included, bf1, COD, you name it.
IMO its of course worth $60, but i can see people browsing past it if its more than $30-35
Simply because of its graphics, not that they are bad, but because a 3d game looks more appealing to the eye.

I FULLY support dlc, ik all of us would glady pay for dlc if its REALLY a deep dlc. I believe the good price tag would help bring more and more people to play the game, find they love it, and go on to buy dlc.  Once the official launch comes around, make it STAND OUT. new trailer, etc.  Even tho its cheesy, look at Frostpunks trailers, they made it look more like a first person game, then its really...not, but it still conveyed the playstyle of the game with the narrative.  It made it look very appealing and amazing, which it is regardless of it being a top down game.  They still had trailers of its actual gameplay but they had that launch trailer explaining the story, something similer with Rimworld might be a great idea, keep the feel of the art style but make it like a story the way frostpunk did their launch trailer!
Quote from: 5thHorseman on September 08, 2018, 06:35:30 PM
No, sandbags haven't changed. I wonder though, we had a post a day or 2 ago about a similar problem with traps. Not sure if they're related but it's curiously similar.

Yes its quite strange, i been playing since like alpha 4, probably my most played game out of hundreds haha.  I figured maybe im just overlooking something stupid, but it seems like some kind of bug, they can walk over it, shoot by peeking out the side of it like walls, but never over it.  Then they just get slaughtered since they wont shoot lol
Quote from: Seyeght on September 08, 2018, 06:43:56 PM
Are you on the experimental or stable?
Quote from: cultist on September 08, 2018, 08:56:39 AM
Pawns don't blindly follow orders when doing jobs - this is nothing new. The problem is that being both a doctor a patient are considered jobs, and pawns prioritize their needs over their jobs. This is why patients get out of bed to play horseshoes at bad times, and why doctors go to bed instead of treating serious wounds. You have to manually force your pawns to preserve their own lives, which makes the AI appear dumb.
Until we have some sort of tool to affect that decision-making process, you're stuck micro-managing every major medical emergency, because it requires fast and co-ordinated effort that the AI is simply not capable of in my opinion.

I do like the changes to disease/infection treatment - it makes the whole thing much less fiddly as long as you have enough medicine.

Agreed, this does happen almost in every operation, maybe make a way to assign which doctors can do "major operations" ?
Did sandbags change in 0.19? i have been playing since the very early single digit alphas, now suddenly i notice nobody will shoot over sandbags! the textures changed, did something else?

They treat them like walls, as in, peeking to the side of them IF there is space between each sandbag, then they shoot, but they will not shoot over them ever.

P.S. They can still walk over them. I also noticed colonists wont shoot through open doors either??

[attachment deleted due to age]
Quote from: lancar on August 30, 2018, 11:06:45 AM
Quote from: Elendil on August 30, 2018, 09:53:29 AM
Since in 0.19 caravaning system became very pretty beneficial to use, I have a QoL suggestion: ability to assign meal types to colonists in the same way I can assign medicine. I find that colonists will eat packaged survival meals that I want to stockpile, and forbiding them is quite burdensome since they can't be moved when forbidden. I also have to babysit my cook and every time he makes a new stack of packaged survival meals I have to forbid them.

I would love to have the option in the assign menu to make colonist eat. Choices could be:

1) any meal (default)
2) any meal but no long-lasting meal
3) fine meal or worse but no long lasting meal
4) simple meal or worse but no long lasting meal
5) raw food only

And while I'm making QoL suggestion, It would spare me a lot of clicking if by hovering over a box in the 'work' menu I could see if colonist has passion for the job. A simple icon of a small flame or large flame. As it is, I always have to click on a colonist a check if he is passionate. At the start of a new game, I always spend 5 min clicking on colonists and the 'work' tab. For hunting it could either show both shooting and animals.

I feel like these two changes would spare me a lot of headache. Anyone else shares the sentiment, or have I been doing it wrong all this time?
Thanks for consideration
I absolutely share this sentiment. It would be very good to have this, indeed.

Agreed! some way to specify what people can or cannot eat!, add it to "Assign" tab
General Discussion / Re: Randy Being Randy...
June 09, 2016, 08:00:20 PM
Well i use a whole ton of mods in my playthroughs, mostly to make battles harder, surviving harder but adding some neat stuff to the game..
i thought my colony was well defended until this happened.
(im playing on a Cannibal Only playthrough, only recruit cannibals or robots, take prisoners for possible slaves?)

Link to several photos of the outcome:
Sneak Peak:

After i captured several people of their faction and healed them all up...prison break, i lost all but two people xD (prob going to reload a save, but it was hella fun and intresting)
If some people want a tour of my base and some info on the mods, let me know i can make a quick video!
Ideas / Re: Decaying Nanite swarm event maybe?
April 21, 2016, 10:44:02 PM
seems pretty cool to me
Quote from: Coenmcj on April 13, 2016, 08:52:39 AM
Quote from: makapse on April 12, 2016, 08:23:22 AM
-6F? I though it was -40, C and F are same at that amount. Anways the bugs cannot spawn the hive if the temp is -10C i know and the spiders can survive at -40C but there is a bug tight now that if the hive is destroyed, the bugs get non-agro
Actually, it's supposed to be at about -17 C, Unless Ty's changed it since I last looked, He did it specifically to stop us from refridgerating our bases, since -10 C is fairly manageable for anyone in a parka, I think it's harder if it gets any lower than that due to traits?

-6 degrees FAHRENHEIT.  kills the hives for me, once it reaches that point they start to lose health, the bugs are fine however, but they can be picked off easily
Ideas / Re: Vehicles!
April 12, 2016, 02:26:02 PM
yes this would be great, the largest map possible currently could use this, as they are fairly big and take a bit of time to get to and back.

i understand this is a story based game, but again if we are meant to mold the story(somewhat) i think choosing to stay on the planet, rather than escape it really gives you, the player, a much broader story, that could keep expanding into world-map travel as players have requested, there is a point where games do need limits though.

Not to mention rimworld gets laggy as-is on the biggest maps, or even when there is a simple large raid.

Then again, this is what mods are for, tynan cannot do everything requested, and mods really almost have no limit, it just depends on your skill, and time!
Heres a way to destroy and farm them i made:
Coolers to -6 degrees Farenheit, the hives start to die, i use this when farming if to many hives have spawned and want to collect the jelly and fresh frozen bug food.
Keeps bodies cold for infinite food, tons of jelly(i place a stockpile in the room, jelly sells from there, no need to pick up)