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Messages - anotherrimworld

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 31, 2018, 10:22:08 AM
An option to choose 15% world coverage. I'd like to conquer the world. 5% gives too few settlements and is too small. 30% would take forever to do
Quote from: Toast on July 25, 2018, 10:38:28 AM
Regarding the renamed Prosthophobe/Prosthophile traits and their descriptions, could you change "artificial body parts" to something like "enhanced artificial body parts"? I think you're trying to be inclusive of the new Archotech parts which are basically bionics+1, but the result is that it's unclear if you're also including regular prosthetics, which are definitely also artificial body parts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but those are not something either pawn type cares about.

All prosthetics are counted including peg legs. Not the upgrade they were looking for, I'm sure, but I'm not complaining
Quote from: Zombull on July 24, 2018, 02:01:02 PM
So now releasing prisoners has less effect on good will.

So to be clear, Tynan, you do not want us to be able to achieve peace with an enemy by releasing their members we capture?

Because of the infrequency of raids for a given faction and the high rate of death on downed, we were already getting too few prisoners to release to offset the seasonal goodwill decay. Now it's even worse.

I'm not sure what the point is.

Is it less now? I found the numbers all over the map but I thought it had to do with how much I healed them. One guy was seconds away from bleeding out who, after saving him, gave me 21 points. Next was 16 and most were around there
My only problem with setting up the scenario to have guaranteed traits like psychopath is that I'm using up a valuable trait slot. Also, only accepting people like this into your colony isn't sustainable unless you, like before, set it up to have a high or guaranteed chance.

What I'd like to see are different packages of moodlets that are made to play out in different directions than the one rule set given at the moment. A group of raider moodlets could be "Let attacker escape" - happiness per raider, "Witnessed ally ascend to Valhalla" + happiness, "Burned an enemy item/structure" + happiness. The pirate faction is the only faction that will do business with you, etc.

These changes could be grouped together to steer the colony into a different playstyle while still allowing the other trait slots be filled with random stuff so each character isn't exactly the same.

Another culture could promote nomadic living with bonuses centered around moving around with debuffs around settling in one spot and progressing the tech.

There must be a reason why other raiders in rimworld continuously attack my base with no regard for their own safety or giant trading parties walk the land without fearing manhunter packs. I'd like to do the same and be rewarded for the playstyle
Quote from: iamomnivore on July 24, 2018, 10:20:14 AM
Quote from: Menace312 on July 24, 2018, 10:12:46 AM
Hi all, new player here...

I picked this game up last month, because i thought i was ready for it. Been playing 7days and games like that...

A18 is really cool! Im having so much fun. The AI is a little dumb, but atleast its very unpredictable...

Ive now been playing 1.0 exp for awhile, and is it just me, or does the game feel much much worse now?

Its hard to give precise points, because its all over the game... Gameplay, graphics, AI, difficulty scaling, you name it! It all sucks now...

Maybe im just to new to this game, but Im really really really crossing my fingers, that 1.0 will be much different than 1.0 exp... It usually is not, so hence my worrie...

Would you be so kind as to include experience-related examples, without abstract blanket-statements? Prove your point. I for one love 1.0 as a person with 2300+ hours, since A14 and up. ;)

Agreed. I'm at the 2000+ hour mark as well. I would always play each update for a few weeks before getting tired for one reason or another. I can't seem to stop playing with the new 1.0 update. So many little annoyances were cleared up and it's the first time I'm not scrambling for mods to fill in "gaps" in my gameplay. There is always room for improvement but 1.0 is definitely a move in the right direction
There are times when I want to play as an evil group. Forcing everybody to have a psychopath trait somewhat solves the problem but not exactly. It would be nice to have a general culture that I could choose for the colony. This could effect how people react to things like selling slaves, revenge kills, maybe number of kills, prices from other colonies, etc etc. It was always strange to me seeing colonists getting so upset over prisoner treatment when that same prisoner may have just killed or maimed my colonists. Obviously each new benefit would need to be offset with disadvantage. Maybe changing cultures mid-game would be possible at the cost of a mood debuff for a year(?)
Ideas / Adding facebook friend list to game
July 24, 2018, 10:08:12 AM
Just as the title says, it would be nice to import a large list of names from people you know to add a little spice. Understandably hard to justify "Name in game" DLC when you can then add so many names but this could also be sold as a DLC
I noticed that the text describing happy transhumanists in Needs is always one behind. ie Happy to have 3 bionic parts when in fact there are 4
Do colonists trigger traps now? i know one of the updates disabled it but i don't know where things stand now
Randy rough, naked brutality, flat arid shrubland with yearlong harvest, river in the middle. Loving every change I've seen so far.

First thing to notice is the difficulty. Up until alpha 17(?) I'd always played randy extreme but some changes bumped me down to rough difficulty to enjoy myself. This game started slow which should be expected since you have no food and so much to do but the challenge was great. Most other games I'd always feel well behind what the game had to throw at me with raids. If you started a game only getting things like heat waves and manhunter packs, when a raid finally did arrive it would have 2-3x as many guys with far superior firepower. Attacks now seem far more balanced and I find myself happy dealing with raids, ancient ship parts and manhunter packs knowing I have a fighting chance without having to resort to killboxes and trap tunnels. First time in as long as I can remember not having to build either. I'm reading the complaints about difficulty and I honestly can't understand what people are talking about.

Second thing is electricity. I was quick to notice how good the watermills were with constant power so I quickly got 2 installed. The fact that trees are almost impossible to come by without trade due to 4 back-to-back beaver/fallout incidents balanced out how OP they were for myself but I could see how they could be overused so the updates were needed. They are much needed in the game though. Most of my playthroughs end up with me running multiple colonies and often they would be attacked simultaneously with 100+ raiders. This would lead to necessary killboxes which would take crazy amounts of power and when zzzts happened, the explosions would be huge. This lead to me using a circuit breaker mod as the only way combat this problem. Having another way to get constant power, with the lower electricity requirements and not needing killboxes seems to have eliminated this frustration for me so far. Awesome

Better quest rewards and better map control actually have me excited to get back out in the world where before it just wasn't worth the risk without having a crack team of bionic snipers on the ready to blast to the rescue in transport pods.

Faction relations are more interesting now. Good choice removing donations from the comms console as before I'd have so much silver in that I would just hire out all of my defensive needs as needed. I'm allied with 2 factions but still haven't had them help me at all. I managed to go from ally with one, accidentally capturing one of their men in an escape pod bringing us hostile, to then back to allies. For my super poor little colony to maintain such good relations, again makes me wonder about complaints of the current relationship loss.

Bridges, aforementioned watermills and underwater conduits were much needed as rivers before would just cut your colony in two. With future fishing and hopefully boat attack mods, we just keep getting closer to making cool coastal towns. Since most successful real world cities started near water, I always found it strange that Rimworld would teach you that the opposite was better.

New armor system is great and seeing the occasional bullet bounce off of scythers made things a little more exciting.

Infestations giving you a little time to react was needed. Too many instant deaths before led me to be hyper-vigilant about filling in roofed areas which defeated the fun of caves for me without another counter. I have had both deep drilling and "natural" infestations now and with the prep time and new smaller attack numbers, it was another fun doable attack instead of a Starship Troopers sized bug attack appearing from the corner of a bedroom.

64-bit, adding more bionics to vanilla, copy/pasting bills, controlling who can do each bill, etc. Awesome. Keep up the good work

When managing drug policies it still uses 'joy' instead of 'recreation'. Loving the update
Multi-threading, multiplayer, dynamic or mmo type world. It seems like asking for these things in the current game gets nowhere or is just too much to change to make it worth it. I can't be the only person who would pay to have these things added to rimworld/rimworld 2
Quote from: kenmtraveller on November 20, 2017, 07:38:53 PM
+1, I've played this game for well over 1000 hours.  It's really something special.
I was a little sad to hear it was going beta, because each new feature has expanded my enjoyment of the game --  but hopefully that's so you can start working on Rimworld 2!


+1 This. Please take my money for #2. Multithreading/Multiplayer would remove any other need for other games
Ideas / Re: Consider add "Alarm level" for the colony
November 14, 2017, 09:23:44 AM
-1 to the lights idea. We already have a notice in place and there's nothing stopping people from using the buff all the time
Ideas / Re: Consider add "Alarm level" for the colony
November 14, 2017, 02:10:46 AM