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Messages - miguellima


Hello all,

I started facing this problem where my colonists start standing around for ages without doing anything until i get the starvation pop up that shows me that there is a problem going on.

The below error is what happens. If i draft and undraft, the error will appear again. From what i understand, she wants to eat and the only sources of food i have are nutrient paste dispensers. Two of them, one in my dining room and the other in the prison's dining room.

If i go to dev mode and destroy them (or deconstruct them normally), draft and undraft, the colonists go on with their life and find some other meal source. If i build the nutrient paste dispensers again, the issue will re-occur after some time.

What do you think might be causing this?

I wanted to share my mod list but i'm not sure how to do it other than typing all of them out

Tapia started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=Ingest (Job_1916517) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_GetFood jobList=(Ingest (Job_1916497) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916499) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916501) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916503) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916505) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916507) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916509) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916511) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916513) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916515) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836) (Ingest (Job_1916517) A=Thing_NutrientPasteDispenser298836)  lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_GetFood
Outdated / Re: [A14] Right Tool For The Job v1.15b
August 13, 2016, 08:30:36 AM
Hey Shinzy,

Thanks for that. I checked my outfits once again. I do have them available for the Worker outfit: Cowboy hat, button down t-shirt, pants, duster plus the two tool belts. Could it be that having the two as allowed is causing problems?

At the start of the game, when i started the first round of tool belts, as soon as my colonist finished one, someone would come over and get it, to the point that i only had to make tool belts using the "Do until you have 2" setting.

Not having the correct parts was mentioned above as well. It was always my understanding that Bionic arms also have fingers :P so they should have all necessary body parts. Might be better to switch them to pants accessory or something that requires the Torso, seeing as that is the only body part that can't be removed.
Outdated / Re: [A14] Right Tool For The Job v1.15b
August 13, 2016, 06:51:56 AM
Hey ItchyFlea,

Amazing mod. One problem i have encountered though:

I usually have my colonists create 2 spare clothes so that whenever someone needs to change them because of their current clothes being worn-out. I have done the same for the tool belts, however, it seems they are not changing them?

Any input you have on how to fix this? Aside from forcing them to equip the new equipment of course.

Thanks in advance

EDIT: Just spotted this upon further inspection:
One of my colonists has a 47% tool belt and has the worn out apparel mood bonus. I can force him to wear the new tool belt but he won't do it on his own.
All of my colonists that have bionic arms (some of my colonists have 2 bionic arms) i cannot even force them to wear the toolbelt as it says they are missing body parts (the fingers?)
When you do manage to update to a14, can i ask that the food baskets be allowed to storm pemmican like the rest of raw food. It's not a tray with food, so it wouldn't fit in the food tray object.

Currently I can either put 75 on each cell on the floor or 75 plus 150 on the food tray instead of 75 plus 500 on the food baskets :(

I will try to edit this myself until then.

EDIT: Adding the Pemmican to the basket's allowed items was easier than i though :P
Quote from: Fregrant on August 03, 2016, 10:50:36 AM

Thank you so much and apologies for that. I did start reading the first few pages but found nothing of interest.

Hey there,

Using your storage mod, It seems that it's not multi stacking several stuff. Should all of your items multi stack what they hold? Food, weapons, materials?

Many thanks
Mods / Re: Suggested mod: Chef's / butchers priority
March 04, 2015, 10:21:18 PM
I also hate micromanaging cooking so at the start of the game, as soon as i get a cook stove up and running i set to make meals until i have 10. Then when i make a freezer i change that to make fine meals until 100 and then simple meals until 30. I never look back again :P
Mods / Re: Suggested mod: Chef's / butchers priority
March 04, 2015, 08:19:47 AM
Usually i'll have one cook that has 6+ cooking and i make him cook fine meals until i have 100. He will be busy which lets my other 6- cook butcher creatures my hunter brings in until he gets to lvl 6. After that they both cook fine meals.

I don't think we need to separate cooking and butchering but i wouldn't mind the table owner mechanic.
I have a question: why are you saying stuff like "if the faction can be made friendly"? Was anything changed in A9.

In A8 i got to a point where i had a solid defence and every tribesman raid i captured like 5-8 people. Same thing with pirates. Most of them i didn't like their stats so i healed them and released them. After a few raids i started getting mech attacks one after the other. When i went to check my relationships i had 100 with both tribes and the pirate faction.

EDIT: To answer OP: if it's near the start of the game and i have someone i can't/won't recruit and have someone with injuries like scars or shot off limbs i harvest those and keep the prisioner healthy until i'm done. then i install peglegs if he needs them and send him on his way :P
Awesome to see an update :)

I have a question, i started a game and still haven't researched anything other than stonecutting and geothermal. I have your mod installed with a self made fix for the medical and crafting xp. Will i need to start a new game when i update?
QuoteI can't seem to craft anything at some tables. What happens is that the colonist brings the required materials to craft the item, starts crafting and a few seconds later the items disappear from the table, which makes the colonist grab more materials to try crafting again just to have the item disappear while he's working on it.

The tables that i noticed are doing this are: Tailor workbench and the sculptor's table.

I am running a few mods but they are the same i used in A8 and i had no problems with this.

Starting a new world and colony fixes this but since i started this colony i haven't changed any mods.

EDIT: I tried starting a new colony with god mode and was able to craft a shirt after spawning the table and resources but when i start a new colony without god mode and i get to the point where i have the tailor workbench i can't do any clothes. I lost 10 stacks of muffalo leather before i realized my colonists weren't crafting anything.

Is it possible one of the mods is causing this?

This is the mods i am using right now(not necessarily in this order):

Ceiling Light
Icons (PawnStateIcons)
Miscellaneous_Animals (forum topic is miscellaneous w/o MAI)
Miscellaneous_HiRes (same as above)
New Weather
PriorityHaul + VeinMiner (merged by me)

I posted this on support forum and after a while i found that the game is returning an error everytime my colonist tries to craft something (specifically at tailor's workbench and sculptor's table)

This is the error in the output_log.txt:

QuoteJobDriver threw exception in initAction. Pawn=Jono, Job=DoBill(A=TableTailor135636, B=Muffalo_Leather135638), Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.

  at Verse.AI.Toils_Recipe+<MakeUnfinishedThingIfNeeded>c__AnonStorey20E.<>m__2CE () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at Verse.AI.JobDriver.BeginNextToil () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Is this an error in the vanilla game or is it being caused by a mod? Either way, how would i go about fixing it?
Support / [A9d] Not able to craft with some tables
February 22, 2015, 09:23:19 PM
I can't seem to craft anything at some tables. What happens is that the colonist brings the required materials to craft the item, starts crafting and a few seconds later the items disappear from the table, which makes the colonist grab more materials to try crafting again just to have the item disappear while he's working on it.

The tables that i noticed are doing this are: Tailor workbench and the sculptor's table.

I am running a few mods but they are the same i used in A8 and i had no problems with this.

Starting a new world and colony fixes this but since i started this colony i haven't changed any mods.

EDIT: I tried starting a new colony with god mode and was able to craft a shirt after spawning the table and resources but when i start a new colony without god mode and i get to the point where i have the tailor workbench i can't do any clothes. I lost 10 stacks of muffalo leather before i realized my colonists weren't crafting anything.

Is it possible one of the mods is causing this?

This is the mods i am using right now(not necessarily in this order):

Ceiling Light
Icons (PawnStateIcons)
Miscellaneous_Animals (forum topic is miscellaneous w/o MAI)
Miscellaneous_HiRes (same as above)
New Weather
PriorityHaul + VeinMiner (merged by me)