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Messages - Addeptis

Sending sliver to the admech doesn't raise relations.
I hate to be that guy, but any idea when we can murder xenos. Even just having the factions that are ready would be nice.
Well this mod just keeps looking better and better! I have some ideas for some events below, most them war related, because you know whats 40k with out grim dark warfare...

Order of chances from unique to common
Unique- Once a year chance
Rare- Once every 6 months chance
Uncommon- Once every 2 months chance
common- Once a month chance

Major(good)Event: Outpost
Chance to happen: Unique
Description:If you have +50 with the guard, theirs a small chance once a year they will set up a out post within your colony map, the out post would contain 3-5 guardsmen, a barracks and a outlying wall of sandbags. There out post would be one all steel building barracks(heating,cooling,medical,food,etc) with maybe 4-5 solar panels that provide energy with 5 batteries to store it. And a wall of sand bags surrounding it 3-5 blocks away from the building. There food gets dropped off once a month by a guard squad of 5-10 guard. This group could also have a small chance of reinforcing the out post, by adding there numbers to the out post. The guard at the outpost would rush to protect your civilians, in raids by orks or anything else for that matter. Should the outpost guard numbers every drop to 0, the out post is abandoned. And the base then can be harvested for supplies.

Event(good/bad): Deserters
Chance to happen: uncommon
Description: Imperial guard deserters either join your colony to escape commissariat execution, or just outright attack the colony.If attacking 2-5 guard appear.  If joining, small penalty with guard relations, gain 1-3 new colony members.

Event Major (good/bad):Large Battle
Chance to happen: Rare
Description: Two very large  groups of any faction appear on the colony map, and start to rip and blast each other into bloody pieces.  We are talking about 30+ Vs 30+ size battle going on. Now you may be thinking ooohhhh look all this great loot, and you would be right, so long as the wining faction is not hostile to you... In which case guess where there going next.... Also a small relations bonus for helping out a side in the fighting.

Event (good/bad): Medium size battle
Chance to happen: Uncommon
Description: Same as large battles, only difference being the starting number, 15-25 vs 15-25

Event (good/bad): Small skirmish
Chance to happen: common
Description: Same as large, only difference being the starting number, 5-15 vs 5-15

Event (good): Crashed weapon shipment
Chance to happen:rare
Description: A rouge traders weapon shipment has crashed near by, 6-8 random weapons appear at a crash site.

I have a lot more event ideas I could throw out right now. But I rather not bother you to much. Also are some of these are even possible like the out post idea? Hope some of these help!

Also the rules for tabletop on the assassins are pretty broken at the moment..... Along with every thing Tau..*rants*
Nice vindicare assassin helmet. Cant say I will use it much. I cant stand vindicares in general....*rants*Destroying my lander raiders in one hit >.< broken rules *rants* But never mind that, its looks great! 
Quote from: Headshot on April 06, 2015, 03:10:12 PM
Quote from: Cmoa666 on April 06, 2015, 11:25:21 AM
For the heavy bolter, they can be like this.

A first and very wonderful post  :P

Thanks, that's perfect! I didn't know there were drum mags for the heavy bolter. I'll get started on it when I can.

So I usually trace an image then colour it, so if anyone's got some sexy pics of warhammer stuff post, here's my album of current reference images (to avoid duplicates):

If you are planing on doing some auto weaponry I got a couple of cool looking auto gun patterns I can toss your way.

Also here is a picture with some of the widely known(and not so known) lasguns.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Looks great, going to install this now, need my 40k fix maaan.
Mods / [Mods Request] Warhammer 40k
March 13, 2015, 12:30:37 AM
Large 40k fanatic here, I keep seeing all these great mods but no total conversions mods for warhammer 40k, and the 40k nerd in me just couldn't help but come on here ask for one! Here some of my ideas for this conversion.

Adeptus Mechanicus recolonization(maybe a new storyteller could work here)-The planet for many years was uninhabited after some planet shaking event ripped away all "advance" humans from it. Maybe chaos worshipers took it over and a large war was fought wiping out the planets tech priests and Manufactorums. Maybe dark Eldar striped the plant of majority human centaurs, forcing humanity devolve to a tribe society with so little humans left. In any case humans for the most part where wiped out to the point where the Imperium lost control and had the Mechanicus organization a recolonization effort. What this means is,
-You Start out with 5 colonist instead of 3, you get to design your colonist form the start for how you want to setup your colony, maybe you want this to be a agri-world, or maybe a feudal-world, or a imperial world with modern equipment and civilized, the choice is yours and with the colonist setup you will be able to get a start on how ever you want your world to go! That and 40k being as brutal as it is, your going to need the extra firepower/help early game.
-40k weapons! There literately are just to many to name here.
-New friendly Factions,Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Guard, and maybe we could get a rare space marine faction to be added, or the dreaded Inquisition.
-New Hostile Factions, I could write a list here that's so long its not funny, but to name a few, Tau,Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Orks, Chaos, Traitor Astartes, etc.
-Plenty of new tech to research such as, stubbers/las-weaponry,armors,medical,bionics,etc.
-So much more!

Feel free to ask any questions about anything with this i'll try my best to explain what ever it maybe.

++The Emperor Protects++