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Messages - TSO

Ideas / Re: Lighting should be more important
May 04, 2015, 05:38:58 PM
This would open up possibilities for non electric light sources... or maybe having teams of colonists do mining... 1 lighting/transporting 1 digging... hmm well the first part is easy enough =p

Night vision colonists
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
April 30, 2015, 08:29:14 AM
Animal Bait. Mix of plants and meat. (simply attracts animals)
Animal Repellent. animal corpse (ward away animals)

Got idea from some monkeys I trapped in a cave with a door.
They started just passing out and getting malnourished like it was a planned trap and I wondered why this wasn't taken advantage of yet for player made animal traps/farms.
Quote from: BattleFalcon on March 17, 2015, 03:18:16 PM
How about paintball guns? They wouldn't deal damage, and would leave a splotch of paint wherever they ht, that either gets washed away by rain or your colonists clean it. I think it would be cool to see paint randomly splattered on walls.

Also, colonists could put on short skits! Maybe use RNG for completely random ones?
paintball sounds fun..

The list was interesting... I like the lore friendly additions... I do get a bit of a... sims vibe?
I had this real badass granny colonist who did no dumb labour and only did doctoring, hunting, research (which ran out eventually) so eventually just those two things and raider battles...

I started stories in my mind that she was actually the colony leader. She had high social and handled all communications and requests for help and organized the colony into defensive positions in a room when the turrets fell...

The character didn't have any violence traits but I felt like that was her joy... hunting and protecting her own.... and when alcohol arrived randomly one day... taking some drinks... (she wasn't into chemicals... just drank randomly?? cool... she needs a cigar to seem more hard boiled)

So going back to joy... I can see how it could be applied to the case of some colonists and cabin fever perhaps. I never got the image in mind that the things my colonist specialize in was something they grew tired of.... rather they reveled in their specialty...

The builders designed grand strongholds and prisoner holding areas...
Miners created safe havens from mortars and provided essential resources while accidentally discovering caverns and rooms...
And so on...

I'm trying to fit Joy requirements into my image of my colony and it's a struggle atm...
Making babies and seeing them grow?
Selling their products?
installing art they made...
I've always felt birthdays could perhaps hold a simple celebration...
Some of the lore goes into how ppl on glitter worlds did plastic surgery and mind trips?? maybe they spend time in their rooms on such recreation?? Or include some recreation in their current tasks??
Ideas / Re: Water Resource
March 16, 2015, 10:15:41 PM
Wood+steel = buckets, Water wells creatable. (limited amount of water) or just use a local water source!
Stocked like normal farm raw foods... potential for raiders to poison wells?

I want the added challenge...
Quote from: Tynan on March 11, 2015, 04:33:00 PM
I'm thinking of merging these two work types.

Pros: One less column to manage in the work overview.

Cons: You can no longer set these to separate priorities, or set them on/off differently for one pawn.

What do y'all think?

Repairs and fires are automatically a top priority for my colonists always... long as they still fix stuff before building more Idc about merging them... unless that isn't possible... I have wondered if things dmged have a high risk... like damaged batteries in rain explode more often?
Quote from: Tynan on March 13, 2015, 02:45:59 AM
FYI blood will already wash away in vanilla when it rains. Or, at least, it should.

christ I need to start opening the roof to clean my house and killbox more often... getting colonists around to cleaning such a pain...
Ideas / Re: New tactics for the baddies
March 16, 2015, 09:30:36 PM
Would like to see some basic new tactics... but to that end.
Sounds like code is needed for fancy version of task priorities... not something I can see easily coded in some cases... but I would imaging a general

1. Colonists... doors or walls in way? target 2.
2. Resources... Doors or walls in way? target 3.
3. Key Structures... (do we got fire? lay it everywhere) aim for power, until other key structures unpowered?
4. Destruction in general... Farms, local forests... scorch the land...
5. Flee and return shortly later???

But as to upgrading Ai in general... I would like to see it in some new mechanics... squads... stealth... perhaps a fog of war...
Ideas / Re: Brain Fixing
March 16, 2015, 09:17:19 PM
I'd imagine brain surgery to be a extreme advance age in rim world... I was imagining the ship building perhaps be utilized in a sorta FTL knock off space exploring and landing with the taken colonists on new planets to start new colony's and relationships... perhaps new biome's and challenges to overcome...

but that's what I'd imagine from a developer perspective... I would like to simply go full bionic at some point...
Ideas / Re: Fishing.
March 16, 2015, 09:14:42 PM
Quote from: Tynan on September 07, 2014, 09:46:30 PM
It's basically a good idea; my main concern is just
-It requires a new kind of zone
-It requires the AI interact in a new kind of way
-It requires a new work type, thus a new entry on the work permissions screen. I really avoid cluttering this screen.

copy paste growth zone. restrict to shallow water tiles. add rice and fishing traps? (take space similar to tree's for fishing traps/nets)...

Monkeysaur I think was on the same line of thought...

I do like the idea of using the beaches and water though with my coastal home... I haven't attempted starting a colony over water... (do we instantly drown or land forms??) xP

I would imagine going as far as saying wanting floods and other disasters as well would be taking it to far coding wise xD
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
March 16, 2015, 09:00:45 PM
saves load paused rather then start playin immediately after loading for 5 minutes... >.>

stock zones can go on top of tables?? I'm one of those ppl who would like to see stock be placed on a table rather then always laid on the floor...
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
March 15, 2015, 06:32:34 PM
1.2 ppl to carry 1 rhinoceros
2.doors can be locked open? (see prison architech)
3.Make work prioritizes re-arrangeable. (left to right drag-able? drag cleaning from least to highest) to free ppl from re-numbering whole colony's tasks.