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Messages - tristan1333

Absolutely hate it. Is there an option to revert it? If I can that would be great. I haven't played in ages so don't know when it happened.
This is in my opinion, one of, if not THE most best presented mods on this site. It also has the bonus of being a quality mod which keeps in tone with the vanilla feel. Thank you for this mod.
Ideas / End game story generation
April 14, 2015, 01:10:53 AM
The end game seems rather lame at the moment, so I suggest a story for what happens after the incident is generated for the colonists who escape to add depth to the game. Did Urist McUriston the janitor end up as some bum in a bar reciting stories, did the group become close friends, did they make it back to civilization? Stuff like that.
Unfinished / Re: [WIP]SS13 mod
April 12, 2015, 09:31:41 AM
Quote from: Headshot on April 03, 2015, 01:25:42 PM
Hey, this sounds really cool.

If you need help with simple sprites or anything I'd love to help out :P

Any chance you could do syringes and beakers please? Along with a bee sprite?
Ideas / Re: Next world (after ship escape)
March 31, 2015, 08:26:41 PM
Personally, I think a randomly generated story of what happened after should occur for each character. It would add some depth to the game, I am sure.
Unfinished / Re: [WIP]SS13 mod
March 31, 2015, 05:54:14 AM
Quote from: UMK on March 31, 2015, 02:16:41 AM
Intropidril sounds like Animus stuff.
Haha :P. It gives the person heart failure, which I could simulate by decreasing blood flow or whatever it's called, along with breathing to actually kill the person. There is a different version of it called "Intropbeedril" which has something to do with BEEEEESSSSS
Help / Re: Spawning modded races C#
March 30, 2015, 02:25:36 AM
Thank you Soulkata! That's a huge help!
Unfinished / Re: [WIP]SS13 mod
March 29, 2015, 08:50:43 AM
I'm not good enough with C# to create a singlo, the SMES's are a cool idea. Basically a battery with alterable input/output. I could try to create the Supermatter Engine though!
Help / Spawning modded races C#
March 28, 2015, 10:16:33 PM
I want to create a Hediff class which after a certain amount of ticks, kills the person and spawns a bee. I've tried quite a bit, but can't seem to get a pawn to spawn. Could anyone give me some code to do this or anything?
Unfinished / [WIP]SS13 mod
March 28, 2015, 05:02:06 AM
CURRENT GOAL: Create the clown legion as a starting point. From there, move onto the telegun. After that I'll start the supermatter engine.
The aim of this mod is to introduce a bunch of SS13 stuff. The codebase will be from Goonstation. Currently my plans are to add:

  • Some chemicals such as Intropidril
  • A bunch of weapons including the Amplified Vuvuzela, Energy Crossbow and [maybe] the Telegun.
  • The clown legion
  • Greytide
  • New power sources. The supermatter Engine and The Standard Goonstation engine. Both will hopefully be deadly forces.
What's done?

  • Amplified Vuvuzela. A stun gun which does no damage. To be used in unison with the toolbox.
Anyone willing to do graphics, the help would be greatly appreciated!
I so have to mod this. TO THE CODE!
Help / Multiple weapons DLL
March 26, 2015, 09:14:56 AM
Would it be possible to give the illusion of a pawn having multiple weapons by having a DLL which edits the damage variables, weapon range ect. depending upon if there are any viable targets in sight?
Help / Applying effects through grenades
March 25, 2015, 08:35:36 AM
Hey, I would like to make a tear gas grenade which causes vomiting and a bunch of other nasty effects. However, I'm not certain how to force a victim to vomit, or apply hediff effects via a weapon . I would rather use .xml files, since I'm not a fan of C#. First time making a mod, so have mercy please :P