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Messages - starryknight64

Mods / [Mod Request] Ship Progress
November 22, 2017, 06:41:18 PM
I was playing through Beta 18 and started building my ship when I realized that I didn't have enough resources (more Uranium was needed of course).

I think it'd be pretty awesome if there was an indication of how much more material is needed to build the ship. I'd hope it would take into consideration how many parts have been built already.
Bugs / Re: [B18] Ship Cryptosleep Casket Placement
November 22, 2017, 05:17:54 PM
Figured out something interesting... if I place the caskets such that their interaction space is on top of the previous casket, then I can place them adjacent to one another. If I place them in any other order then the spacing requires that there be one space between them.


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Bugs / [B18] Ship Cryptosleep Casket Placement
November 22, 2017, 05:01:41 PM
Is this a bug or a feature?

Basically, in some cases, I see the normal placement as usual. While in others I see a more tightly spaced placement (caskets are allowed to sit immediately adjacent to one another). Is this expected?

You'll notice that the upper-left Ship structural beam has normal placement for the caskets on the left side--I had no choice but to place them that way.
I would personally love to see a screenshot of the colony be automatically taken every day so a time lapse could be put together showing the colony's progress. This could easily be overlaid on top of the history graphs we already have and displayed during the ending credits.
When it happened last night, I had a pirate wielding a knife carve into one of my guys who was standing in the doorway. Once my guy was sufficiently carved, he fell down and dropped his weapon (a survival rifle) into the doorway. My guy was rescued and while I was tending to him, the pirate who carved into him just stood there, twitching about while my guys (who were behind the doorway) shot at him as if they were behind cover. None of the other pirates tried to go through the doorway. It was as if the doorway was closed. And so my guys shot at the pirates through the makeshift embrasure until the twitchy pirate decided he'd had enough lead in him and fell. Thus, concludeth the raideth.

I'll try my hand at some debug commands tonight to see if I can make this happen again.
I'm aware of that. This is just a touch different. The enemies cannot go through the door nor can they shoot through it when it's blocked like this (as opposed to using the "Hold Open" option). It's essentially an embrasure.
I mean, I can storytell a way such that this works... but... it seems like a bug.

Please tell me this is intentional so I can go on building my fortress with embrasures that are actually doors with something undeterioratable blocking it from closing.

I'll post a screenshot later today.
When you try to pause life by pressing space bar.
Tried it and right away got a Steam Key in my gmail, no wait necessary!
General Discussion / Re: The Ice Shelf Challenge
June 23, 2015, 11:26:22 PM
I managed to do it, see post here:
Just created and finished a civilization built on a mountainous ice sheet! All the new events occurred and I made cannibals out of every person. The food was so scarce I had to kill one of my own just to survive. Also, I never thought the warg event would be too difficult to combat, but it ended up proving to be a challenge. Fortunately, I hadn't harvested all my food yet so I was able to wait it out until they had all left or died from my turrets (which were all destroyed). Also, sappers are a real pain!! As I was tunneling through a mountain I discovered a new (large!) area and didn't properly defend it (it was the backdoor to my base!). Sappers took advantage of that and dug their way through. Killed a good amount of them but not without killing one of my own and injuring several others.

If I were to give advice for anyone trying to make it on an ice sheet, play on a mountainous area, research hydroponics right away, don't be afraid to resort to cannibalism, accept all refugees getting chased (so that you can eat their chasers), and use wood wisely (!) as there are no trees.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
May 10, 2015, 06:27:33 PM
Another easy one: on occasion, whenever a colonist picks up a rock (so long as they're in a desert/forest biome) a snake appears and attacks the colonist!
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
May 09, 2015, 06:46:20 PM
Quote from: Frankenbeasley on May 09, 2015, 12:56:00 PM
Isn't that just showing red because of the lack of resources in your stockpile? You should still be able to click it and lay a blueprint, I think (although I am, notoriously, prone to imagining things).

You can always lay a blueprint independent of what resources you do/don't have. I can't lay down the blueprint for the geothermal generator because of one section of mud I can't get rid of.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
May 09, 2015, 12:38:32 PM
It'd be great if we could put concrete on top of mud. The description for it says we must first dig out a hole for the concrete to go into anyway. This way, silly things like this can be circumvented: