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Messages - gnugfur

Off-Topic / Re: Peter Molyneaux - your opinions?
September 03, 2014, 04:35:20 PM
Lets take a look at Peter's marvels the last years.

The man who promised abit too much with fable III

Back to Godus

I actually gave this game another shot this last week. And im infuriated. Gems are now a part of the game for real. You have the party loving Astari as your enemy. Not only to they party all day long, even if their village is reduced to a burning swampland they still outmatch your happiness. Even if all of your land is beutified with expensive trees ALL OVER.

So, you need fountains to increase happiness when the festivals go on a rampage. These are insanely expensive ofcourse. But hey, there should be more than enough gems to find ingame. Just need to dig for them.
After playing 15 hours i managed to unlock the deep sea sculpting. Joy! Lets get those chests! I cant? well fuck that. Since they removed the ability to dig/heighten wherever you want. YOu need to find a slot lower than the point you want to dig out. Wich makes it insanely expensive.

Even sculpting mountainsides and digging out temples will take you several days of collecting belief.

I currently have 4 astari left on the map. None are in their village so im guessing they are camping out on the last beacon i need to reach, only 11 more hours now and i can expand. But they party hard and are happy as ever. So when i go to bed and wake up again i expect to have lost at least 60 followers over to the astari, wich i need to nuke with meteorites again.

Collecting belief was improving in the version i played 6 months ago. Where you could build statues to collect belief in its surroundings. Made it less of a cow clicker. Now this option is gone. Now instead you have to cluster together abodes to form "cities". This ofcourse lowers the amount of belief you gather in total. Compared to just leaving those buildings unclustered.

Timers and cards are the main reason why i compare this directly to facebook games. Buildings take ages to build when you level up abit and the cards you need to progress further get really hard to get stickers to unlock from. I usually complete the "voyages" within a short amount of time and have to wait another day before i can do more. The chests are usually unreachable and taunting me at the seafloor.

Im utterly shocked of the direction this game is going. Its going right down the tunnel while the train is coming at full speed.
Off-Topic / Re: Peter Molyneaux - your opinions?
August 28, 2014, 10:28:46 PM
I have very strong feelings for this man.
And they are all related to Anger and Hate!

Fable 3 was a disaster compared to the game he actually promised. Yes, i kept close eyes on the game and i really looked forward to it. I have to admit it was fun having 3-4 bastard kids here and there and roaming around as a fat evil fellow with juicy horns. But all the way through the game i kept searching for the features i was promised. I did not find a single one.

I was drunk one day and noticed Godus. Hey, another god simulator. Perfect! Having blasted my brain into oblivion i bought the game without doing any research. While it was downloading i went and did something else and forgot about it. When i saw it in my steam library the next day i read up on it. Saw who's developing it and got angry with myself.

That beeing said. I've been playing Godus now and then to see whats new and once or twice a month i check up on the updates.
You might as well play farmville on facebook.

The game as it is right now is an endless wait for Faith. You collect faith by building houses. But to get more space to build houses. You need faith.  Wich will give you hours of fun with clicking every god damn house until you unlock the village or farm. These will collect the faith in their vincinity. Right o, lets live with that while we spend hours clicking chests that randomly appear all over the map while you're playing. Prefferably underneath your biggest buildings. Gotta collect those cards. Gods love cards.

On the latest update they presented FARMING. Awesome! Lets build farms! And the map is also randomly generated now.
I build my first farm and expected the farm to produce food on a regular basis, since i need alot to build the next farm. But no, the farm only produces X food and comes to a halt right there.

The game can literally go fuck itself, and the direction it is on is an pay 2 win trajectory fit for facebook and not as a standalone game.

Peter Molyneux, you are the opposite of king midas. Everything you touch these days turn into shit.