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Messages - Riniki

I was directed here from the fishing industry mod thread since it came with this modpack. I am having a problem with the fishing mod in particular. I can build the dock and have my colonists fish but none of the recipes for butchering and cooking the fish show up for me.

I am also having an issue with pets. Every time I get a pet after a few days the pet will disappear in the last spot that it slept with only it's name still showing up. When I click on the name and look in the description I see nothing but code. The pet will eventually disappear completely as if it never existed.

I installed the game exactly as described so unless I could really use some help here. I guess I should also add that I downloaded the version from megaupload because I didn't notice the nexus download link xD.
Quote from: cucumpear on December 11, 2015, 06:54:30 PM
Quote from: Riniki on December 11, 2015, 06:32:46 PM
That I do not know. I downloaded that Hardcore SK modpack and I'm not exactly sure what other mods in the pack affect the butcher table. also when you say to have it load after other mods that might conflict with it do you mean to put it below or above them? I'm assuming below?
Correct, but I have never used modpacks and don't know which are in Hardcore SK. I'd highly recommend backing up your saves before fiddling with the mod order, unless you don't mind starting a new game (which you really should anyway).

Alright thanks I'll try that then. Guess I will have to go through each individual mod and find out what does what first.
Quote from: cucumpear on December 11, 2015, 04:14:03 AM
Quote from: Riniki on December 10, 2015, 09:44:13 PM
Could anyone help me with a problem I'm having with the fishing mod. I can build the fishing dock and my colonists can fish but none of the fish preparation recipies show up in the butchers table.

Do you have any other mods that affect the butcher's table? If so, try putting fishing to load after that.

That I do not know. I downloaded that Hardcore SK modpack and I'm not exactly sure what other mods in the pack affect the butcher table. also when you say to have it load after other mods that might conflict with it do you mean to put it below or above them? I'm assuming below?
Could anyone help me with a problem I'm having with the fishing mod. I can build the fishing dock and my colonists can fish but none of the fish preparation recipies show up in the butchers table.
Quote from: Rahjital on August 25, 2015, 08:09:43 AM
Muffalos have taming skill requirement 3 I think, so if there's any around just try to tame them. Also, at least in temperate forests, a lone wild alpaca appears from time to time.

Well looks like I jumped the gun a bit on this. When I tried taming both deer and squirrels and saw that they both required rank 6 I figured that since a squirrel requires 6 then there couldn't be a lower rank for any other critter. I stand corrected. So yeah, muffalos only require rank 3 and I also figured out that that new explosive animal (boomalopes?) only requires rank 4. Alpacas are also pretty low as well. Took me a while to realize you can look at the information panel on animals to look at stats like their wildness percentage and what rank is required to tame.

So looks like there really isn't much of a need to make the changes I suggested since they are already in the game. Silly me.
Oh well that is good to hear. After playing for a while I did notice that there is already some disparity in terms of required level to tame critters. Had a Thrumbo, which are apparently super rare, wander in which required a rank of 9 to tame instead of 6. But yes, there needs to be critters that have a lower taming requirement than others based on usefulness so that less experienced colonists can have somewhere to start.
Specifically for people below taming rank 6. I got lucky and my colonists spawned with a tamed warg and I really wanted to get it obedience training as well as tame other animals but the highest taming skill in my colony is 4. I tried marking a few animals for taming thinking it would work similar to crafting or artistry where the skill would increase even with failures but my assigned tamer won't even try. So am I just screwed until I can capture someone with a taming skill higher than 6?

Would be nice if some animals were easier to tame than others. Like if animals like bucks would require a skill of 6 while a hare only requires a skill of 2 or 3.