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Outdated / Re: [A13] Xeva's Hair (07.05.16)
May 09, 2016, 11:38:37 AM
nice.  I always love more hair styles to use!
Mods / Re: need ideas for a mod
May 05, 2016, 02:36:05 PM
Sandstorm weather event for deserts.  To you know... make them more desert and have a way to get rid of all that blood that just ends up piling up outside your base.  Or simulate the lack of water and harshness by damaging crops and wearing down equipment left outside.

Maybe throw in something like vultures or desert raiders that act differently.  I just have a lot of ideas really but don't know how to code them in myself.  I'm an idea gal, that's just how I am.

Tell me if you're interested and I can maybe elaborate some and throw out some more ideas.
Outdated / Re: [A13] - Darkness Revamp (v1.0)
May 05, 2016, 02:18:16 PM
Outdated / Re: [A11] Darkness
April 29, 2016, 02:37:17 PM
Rad, I always loved this mod, makes nights feel more like night time.

I look forward to your completion of it!
Manager mode.

There is a mod that adds a follow this colonist function. One idea I got because of this was something where you had to have a colonist that acts as you. You have to follow them around and can leave them. You move them around via draft mode, and you have to give orders and things that way.

Getting raided? To command your troops you have to be close enough to the fight to command, and you don't know where you're being attacked from.

Ship crash? You fisthave to go out and scout to find the crash before you can organize how to take it out.

Planning out a construction? You'll have to oversee that. Same with mining and all of that. 

Hunting of foraging or collecting materials? Got to find the resources and organize that.

And if you get incapacitated you have to try and get back out there so you can be productive again.

I think this would also act better if you could get some more influence of the actions you can make so you don't go crazy from lack of joy or sleep. More control over the particular colonist.
If you want to augment it more try no pausing with it, so you have to think in real time. And another thing might be to restrict yourself to max zoom or at least close to max.
Ideas / Re: Colony Name
April 29, 2016, 02:06:16 PM
I'm not quite sure I'd there is a way to change that, but maybe in the factions defs.

I have been having a different problem that I felt kind of relates. So my world is a permadeath one, and because of that I only have one save but for whatever reason, that name does not coincide with what I named it in the prompt thing. So the colony of stoneview is stuck with the save name stonkley or whatever it is.  Anyone else have this issue?
Bugs / Re: Clothing worn away in tomb
April 29, 2016, 02:02:55 PM
Oh simple really. As Koljak said, that bitch aint dead. He has been living out his life in that sarcophagus and made it his home so that he wouldn't have to deal with the hell that is outside. It's safe and dark and he has a skeleton friend to keep him company. Honestly that busto is a clever dude.

But in all seriousness I've been having the same issue with colonists I bury.  I suppose one solution would be to stop them beforehand but I don't know that seems kind of... Disrespectful.
Bugs / Carried out of bed.
April 29, 2016, 01:55:02 PM
This was a strange occurrence, and it only happened once, but as I drafted one of my colonists out of bed she carried her lover with her. Not like picking them up like in a rescue or in capturing. He just kind of floated with her... Still sleeping. On his side. Kind of like gohst stuck to her.
I drafted and Undrafted him and he was fine. Didn't happen again.  Just thought it was strange and wanted to share. I wish I had saved the screenshot or something but it didn't.
Stories / Re: Rimworld succession colony
April 27, 2016, 10:17:22 AM
I'd be up for doing this. Sounds like a fun idea!

Edit; might I also suggest a couple of other smaller mods like the rimsenal hair pack, and a couple of others that just sit of act as quality of play sort of mods. Up to you but maybe that would be cool. Just a thought.
Mods / Re: Help with hair
April 26, 2016, 04:24:29 PM
I think you are thinking of the rimsenal sub mod called rimsenal hair pack
Would you ever consider doing something like a Sandstorm?  For deserts?  Like a rain storm but... Sandier.
Quote from: bczink on April 16, 2016, 09:17:16 AM
I'm playing on Alpha 13 and the Prepare Carefully button isn't there. I have the mod enabled in Mods, I did put the extracted folder in the mods folder. I'm using the Alpha 13 beta release, not any other versions.

I have had the same problem in the past, try deleting the folder in your mod's folder, and then putting it back in, that has worked for me in the past.
Releases / Re: [A13] Rimsenal v0.521 : Feralized
April 16, 2016, 09:31:50 AM
Quote from: Madpizzaboy on April 16, 2016, 01:26:52 AM
does this mod works with rimfire mod?

Yes, it does.  I currently have both running in my game.
Yeah, music I think would be the best way to expand artists' usefulness, plus it would be cool to have things like pianos and other instruments.  Maybe even a set piece that could be crafted, the player piano, that could be turned off and on and give that saloon sort of feel.

As you get more tech levels you could get different kinds of instruments and equipment, like microphones, or electric guitars and you could hook that up to some sort of speaker system to broadcast it throughout your base.  Like elevator music for your colonists.
Mods / Re: [Mod Request] Ocean Biome Start
April 15, 2016, 08:22:58 AM
Isn't that sort of the point?  I mean to have it so that nothing land based can come in, sort of like a trade off in a way.  It becomes harder to be raided, but in turn it also makes it so that no traders can come in over land routes or anything like that.