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Messages - Gladdig_Kaga

Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
December 19, 2014, 10:01:38 PM
The ability to mark a growing zone to be ignored without deleting it.

Having the option to floor a geyser over. I don't like it when they create asymmetry in my base.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
December 19, 2014, 01:20:00 AM
A heater that pumps heat from one room to another, exactly like the cooler, except that the target temperature is for the side getting warmed up. Might just as well be implemented as an option for the cooler.

The ability to transport temperature through tubes, just like electricity through wires.

More powerful heaters and coolers.

Ability to lock doors for colonists, prisoners, visitors, enemies or even specific persons separately. But I suspect this might be hard because of pathfinding and such?  If that is the case, being able to mark more than one room as prison, even without having beds in them would be nice, so the prisoners can walk between them.

Mood modifiers for losing or gaining limbs.

Separating happiness and fear into two different values.

Fire extinguishers that can reach more than one tile. Right now they seem to only melee attack the fires, and all I can do is hope for rain whenever my solar panels catch on fire.

Have prisons without beds, having the prisoners themselves marking their sleeping spots. Prisoners fighting eachother or getting mood swings and trying to sleep next to or away from other prisoners depending on the other prisoners' factions or personality. Prisoners trying to survive and escape through mounting riots together, picking up weapons, exploring their cell if it is large, or cannibalising on each other when starved. Put shortly: The more AI the prisoners have, the better.

Make animals spawn next to other animals of the same type. Then being able to capture animals like prisoners and sow grass for the animals. Setting a maximum animal count in the room, having the excess animals automatically marked for hunting.

Make animals attack and eat each other.

Short range teleporters for teleporting people around the map requiering one at both ends. A teleporter can only be connected to one other, so that in order to havet nertwork teleporting from one location to any other you'd need a hub room of teleporters.

Vacuum pipes that suck any item placed at one end to the closest empty tile at the other end. (Essentially an item teleporter)

Nuclear power. Being an expensive investment but having no cost later when it's built. Unrealistically turning into a nuclear bomb whenever it is damaged or not cleaned or coolerd properly.

Slavery, forcing prisoners to work even if they haven't joined the colony.

Have the spaceship not win you the game, but let you land somewhere else with the colonists, prisoners, animals and perhaps stowaways on the ship.

Assemly lines and automatic crafting.

Visitors becoming hostile if locked in and suffering for any reason.

Disillusioned colonists join nearby visitors, making it harder than to just to arrest and release them.

Foods that literally grow on trees, requiring you to let the trees to grow for a while before yielding fruit.

Electricity switches, be it manual or with automatic timers, entity detection or even programmable logic kind of like redstone from minecraft.
How about just adding a non-conducting version of the two walls and then just adding the price of a powerline to the conducting versions?

I've wanted for this kind of mod for a long time, I was really happy when I found it. But after testing I felt that the powerswitches are less useful than I hoped for.

For example:
I like building most things, including electricity consumers (lamps, turrets, trading console, etc) next to the walls of my rooms, which makes it hard to use the power switches since everything will just connect to the walls. The wall switch works if I have large enough rooms, but not in smaller rooms (because they will react to people walking outside). I don't see how I could use the floor switch to solve this (except in conjunction with not building next to the walls).

Are you having this problem or am I missing something obvious here?

I've got two ideas on how to solve this, but I have no idea how hard it would be to do any of them.

1. Add a way to choose which powerline an electricity consumer connects to, even if it's much further away.
2. Mod the walls to not conduct power by default (like stonewalls don't). Instead make it possible to draw powerlines through wood and metal walls.

I think the second solution is the better of the two, but ofcourse it would be better to have them both.

Right now I'm building my base out of stone and logs and having loads of fun with the mod.