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Messages - Kardek

NoImageAvailable thanks so much for this mod. I find it amazing. However can I request apart from transparency in the detail of the mechanics could you also please consider addressing harmony with the 3rd party shield mods. I saw some messaging to do with the bullet velocity is too high and renders some of the new shields ineffective? With this resolved I would have utopia in my rimworld universe :)

Thanks again!
Outdated / Re: [A12d][ModPack] The ModVarietyPack
February 13, 2016, 11:57:37 PM
Hi, just wanted to reach out and see if any there was any luck with progress on shield compatibility and combat realism (CR).

I've nearly overcome my apathy to take CR out to put some of the great shield mods in till its resolved but I'm hoping I dont have to :)

EDIT - Just wanted to say thank you for this amazing pack. Lot of great mods and really appreciate the effort bringing it altogether in a great experience!