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Messages - Lowkey1987

General Discussion / Re: On trading X minimizing wealth
October 18, 2018, 11:33:30 AM
I think, you are doing it right. Perhaps change the difficulty of your saved game and see what happens.
Yes, there are spikes in difficulty, but these are problems of the max difficulty.
I always buy things, which will be handy in the future. Things that will give me an advantage over my enemy (like artefacts). Or components, later all the steel.
Try to be near another settlement and use small caravans.
Change the environment, so when there is an attack, you have good defending points.
And use your one-use weapons.
Congratulations to the Luedon Team.
You have done a wonderful Job. I have bought this gem on the 22.03.2016.
Later on, i added it to Steam which tells me: Most played game with 1097 hours played. This seems much, and Steam didn't know every time I played it. To be honest, sometimes I let Rimworld run, while cooking or doing other things.
Rimworld was the first game which connected me to Reddit. The first time I used a gaming forum to make a game a little bit better. And as I learned new things, Rimworld learned, too.
I think the team behind Rimworld have done a great job. You gave many players memories of interesting simulated events, which they tell other people, like a AAA cinematic film. When I think back to my first try, I will never forget one of my starting colonists, who was an old gunner, not very useful but very old. And the tale how he died defending the entrance to the spaceship. And there are many great tales like this out there.
It was a nice journey with Ludeon and I am happy, you have reached your goal.

Tl:dr Love it, would buy again, 10/10
Have fun! :)
Did you use zones? Perhaps the beds are forbidden.
I didnt know this issue. N.Pop in your picture seems to sleep on the floor,too.
Do you habe any mods installed?
General Discussion / Re: crappy cooling
September 06, 2018, 08:49:47 AM
Can you show a screenshot of your setup?
Quote from: spaceage on August 31, 2018, 12:16:38 PM
Quote from: Drewski on August 31, 2018, 12:09:49 PM
Quote from: Canute on August 31, 2018, 04:38:04 AM
Maybe you just should end the 32 bit support for Rimworld.

That would be kind of a dickish move to those of us who supported the game's development because it runs on our old 32-bit computers. "Oh, hey, development is complete, don't need you anymore, sucker," would be the message I would take away from that.

How old is your computer??

I dont think this is moving in the right direction. Is it okay when one buyer can not play the game after 32bit support run out? Or 10 people? Maybe hundrets? Is it okay when my friend can not play it?
It is not even finished.
When it is finished, you can change this things. But till then, somebody had given money for it.

Soooooo....  :) what about some fancy hats?

EDIT: I had one unburnable corpse. My burningchamber had 1000 °C ... but he didnt catch fire. I think it is a bug, but i dont have a savegame (was 3 days back). Perhaps it was just a cool guy.
General Discussion / Re: Trap costs in 0.19
August 31, 2018, 03:32:50 AM
Hi everyone, hope your day is sunny :)

I had used traps more and more and like them more in compareson to the old traps. They have benefits to IDEs because they only harm one target and can be used near your defence. And the costs are okay, which is my playing experience.

If they would cost less i would only spawn them earlier.
I dont have trouble deconstruct old wood walls part for part and replace them after deconstruction.
I would do the same in RL.

And it is a importand part: do i wait to till summer with the new bedroom walls because its cold? Do i remove my wall and perhaps now comes an attack?

I see this mod (replacing walls) like door mats: It takes away a part of the game.
General Discussion / Re: rip predators
August 30, 2018, 03:36:56 AM
My predators are mostly fine. I would say 5% die after hunting.
I have a close eye on the wildlife tab. Because a dying predator is an easy meal.
General Discussion / Re: Trap costs in 0.19
August 30, 2018, 03:30:43 AM
I like the traps but use them as last line of defence between my pawns and the enemy. When someone comes near my sandsacks the traps hopefully stop him.

In the beginning i had only some traps at importand points. Then i build more and more. Yeah, i had to buy wood sometimes but more for my artists.

Now large parts of my wood traps get destroyed when a turret get destroyed but thats the price to pay.

I think it is okay and i like to use them.
Storyteller: Cassandra
Difficulty: Savage
Biome/hilliness: Temperate Forest [Small Hills i think] -15°C to +15°C
Commitment mode: No
Colony age (days): 8 Years
Hours played in the last 2 days: 10
Complete mod list: No Mod

I am playing this now for four weeks i guess. And i have many opinions but here a thing or two which i found interisting:
- My Doctors don´t fail. I am a... good player i think, i use good medication, good rooms. Everything is neat and clean. But in B18 sometimes everything goes wrong if you harvest an organ or give some implants.
In my 8 Years in this colony  i never had this problem. I think it is okay! As long as i think for my pawns. My prision is not my hospital, and i had no problems with harvesting organs (i collect maybe ..10? If you need a kidnee, better take a lung too).
It is better than in the past, where everything is fine (clean, good room, good doc) and after the operation there is a mass and a dead man.
What consernse me is... not one single failure.
-Investations are hell. I savescum them. I have a small hill in which i dig a tunnel and placed fire traps for pirates. But when an infestations happend i have many insects which can eat bullets for breaktfast and evening and dont like to die. Nope. And because of my traps they attack immidiatly. But, they only start after year 5, so there where big every time.
-Why is there a reload button on the traps? As far as i have learned:
Build a trap, if it goes of, its vanished (is gone). Build a trap, set a homezone above it and my workers will rebuild it. Soo.... i never use this button, what would he do?
-Caravaning is a okay, i have ways which are about 1 day long. But as always, i really start when i have drop pods. Drops pods are great, unless you forget one item (like a sleeping bag).
EDIT: And i want to leave a town which is far away by a drop pod. ATM i can build a second settlement, shot supplys there, and destroy it after i leave, but this feels off. I just need a map to build some ramps and not a permanent second colony.
-Recently one of my pawns was attackt by a timber wolf. Not good, he lost both eyes and a hand. It was amazing!
-Mechanoids are a pain. A good pain, but a pain. The armys of them getting bigger, so now my new defence have two walls, because mostly my walls get destructed (i only have sandstone) and so my cover. The centipedies are very strong in my opinion. A little nerv to there weapons could be nice.
-For the ships of the mechanoids my recept is: Anti-Gravitiy trap. Helps alot.
-Food Poisening is to hard. I think, it works okay: The kitchen was dirty. The Cook was bad,perhaps. But its strikes to hard. If someone gets it, i know, he is useless. Even a pawn with another sickness can fight. A pawn with food poisening will come to late.
"Where is Bob?" "He is sick, very sick." "Oh...the black death?" "Naaa...bad potatoes."
-Mining colonies are nice (i think you call the device LRMS). But i mine a great part of the map before i noticed: There is no more steel. Perhaps it could be possible to give player like me a bit extra steel (or other things). It is not satisfying if you have 10 days, mine the middle and search the map and there is...nothing. Now i take 3 days: First day i build my base, second i mine my stone, third i leave.
If i knew there would be 300 or 600 more steel, i would stay 3 days longer.
And i do it with drop pods.

Soooo... i hope my english was readable. This is my greatest problem ^^
All in all i have fun!
One point i forget. In the past my colony was this old because i wanted it. I could leave, if i build a spaceship, but i wanted to stay. Sometimes i leave but mostly staying. Now i am not able to leave. I dont have the ressources at the moment to build a ship (okay, because i want proper defence) and also i need space for it, and on a normal map (forgot to change it at start) this could become a problem. But i will find a solution.
A little problem which i noticed is:
Now you can see "What will the other settlement buy". Which is nice.
I can sell Simple Meals, cool. I am on my way.
I cannot sell them. Its not listened, even not at the end of the list like "Will not Buy".
This is a problem in my opinion.
Storyteller: Cassandra
Difficulty: Rough
Biome/hilliness:  Forest/ great hills -15°C -> 15°C
Commitment mode: No
Current colony age: 32 days
Hours played in the last 2 days: ~8
Complete mod list: None

I just started with a new game and have been away for a while, so this time i didn't Rough not merciless. Normally i enjoy merciless, because it's hard enough. But, for testing of this version rough will be enough.

-World Generation: There is a desert called "Sweaty reddish partridges"(i play with German language, hope I translate it well) which is quite hilarious 😊
-Also I forgotten to change the normal map size.
-There are giant sloths on the map, didn't thing I see them before at the start. I hunt them, and the drop heavy leather. I like this reduction of leather types.
-The change of the research tree is nice. Good, like no sterile tiles from the beginning.
-Got a revolver for the start. Didn't use it in other games, so it could be new. But I like the sound of it very much!
-Had some food poisoning, because of unclean kitchen. This works in my opinion, after cleaning and changing the tiles, food poisoning is going away/less common.
-Had 3 raids, all very easy (2 times one melee raider, 1 time one melee and 1 ranger raider). Pretty basic stuff. Had a caravan quest which asks for a "TechProf Persona [German]", it could be a techprof subpersona core. Didn't have one, would be hard to get one in a month.
-Have a refugee quest and see, that I could do it. Caravans move faster, I think. In B18 every quest was like "Can you please walk around this mountain. Now! Please.".
And now I have a cold snap, and I really love it. The first time, that the small animals all come into my base and I must hunt the rats, which eat my freshly harvested food. I am a rat hunter! 😊 (after hundreds of hours Rimworld). And after this the pigs came, to eat the corpses of the rats. I don't know why this happened, but some mechanic seems to have changed. Perhaps the rats could eat cold grass.
Did have one short circuit, but it was 2 tiles away from my powerline. Didn't expect it there and don't know what to think about it.
I noticed the log of people, which was interesting. Don't remember it that well.

That's it for the moment.
I dont think its even a bug. Perhaps funny. But very rarely.