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Messages - db48x

While it's not perfect, I think this is quite an interesting mod. Really gives the game a different feeling.

It'd be nice if the mod incompatibilities were either fixed, or made more obvious (so that they don't suddenly show up after you've been playing for a while), or if they were at least documented.

But what I think this mod needs the most is integration of non-visual data, such as sound and memory. Technically sound is already handled by the base game, as you can hear that manhunter pack outside your walls if you're zoomed in and paying attention, but the mod should add some visual indications as well, unless your people are too far away, too deaf, etc.

Memory is likewise almost handled already: items on the ground that you haven't seen yet are invisible. However, other situations are not, such as a prisoner or a guest being in a particular room. From a game-play perspective, there should be some indication that someone is there, and that indicator should let you interact with them much as if they were visible. (Currently if you can guess what tile they're standing in, you can still click on them and get a menu of actions, but that feels more like a bug or partial implementation resulting from how the mod prevents them from being rendered rather than an intentional gameplay feature.)

Hunting is similarly problematic, because you have to micromanage your hunters in order to discover something to hunt. (Or wait until night when the animals go to sleep, then look for the ZZzs.)

All that aside, I'm really enjoying playing the game this way! Thanks!
Quite soon after I started a new map in B18, I noticed that I couldn't pause using the spacebar. I can't assign the spacebar as a keyboard shortcut for any of the available commands. I can, however, type spaces into textboxes such as the one for changing a pawn's name.

I guess I'll just make my own ship. With blackjack, and hookers!
General Discussion / Re: pro tip: firefoam
February 16, 2017, 06:52:43 PM
Ship. See the far right-hand side of the tech tree.
General Discussion / Re: pro tip: firefoam
February 16, 2017, 04:57:43 PM
Just picture a field of rubble, ruined dreams, and the bitter taste of ashes in your mouth.
General Discussion / pro tip: firefoam
February 16, 2017, 04:22:40 PM
Be sure to put a few firefoam poppers around your ship, so that you don't lose it when your hunters open fire on a boar hiding in a heard of boomalope.

A screenshot would be too depressing.
Yes, the updated save fixed it (even though I loaded a save created after the problem began). I must say though that uploading a new version of the mod without bumping the version number is a bit annoying; it makes it harder to know that there is an update.

Also, I have the backtrace for the exception if you want to make sure:

System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements
  at Verse.GenCollection.MaxBy[Thing,Single] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 selector, IComparer`1 comparer) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.GenCollection.MaxBy[Thing,Single] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 selector) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Hospitality.LordToil_VisitPoint.LeaveSatisfied (Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Hospitality.LordToil_VisitPoint.Leave () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Hospitality.LordToil_VisitPoint.Cleanup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at Verse.AI.Group.Lord.GotoToil (Verse.AI.Group.LordToil newLordToil) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  [...the rest ommitted]
Yes, I did mention that as a possible workaround.
Bugs / [W|0.4.462] standing in the wrong position
June 11, 2014, 04:28:41 AM
I was watching folk running around my fort doing things when I noticed that one guy was standing in the wrong place.

Here you can see that Quinn is standing out in the open, on the wrong side of the courtyard from the workbench, but the stone he's working on is drawn in the right place.

A few moments later when he's finished the job, he paths to the stockpile to store the bricks:

He did this several times, each time standing in a different but nearby position. Could be an uninitialized memory access, but then I'd expect the values to vary more; he never left the courtyard. Could be an out-of-bounds read or write causing him to get a position someone else had used.

edit: fixed subject
Yes, that's exactly the bug I'm reporting.
Use the horrid vegetables as bait to attract tasty squirrels.
I'd say it's worth it provided you go in knowing that there's no end-game content yet, the tech "tree" is clearly just a sketch, and the storytellers aren't.

Go into it expecting to play a fort or two each time a new release is out (once every couple of months).
That's a different bug; I've got plenty of room in the stockpiles. The region system makes it possible to implement a less-mindless behavior.
Damien, I really like the look of your village.

Here's mine, nestled between all the hills. That was a _very_ conveniently-placed geothermal vent, I must say:

Took this picture while they were out hunting boomrats with grenades.
The orders on the stove say to make up to 10 fine meals and there are 9 in the stocks, so the cook makes one and puts it on the floor nearby.

The orders on the stove say to make up to 10 fine meals and there are 9 in the stocks, so the cook makes one and puts it on the floor nearby.

The orders on the stove say to make up to 10 fine meals and there are 9 in the stocks, so the cook makes one and puts it on the floor nearby.

The orders on the stove say to make up to 10 fine meals and there are 9 in the stocks, so the cook makes one and puts it on the floor nearby.

The orders on the stove say to make up to 10 fine meals and there are 9 in the stocks, so the cook makes one and puts it on the floor nearby.

The orders on the stove say to make up to 10 fine meals and there are 9 in the stocks, so the cook makes one and puts it on the floor nearby.

Repeat ad-infinitum, or at least until a hauler notices all these meals strewn haphazardly about the kitchen. Making them remember how many they've made today might be tricky though; they'd have to subtract when they see someone taking a meal to storage, etc. Instead, do a region walk predicated on visibility rather than passability to count all of the items in the current room but not in a stockpile and add that to the total.

In the meantime you can put your stove in the middle of a stockpile, so that everything ends up in a stockpile automatically, but to the player that just feels odd.