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Messages - AzureSkye

Quote from: Ratys on April 21, 2016, 12:54:16 AM
It could be possible to migrate saves if you deconstruct all instances of everything the mods add prior to updating. Yet still, there will be errors thrown in the console, if you can't parse them yourself or they are repeating - post them here for diagnosis and possible fix.

How to upgrade without recurring debug errors

  • Add mods (Fusebox, Mag Shield) to Mod list under the old versions.
  • Load saved game, ignoring duplication errors
  • Use Debug Tools to Destroy all instances of Mod Components
  • Save as a new save file (In case you screw up)
  • Quit Game
  • Browse to C:\Users\###USERNAME###\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld\Saves
  • Open save file with competent XML Editor. (I recommend NotePad++ over standard NotePad)
  • Under <mods> Delete <li>RT Fusebox</li>
  • Ctrl-F (or equivalent) and find "Fuse"
  • This will bring you to the completed research list. Find the entries <li>RTFusebox_BasicFuses</li>, <li>RTFusebox_AdvancedFuses</li>, <li>RTFusebox_FlareShield</li>
  • Count how far up or down they are from the bottom or top. Remember this number and delete them.
  • Scroll down to the section <values>. This is the amount of research currently completed for each item. Repeat the count from above until you find the right values.
  • Cut these three values out.
  • Scroll up to the research list again and count to <li>ResearchProject_RTBasicFuses</li>, <li>ResearchProject_RTCircuitBreakers</li>, <li>ResearchProject_RTMagneticShield</li>. Remember the number you counted.
  • Scroll back to the <values> section and reverse the count to find the appropriate three <li>0</li> entries. Select them and paste in the old values. (This sets the research progress appropriately)
  • Completing research triggers colony events. Let's go modify those. Ctrl-F again and find "RTFusebox_BasicFuses"
  • Replace "RTFusebox_BasicFuses" with "ResearchProject_RTBasicFuses"
  • Find and replace "RTFusebox_AdvancedFuses" with "ResearchProject_RTCircuitBreakers"
  • Again, find and replace "RTFusebox_FlareShield" with "ResearchProject_RTMagneticShield"
  • Find and delete <li Class="RTFusebox.MapComponent_RTFusebox" />
  • Save the file, close the editor and start Rimworld.
  • Remove RT Fusebox from your mod list.
  • Load your modified save. Use GodMode to replace your Fuses and Shields.
  • Turn off GodMode and debugging, save and enjoy!

As I haven't used Q-piles, I can't help on that, but it should be similar.