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Messages - BeoTea

Mods / Re: [Mod... Request?] A RPG mod?
September 10, 2019, 08:17:49 PM
Thanks for the response! I'll take a look at those mods then.
Mods / [Mod... Request?] A RPG mod?
September 09, 2019, 07:43:49 PM
Wasn't sure whether this would count as a request, or a search, or suggestion, or what.

To the short, I was wondering if there was a mod that focused more on traveling as a caravan, doing objectives for different towns rather than the actual base building part.

I vaguely remember hearing mention of it a long time ago, but I might just be imagining that. Does anyone know if anything like this exists, or is being worked on?
I've run into a problem. I'm playing with Misc MAI, the android mod. the problem is that when I set more than three colonists the next one becomes a MAI. As in, I have 4 people made, but one of them, the same person each time, turns into a MAI as soon as they exit the escape pod. Their picture at the top even shows them as them before they land, but it changes as soon as it opens.

The person suffering the robotification also isnt the fourth person, she was one of the original three. It seems its only her, because I dont run into the problem when I delete her and add a different person.

Sorry if my question is repetitive or if this was already asked. Thanks in advance.

Update: It seems no matter what I do, one of them is always turning into MAI.
Hey man! Looks like a great mod, but ive got a problem to report. I play with the mod Call of Cthulhu, Rim of Maddness Expansion Pack. I tried adding in your mod afterwards, new save and everything, but its seems to be incompatible. I did a few small tests and found it was the mod Elder Things, from CoC, that wasnt working with it. It seems to work with everything else im using.

I dont really know how fixing mods works or anything, so heres my list of mods in order, just incase.

Humanoid Alien Races 2.0
H.P. Lovercraft Storyteller - Remastered
CoC - Cosmic Horrors
CoC - Elder Things
CoC - Cults
CoC - Factions
CoC - Industrial Age
CoC - Straighjackets
Miscellaneous 'CORE'
Misc. Training
Misc. Robots
Misc. Objects
Misc. MapGen FactionBase
Misc. MapGenerator
Misc. MAI
Misc. Incidents
Misc. Bees'n'Honey
EdB Prepare Carefully
EPOE 2.0
Harvest Everything!
A Dog Said...
More Vanilla Turrets
Colony Leadership
Map Reroll
Barbed Wire
Tilled Soil
Simple Sidearms
Rumours and Deception
Rim of Madness - Arachnophobia

Elder Things and your mod are interchangable, if I stop using one, I can use the other. Like I said, I dont know what you need to do to fix it, or if you can fix it, but this mod is something I think should be included in the core game.

PS. If this is a mod you "just decided to upload", I kinda wanna see the other ones. This is very well balanced.
Releases / Re: [A17] SimpleSidearms (1.2.1)
August 17, 2017, 08:53:47 PM
Thanks, now I've gotta find a reason why SS wont work for me. When I turn it on, the debug menu pops up and there's lots of red. Time to learn what red means.
Releases / Re: [A17] SimpleSidearms (1.2.1)
August 17, 2017, 10:13:46 AM
Is there anything that this mod doesn't work with? Such as a mod that includes different bodys, such as the Elder Things from Call of Cthulhu - Elder Things?
General Discussion / Stance on Lore
August 15, 2017, 04:16:45 PM
        As the title asks, I'm only wondering what Tynan's stance on world lore is. We have ancient Mechanoids, Ruins, Roads, and we're in space 3500 years in the future. There had to be some cool reason there or something.
          This was just a passing thought, but it would be cool to learn a bit of history.
Ideas / Adaption of Behavior
April 21, 2017, 10:10:49 PM
This is most than likely an expensive feature, so I'm not expecting anything like this for a while, but hey, if it's seen, it's known.

My idea is having colonists adapt over time. I've had the idea for a while, but seeing the Colony Culture idea made me think these two fit together pretty nice.

The idea is for colonists to adapt to their surroundings, so their traits or incapabilities, or even their interests, are changed by what happens around them. In terms of stories it could be called character progression, or it could be called a change of heart.

If implemented, it would add a chance, possibly depending in the metal fortitude and age (weaker and younger are more susceptible to change of morals) for people to change what they can do. People who do certain things longer, have a greater interested, or deeply believe they are correct (a hunter who has been hunting for ten years/has the background of a soldier, a burning passion, or someone traumatized into a belief) may be harder to change the mind of, requiring a large something to give them a push. If they can't fight, but see people hunting everyday, they may see that not all violence is bad. At the same time, if someone watches half the colony burn down, they could gain a trauma, never allowing them to fight fire again.

With this, you may also add the option to have people mentor others. You may be able to assign a low level, but interested hunter to follow and assist another hunter, allowing them to gain experience and maybe break an inability.

By doing this, it allows for people to feel deeper connection to the pawns, and will give the story a dynamic sense. In zombie stories and whatnot, more often than not the main character starts off scared and weak, but by the end they are in the least reliable. That's the kind of idea I've got when I thought this up. With this, even the useless colonists you come across (I'm looking at you Sheriff) may be able to have a use by teaching them how to art or craft.

An example might be Aang, from Avatar: The Last Airbender when he first learns firebending and burns a friend. He is traumatized, and unable to firebend until he reaches an enlightenment, and realizes firebending could be used for good. (Season One, Episode 16)
To defeat Centipedes or Sythers, I send one or two people out in personal shields, and have everyone else line up behind them. The mechs will target the shield users, leaving everyone safe (as long as they have worse cover than the melee units). As soon as someone gets hurt, I just send them out of sight until they have their shield back.
Ideas / Work Out Rooms
June 07, 2016, 04:09:36 AM
Maybe to give a slight buff (maybe +10-20%) to walking or manipulation or something, add workout rooms where colonists can exercise. If they stay at a research bench or something all the time, maybe give a debuff (-10-20%) to walking speed or something unless they exercise. People who go hunting often may not need it as much, but if a colonist spends days sitting in front of a research table may develop cramps and other injuries by just doing nothing.
Ideas / Injury Theropy
June 07, 2016, 04:03:53 AM
If one of your colonists suddenly get a bionic/non-bionic body piece, i think it should take time to get used too. Maybe, say, when they first get a peg leg, they walk at 25% speed for a little while. Then, they get used to it and walk at 50%. Then, after maybe a year or two they become proficient with their peg leg, and can walk at 75%. This also could change on how much it's used. Ex- if someone loses their leg and gets a peg leg, but they spend most of their day at a research bench, they may take much longer to become used to it, compared to someone who goes out hunting everyday.