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Messages - FullMetalPant

Ideas / Re: DLC or Expansion
August 22, 2016, 09:09:10 PM
The game is in the steam top sellers. According to steamspy, around 250000 people own the game on steam, you can do the math. Which is awesome and well deserved. I would think it allow the studio to keep working on the alpha for a bit adding content and balancing some game mechanic for a final release that will kick some serious ass. Hopefully. 

Seeds required to grow plants.
I agree but that is what make the game unique and stand out of the crowd (or just be different) from your average RTS.

I am not sure but I think a z axis the way the game seems to be build (2d top view) would fairly increase the cpu resource needed and make the management of many map layered on top of each other a bit hard. It would be huge though! Build a second story to your building sound cool, work great in iso perspective, but top view?

On a smaller scale...

An underground food storage that exploit the underground colder temperature.

The new deep mining use underground resources, maybe a device that would take advantage of the sky?

Maybe adding watch towers that give a bonus to accuracy, range, and sight? Give a little sense of z axis. Probably has been proposed already, sound like one of those little suggestion that could be done in half a day.

Costy dynamite to craft that would allow to blow overhead mountain chunk giving mining resources as well as being used as a weapon?

How to be more creative hmmm.... (water system!) :)
Ideas / Re: water as a semi rare resource
August 21, 2016, 04:39:49 PM
Sure thing :)

The thing with water is that it would open the way to so many more ideas in my opinion, even if it just start as a very basic system. Apparently Tynan said that he wouldn't want to double food as it's pointless, but what I imagine doesn't double food, it double the electric system and open the way to many, many water working devices that would give a lot of depth to the game, adding new mechanics and mood/health/world properties that make the utmost sense in a colony simulator. 
Ideas / Re: water as a semi rare resource
August 21, 2016, 03:30:03 PM
I should have look in the mod community before, because this water/electricity idea is exactly what someone was attempting to do.

I think that is what is making the most sense, and doable in a acceptable amount of time exploiting an existing system instead of creating a new one from scratch. Though, seems like the guy work alone on this, and he have to figure out how the whole rimworld code is written in other to exploit it to get it done.

I would imagine it has a water gauge to be filled that would work more like JOY (when a pawn go to play pool or watch tv, is joy gauge is filled) he would go fill a flask, which would take like 5 or 10 second. But there would be no item to consume (still, a water device could create an item you can carry to use the water for something else, that could work too). Watering crop would work like a sunlight lamp, a sprinkler with a radius.

Or maybe the pawn could be ordered to water crop, which would decrease his water gauge (like when you walk around an ugly place, your beauty gauge decrease). The water gauge would represent the water he carry no the water he drank, so the penalty on mood and health would only apply once he ran out of water for a bit.

A well at the beginning would be possible to work that way too (just as a pool table don't need electricity, but a tv does), as well as a manual device to water crop (maybe that first well would allow you to water crop on a certain radius), until you build an electric/fuel pump and a plumbing system.

The problem I see is how do you calculate water consumption, as electric device consume electricity unless you turn them off, would it use water unless you turn you water device off, that still make sense but may be a bit of micro managing, unless it turn on and off on automatically activation. The extra is stored in water tank (battery).

I would help if I knew anything about coding!  :'(
Ideas / Re: water as a semi rare resource
August 21, 2016, 09:33:29 AM
Quote from: milon on August 21, 2016, 08:39:15 AM
Read rule #10.  ;)

:-[ Sorry, I am pretty new to this forum (I am pretty new on any forum at all). I shall stay respectful to the rules and other users, and also use the report post button if I encounter a situation like this again, before it escalate. Thanks for your patience.

Quote from: eadras on August 21, 2016, 09:07:16 AM
Water systems were one of the things I was hoping to see implemented.  But I'm new to the game and it seems it's already been decided not to go that route.  That's fine, the game is fun without it, but for me the lack of water makes playing on desert maps pretty absurd, so I won't be playing them.  Plenty of other fun biomes to enjoy.

I totally agree about the game to be tons of fun without it, but that is the first thing that come to my mind as an improvement that would take the game a step further and open lots of possibilities. Note that I have no knowledge with writing code, so I talk about things I don't really know, but I imagine something fairly simple using a system almost identical to electricity. As I could read, the best change and update come from using an existing feature and modify it.

Maybe someone will mod it at some point. I shall ask on the mod forum what kind of work it could represent to use the electric system to create a water system similar to it working in parallel, and adding a water variable to the mood, health, and to grow crop. Sure sound like lot of work though, but not as much as creating a water system like dwarf fortress and making a realistic fluid physic on large scale to the whole world.

Ideas / Re: water as a semi rare resource
August 21, 2016, 08:06:09 AM
Well the way I imagine water system is fairly simple. Almost a copy paste of the electricity system. No need to go much further than this and model dynamic water. You pump water to feed water working device just like you pump electricity to feed electricity device.

I wouldn't propose something remotely impossible to achieve. It came from the idea to implement a water distribution system that would work like the electric system. Because a plumbing system work pretty much the same as an electric system.

A little challenging, but no need to make tides and all that stuff. Keep it simple. You put water pump on hole similar to geothermal holes. Water collector working like solar panels.. They don't have to start from scratch, they work on something that already exist and modify it.

And that is still not what I read on that sticky. What i read is that they are the most frequent asked suggestion that arent likely to be implemented, and that there is link to thread about those suggestion to go read and leave a comment there. Or else couldnt they just close the thread to new comments?
Ideas / Re: water as a semi rare resource
August 21, 2016, 07:49:57 AM
Can we just agree to disagree and move on. Insulting people isnt kosher either. This discussion lead nowhere, I just wanted to tell ludeon how much I would like to see water system and what I think it would bring to the game. They won't do it.. alright. But sorry dude I won't take your word for it. Who knows, now that things are rolling and they are on steam best sellers, that open the valve for more budget to work on new feature. They talk about small little suggestion that take 4 hours to do, and I fully agree with that, it really can push the game into great place. Adding a whole new system like water management would make possible a ton of new 4 hours new little suggestions.

Ideas / Re: water as a semi rare resource
August 21, 2016, 06:56:15 AM
So I have delete all my non constructive argumentation I invite some to do the same to keep this thread clean and still alive.

I think the purpose of it is to encourage people to use this thread instead of creating new one. There is a whole bunch of new players around since the steam release, so necroing dead horse from pre steam release may happen, better that it happen here. And anyway, water management would still be an awesome feature to add to this game. :)
Ideas / Re: water as a semi rare resource
August 21, 2016, 04:56:56 AM
Quote from: Lightzy on August 21, 2016, 04:43:08 AM
This idea is so obvious that of course you gotta +1 it.

Water is so good for so many things..
Most especially, elaborate and artistic hydro-engineering.

Creating a mote around your colony
Creating a lever-controlled mote around your colony that flushes undesirables :)
Helping putting out fires
Irrigation of fields (lever/controlled water channels a-la DF possibly)
Cleanliness rating for pawns, affecting disease development/mood
Water freezing into slippery ice on a harsh winter
Ice sculptures to make that freezer a little more fun, fun stuff in ice-sheet starts.
Swimming to cool off / have fun
Pool parties!
But... Crocodiles :(

etc etc

Large lakes/rivers that prevent you getting to areas on the map, so you need to build canoes. Can be used to fish on good spots if not accessible on foot)

Yes it open a whole lots of possibilities, I like them all, but no need to make it over complicated at first. You have few crops, then people modded the game to have mores. You have few use for electricity, then people modded to have more use to it. You have a combat system, then people modded it to their taste. I would really like to see water to be implemented in some way. I think a limit should be put thought to not affect the game performance on the vanilla release. Keep it simple. :)

Maybe it could be modded, I don't know. I am just a new user from steam, the game got a lot of attention and positive review, and I really like the game. I don't see what is so terrible the get this discussion going again, this is not a total non sense topic. I don't see anywhere here that water is out of question and the idea should die forever.

Anyhow this is a design choice, but the game still evolve. Who knows.

Ideas / Re: water as a semi rare resource
August 21, 2016, 12:26:28 AM
This post is necro. But I'd really like to see water system implemented in the game. It's like the most important resource for life to survive. I can't help but think when a pawn go berserk because he has been rejected 7 time by the same pawn, feel uncomfortable, ate a raw potato, think is room is too small and not good enough for his crash survivor fancy taste, that if he had drank a coffee this morning, his life would be different, but he had no water. And also, if he had took a shower, maybe he would smell better and have more success with the ladies.

Seriously, I can't help but to think all of this affect a colonist well being while he don't need water. Water being an omnipresent resource so abundant that there is no need to seek strategy to get it, while you spend so much time making pretty room to satisfy all those little prince and princess. He even have drugs now to cope with that girl rejection, what is next? A therapist to help with his addiction?

Water would add a full dimension to the game, a new challenge but not overwhelming, as we can all understand that we need water instinctively.

Water system should be in my opinion similar to electricity system. No need to make it over complicated with tons of animation and tons of requirement to find water. It should be as hard if not harder than electricity to distribute in a base, but we are also in 5500 and we space travel, I would think they have came up with a technology that can produce H2O using different method. A pump that extract water from a well, like those geothermal holes... it should be harder to get in desert that is for sure, but not impossible. I don't know. Seek in scifi.

I really like the game anyway, I just think that it is the most obvious missing feature that would improve the game play the most.

By the way, I like all those feature, drugs, relationship, beauty, joy systems and the game is awesome, again, just think that water at this point could be the next big thing to implement.

P.S. Thinking of those geothermal hole, maybe you could have a choice to make between using it for electricity or to extract water from the steam? Make a choice, easy water, or easy power?
Chaotix, I know, I have read that post but it seems to be dead, so seeing this new discussion, I thought I would share my opinion on this. This is just an opinion, as well as a suggestion.

Maybe hygiene is too much as a need. But drinking water, watering crop field and managing a water system sound like lot of realistic dimension fun to me.
I think water system should be implement in the next alpha release (A16). Way more critical than children I think, as aging is a problem and doesn't make much sense as the game doesn't span long enough time to see the children grow old enough.

Though, children could be like pet (sorry lol, I know the comparison is not great). But they could add joy, and turn someone crazy if they die. If your game last long enough, then they could become member of the colony, but that wouldnt happen very often, maybe at 8 they'd be old enough to start hauling, at 12 be apprentice to a specific job. Anyway, it's a lot of thing to consider while implementing children. On the other hand I think water is much more important, and I don't think it would require as much work than children to implement (stop me if I am wrong, I am not a coder).

I read the other post on water to be a semi rare resource. I don't agree. Plumbing system should be, like it is in real life, similar to electricity system. In fact, it could almost be a copy/paste of the electricity system, at the core. Maybe harder to produce than electricity.

Here some example on how water should work in my opinion and how it compare to electricity system.

Cable = Pipes
Battery = Water tank
Turbine/solar panel = Water pump
Sunlight = Sprinkler
Rain = Wind and sun for electric system

Then you can add drinking point, and bathroom, that would satisfy 2 new needs : thirst and hygiene. It could work similar to joy system, the pawn go there so they can fulfill those need.

Plants would need water to grow. Either you rely on rain, or you build a sprinkler system, or assuming you have a well close, the pawn can water the crop field.

At the first day of the colony, priority would be to find water. Either they build a manual well, or a condensation system, or they build the base close to a water spot.

Water is just critical need. It makes total common sense that it is the most important resource to build a colony.

No water = no life.

But hey, I really love that game, keep up the good work!