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Messages - SilentP

That's a really impressive base. Very spacious.  Here's what I see:

1) Wood walls burn quickly. Replace them with stone. I like granite for external walls.
2) Wood floors burn quickly. Replace them with stone. I like marble because it contrasts well with items.
3) Sterile tile only in the hospital.
4) Separate your meals from your raw foods. This cuts down on food poisoning.
5) Medicine doesn't need to be refrigerated.
6) Put switches between your battery rooms and the main power grid. Turn one switch off once all of the batteries are charged.  If you have ZZRRT! you can just flick a switch and you're good to go.
7) I personally don't use generators.  Wind / Solar at the start then Geothermal afterwards.
8) Your production room isn't laid out well.  With two toolboxes I can link eight workbenches.
9) Put a stone wall all the way around your geothermal power station.  Keeps pirates from blowing it up.
10) I'd suggest limiting bedrooms to 7x7 (9x9 including walls).  Still spacious enough for the buff.
11) Try condensing your base and making it more square.  This will make it more defensible.
12) Need turrets, sandbags and walls for defense.
General Discussion / Re: Mods making the game "to easy"?
February 07, 2017, 05:10:38 PM
Quote from: Derp on February 07, 2017, 01:36:16 PM

Try the crash landing mod on hard.  Everyone lands injured, possibly dead, among the flaming wreckage of the ship.  Roleplay it like actual survivors would - try to save everyone above all else, even if you end up with ten crippled, nearly-useless colonists on the verge of constant breakdown.

The dense forest mod makes the world feel very different, and significantly affects the above mods too.  CR's ridiculous ranges don't help in heavy forest, and Crash Landing basically burns down half the map.

Thanks Derp! I'll give those a try!
General Discussion / Re: Mods making the game "to easy"?
February 07, 2017, 11:38:10 AM
A lot of these posts have brought up some questions for me that I'd like to share with the community:

What constitutes a "Quality of Life" mod?

If I were to customize some pawns using "Prepare Carefully" what would you recommend?  Currently I just mash the random button until I get a pawn capable of hauling and then replace pyromaniac, psychic sensitive / hypersensitive.  I don't worry with chemical fascination, staggeringly ugly because they're pretty easy to manage around.

To those of you berating me and saying I should uninstall the mods:  It wasn't my intention to suggest the game is too easy or vanilla mode is to hard.  I was looking to generate intelligent discussion on ways to improve my gaming experience with Rimworld.  Perhaps someone would suggest "Use Jerry's Hardmode Mod" or "Try this mod, it makes growing things 10x slower".

Thanks to everyone who is contributing and a special thank you to all the modders out there who are doing such fantastic work.
General Discussion / Re: Mods making the game "to easy"?
February 06, 2017, 05:19:18 PM
Well I added the "Mending" mod because I thought it added a bit of "realism" to the game.  Instead of growing cotton plants that automatically harvested cloth, the mod changes things around so you actually have to process the cotton fibers into cloth.  The mod also added a mending bench that allows you to deconstruct clothing and repair clothing.

So in essence, yes some mods make the game "harder" by adding extra processing steps.  I think the "Combat Realism" mod also makes the game harder by including the need for your pawns to carry ammunition for their weapons.
General Discussion / Mods making the game "to easy"?
February 06, 2017, 04:26:27 PM
I've got a few hundred hours in RimWorld and I must say that I absolutely love the game.  I also love the mods that our awesome community has created for us.  I just wrapped up a nice game on an ice sheet with the average temperature hovering around -20°F.

The thing I'm noticing is some of the mods like "Prepare Carefully" "More Vanilla Turrets" and "Stacks XXL" seem to reduce the difficulty curve of the game.  For instance "Prepare Carefully" gives me the option to customize my pawns, thus removing pyromaniac traits and preexisting medical conditions.  "More Vanilla Turrets" give me the option to build gun emplacements to mow down enemy raiders regardless of available weaponry. "Stacks XXL" allow me to cram 1000+ meals in a 10x10 cooler without having to worry about more space and more air conditioners.

Do you guys think these mods make the game to easy?  Am I just playing on a low level and should up the challenge? I'm currently on Randy Random with Intense difficulty.  I ask because I'm starting to find the game to be a bit boring.
Stories / Re: So i did a little experiment
January 31, 2017, 01:57:02 PM
I did the same thing and made pawns of myself and my wife.  We ate our dog after it was killed by a mountain lion.  :'(

The pawns are now divorced, living in a cave base. 

My wife's pawn has the divorced debuff while my pawn seems to be making the circuit through all of the ladies in the base.  I think the social skill on my pawn is a bit too high.
I sell everything that isn't nailed down.

Dead man's clothing and any weapon below "normal" is immediately sold.  Then it's a combination of sculptures, smoke leaf, stone blocks and human leather products.
General Discussion / Re: Extreme Desert Challenge
January 31, 2017, 11:30:28 AM
Silly question, but is there a way we can get these awesome challenges put on the Steam Workshop?
General Discussion / Re: Cave Bases.
January 24, 2017, 07:16:22 PM
Dumb question but why would you want corridors 2 blocks wide?  I typically dig out 3 blocks and then put walls in 2 of them to have a 1 block wide hallway.
Quote from: Listy on January 18, 2017, 07:12:56 AM
Which was fine because I had requirements for 1x metric ass ton of steel...

Not to be confused with the smaller Imperial or English ass ton.
The point of the nutrient paste dispenser (NPD) is to dispense nutrient paste.   ;)
Quote from: Grishnerf on January 11, 2017, 11:45:53 AM
Videogames in the 80's were torture!

Back in my day our games were "Nintendo Hard" and we liked it that way!  No tutorials like kids now-a-days!

If you wanted to know how to do something, you had to press one of two buttons!  Or READ THE MANUAL!

Ever feel like the game is messing with you? Every. Single. Day.

Every refugee / wanderer that joins my colony has some kind of addiction.  On my most recent Tribal colony, the first two people to join had go-juice, smokeleaf and wake-up addictions.

Flash storms seem to ALWAYS hit my windmill generators.

Zrrt! occurs at night in my barn setting a boomalope on fire...

Bulk Goods traders show up with 1000 silver and the same piles of cloth, steel and meat.

Whenever a colonist goes beserk they wander into the barn and punch a puppy. >=(

Cargo pods are usually full of meat when my freezer is full, cloth when I just harvested cotton and drugs when mental breaks are on the horizon.
There are also some mods out there that will allow you to manage dirt.  Off the top of my head there's floor mats to put in front of doors and grated floors that let dirt fall through so they never have to be cleaned.
I'd like to see the NPD work like a stove.  Someone stands there and hits the button all day to stockpile goop meals.

Would it be viable for the NPD to be modded so it would remove the cannibalism debuff and the insect meat debuff while allowing the machine to continuously produce meals like a stove?  I mean, goop is goop, no matter where it comes from ;)