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Messages - iamthepenthief

General Discussion / Re: Introduce yourself!
October 24, 2016, 06:47:45 PM
Hey. I am the pen thief.... or paul or pt

I found rimworld on steam... liked the look of it and big strategy fan.
Looked at afew lets plays on youtube from some of my favourite subs. (Chris odd, mr falcon, northern lion)

Enjoyed the vids... checked the game spec (which is unbelievable light! A late 90s pc could run it!!)
Then bought it.

Playing it between some other titles now. Its been awesome.... painful... brutal... emotional.... and awesome.
General Discussion / Re: Tribes Vs. Colonies.
September 28, 2016, 12:20:28 PM
The research speed...
you should be able to level up your tech level. Say once you learn all the neolithic skills your tech should upgrade to medieval... finish medieval and tech uogrades to industrial. They might curb the research struggle...
Stories / Re: Rimworld hates me
September 28, 2016, 08:02:26 AM
I agree with that description.... i can only imagine the horrors i was spared by skipping the tutorial lol
Stories / Re: Started new game
September 27, 2016, 05:39:13 PM
My first map went south just like this.. only i deconstructed a steel wall piece of cliff not long after the "omnious threat" text box thinking it was jus event based (quick clicked off it... much to my later regret) opened up, got a new area reveal note.... and let out 5 huge insect monsters.... still.... you live and learn.... well.... you learn anyways lol
Stories / Rimworld hates me
September 27, 2016, 03:31:04 PM
So after my last colonial tragedy.. i restarted. Im going to related it from the players perspective this time. Because Rimworld truly hates me colonies lol

Meet grub the doc(m), tau the builder (m), engie the huntress (f), howard the engineer (m), menuear the computer (f) and deleon the refugee (m)

So I started with the 3. Tau, engie and grub... all had been going very very well. Howard just wandered into the area and signed up, menuear and deleon were from a cryo-crypt found near the base. All very early on..

A year passed, the based is expandonh steadily, i hit wall with research because I have no plasteel on the map to finish the multianalyser thing to get 3rd tier tech.
Tau and Engie fell in love and even married in this time. Food, heating and clean clothes were availablr even a tv and a heated green house to keep food growing all year round. Turrets up, Engie was very good at making any weapon type. We had a mastercrafted sniper rifle and the finest melee weapons..... a proverbial utopia if you will....

So what does Rimworld do??? It gives me toxic fallout for ALL OF WINTER AND 5 DAYS OF SPRING...

So if you are unaware of the problem with toxic fallout.. let me tell you what your in for....

So for the first few days it was harmless.. toxicity wasnt too bad, trivial mostly and fading overnight (going out side = bad)... but this unrelenting cloud of death slowly... attritionally... halved my colony...

It began with beavers.... they pop up and munch every tree in sight.. so i sent grub out to deal with them as engie was making weapons... grub suddenly needs rescuing... Funny, I think to myself, no animal revenge note... so i send deleon to save him...
Deleon gets grub into bed only to pass out himself (by this time i'm aware of  the now severe toxicity in 4/6 members..

So i pop them into bed to rest up... then man hunter boomalops seige the main building... grub jumps up to fight (auto setting... perhaps a mistake)  gets outside... passes out... tau goes out and shoots afew of them.. they blow up taking out a fair chunk of the greenhouse with fire until the foam popper goes off... tau is burned to death.. along with grub..

Leaving 4... 3 of which are extremely toxic.
The toxicity here is where it got ridiculous... you put them in bed.. but as soon as they can walk they run outside and pass out... over and over again.. i had to draft howard to imprison the others as it got annoying him keep rescuing them...

Engie was depressed as well from Tau dying... went berzerk at Howard. Howard slapped her down... but was hurt..
and grub was the only doc worth anything.. Engie was cut in the fight, got infected.. died
OH and to top it off menuear got dementia from severe toxicity... and now that the death cloud has passed im left with half a functioning base.. 3 peeps.. and of those 3 one keeps wondering off in a confused state!!!
Yea i get alot of resources being left away from storage. Steel, wood etc chopped down or mined and then just left for days to sit away from camp not counting as available resources.

I think that either hauling should be mandatory for all or it can be tasked in the time restrict table as a specific task outside of "Work"

Like "Gather" so that no matter what for atleast afew hours they will haul in the gear left around the map.

Or allow you to order haul on steel or wood or plasteel etc not just  chunks.
Stories / A dark and unforgiving galaxy
September 23, 2016, 09:03:26 PM
I just got squadwiped....

Meet kori, cheabear, huang, blur, Scheuble and beatrice....

First Beatrice had her right leg torn off by a manhunter rhino.. she lived to see the horrific end to the colony.

A pirate raid came in but the auto turrets were not finished... so kori, blur, scheuble huang and cheabear take cover in the sand bags.

The raiders hit us hard... molotovs rained in on the group. Blur flanked the thrower and slew him with his gladius...

The other two pirates had automatics..  injured Blur, leaving him prone... cheabear and kori where hitting but the auto fire was too much and cheabear was hit followed by scheuble... injured but alive. Kori fled.

Huang had a leg injury slowing his movement.  He shot and killed one of the pirates, the other lost her nerve, cut her losses and ran... but not before picking up Blur... never to be see again.

Huang got the injured forms of cheabear and scheuble back to the med bay... kori came to her senses and began treating scheuble.

Scheuble had a mental break and murdered kori in the room.

Huang ran in and gunned down scheuble.
Huang was still bleeding from thecleg injury...

A hurt cheabear tried to treat huangs wounds but collapsed from his own blood loss... huang bled out and they died together... leaving Beatrice to starve to death in her bed... still missing her leg.

A Dark story.. A Dark Rimworld
General Discussion / Re: do u do this??
September 23, 2016, 03:51:21 PM

You might want to check that again. Plants "rest" at night. You can even turn off the sunlamps at night to save power (there are mods that have such switches)

Fair point... you are correct

Cant get a good pic to show my layout. But two set of two overlapping lamps. Between the two sets is a wall to keep the roof up. Then same again. Fields are about 8x6 tiles with heater in each walled part. Heavy power... but sustainable food for 8 guys using simple meals/pemmican.

General Discussion / Re: do u do this??
September 23, 2016, 01:21:32 PM
Also this lets your plants grow at 100% day or night
General Discussion / Re: do u do this??
September 23, 2016, 01:20:28 PM
As far as i can tell if it is inside with adequate power to all lamps it makes no differnce if you are in the "no growth" period. Just ensure your lamps give full coverage and your food will 100% grow.
General Discussion / Re: do u do this??
September 23, 2016, 12:37:52 PM
Yeah colony on good soil with hills. Growth all year around but you have to ensure a roof is on it.  Even in winter with a -20c cold snap.... solar flares stop growth but if they are indoors they dont die either...
General Discussion / do u do this??
September 23, 2016, 09:17:15 AM
So i built well.. i guess its kind of an exploit of the games mechanics. Earlier hydrophonics basically. So i set a growth area... well several plots. Built walls and a roof around them and installed sunlamps to give me growth all year around. It appears to work better than the actual hydrophonics and yeilds more crops due to the size of the fields. Is this cheating?

The power consumption cost is worth it. Each lamp needs 1600w but if you have a good setup and link all power to one system its plenty. The setup has 4 overlapping sunlamps for total coverage. But with batteries and dual renewable/fossil fuel (wood) combined its not draining my base or anything.
Ideas / Old topic, console ports
September 23, 2016, 07:57:56 AM
Look i know alot of you will rage at this post but seriously.. this game is both excellent and playable on my shit laptop... its systems are not too disimilar to prison architect (awesome). If console gamers want it in ps4 / xbox I dont see why it can be ported through a third party like introvision did with PA? The menus are streamlined with controllers on mind and works just as well.