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Messages - Hammerhead

I've been checking back in this thread pretty much every day to see if the ductwork has been reimplemented yet. I've never been around when a working version was available, so the hype is real. Here's hoping things are going swimmingly on your end, Morgloz.
Help / Re: Trying to do a few things
January 19, 2017, 05:55:51 AM
Bit of an issue: How does one use ILspy? I seem to keep bumping into visual studios with it, instead of the interface I see on the ILspy website.

Also, I've already looked through the auto-documentation. They tell you potential values, and under what tags other tags are used, but I don't believe they tell you the names of the xml files they are located in. (If they do, then tell me where to find this information because I need it.)
Help / Re: Trying to do a few things
January 17, 2017, 11:18:56 PM
genect13: Do you know if the different potential values for deathActionWorkerClass are defined in another xml file? If they are, I might be able to make a custom one for my purposes. It will take some extra research on my part, but it will give me a place to begin.

monkhouse: I need to attain a coding program that will allow me to sift through the game's code myself. In the meantime, would it be possible to get a quick search of instances of "bodySize" in the code? It would help in predicting potential side effects of a massive body size, I think.
Help / Re: Trying to do a few things
January 16, 2017, 10:18:39 PM
genect13: I already have made most of the .xml files as well. I had to make custom body parts for the snail shell, the 'foot,' snail lung/kidney (snails only have one of each), and the eye-tentacles, as well as a Body xml to fit it all together correctly (since no insect in the game is put together in the same way as a snail), but yeah, all of that is done. Also, it's my understanding that all animals leave filth, except for those that don't spawn in the wild at all.

I found that, at the top of Races_Animal_Insect, there is a little part which gives them insect blood. Maybe that will help?

monkhouse: Well, filth rate is apparently proportional to body size (at least, it's listed as an update from a12 here) so if I can control meat amount and leather amount separately from body size, then I can just get body size really high and get the same effect, right?

Also, I had the idea of giving the animal a status effect which ticks up towards 100% over the course of an hour upon their death, triggering the explosion when it reaches 100%. Would this not work because the creature is dead?

Also, too bad on the temperature control. I guess I'll have to hold back on the Yeti until I have a firmer grasp on C#.
Help / Re: Trying to do a few things
January 15, 2017, 05:55:51 PM
Bumping this thread, because I really could use the information.

I have about half of the pawns designed, with art and everything. It's just the specifics bits I stated above that are unfinished.
Help / Re: Trying to do a few things
January 14, 2017, 02:08:38 AM
Oh, perhaps I should have actually stated what I'm trying to do overall.

I'm attempting to make a mod which adds a few species to the game. Giant snails and a kind of giant cobra that breathes fire, for example.  ;D

I'm still learning all the ins and outs of Rimworld's xml file structure, and so I'm not certain where the xml stops and the C# takes over. I'm still learning C# on the side, so I'd like to avoid getting into the nitty gritty of that for the time being, if possible.

So, to clarify, I'm trying to make a pawn type, specifically the giant snails, generate a very large amount of filth, but I also don't want to give stupendous amounts of leather or meat. Is this possible without getting into C#? If so, how?

Same with the other two options. I want to make an entire type of pawn which, should one of them die, an hour timer begins, and then the corpse explodes (The reason for this is because the explosion will be very large, and I want to give nearby pawns a chance to escape). I was also curious as to whether the female/male dichotomy of pawns is in the C# or the xml.

Also, while I'm here, would it be possible to have a type of pawn which lowers the temperature in the cells close to it by a few degrees?
Help / Trying to do a few things
January 13, 2017, 07:15:51 PM
So, in the race xml files, there is a parameter called "baseBodySize." It is my understanding that this parameter controls several things, including carrying capacity, filth rate, and optimal meat returns on slaughter. I was wondering if there were a way to control these things individually, so that a creature could be made which generates a lot of filth but isn't very large, or has a large carrying capacity but also is very clean.

Also, I'm thinking about making a creature which explodes on death, like a boomalope, but which does so after about a one hour delay. What would be involved in making this happen?

Last, supposing I wanted to make a creature which is hermaphroditic, or which reproduces through mitosis. Could this be achieved purely through xml files?
Help / Seeking Clarification
January 09, 2017, 01:42:57 PM
Hi. I've been working on a mod that adds a few animals to the game, but I'm fairly inexperienced with modding in general. So, not everything I see in the xml files makes total sense to me. I was hoping someone could clarify a couple of details.

So, certain body parts are in groups, such as "Jaw" usually being in "Teeth," but also in "FullHead" on humanlikes. Before looking at the humanlike xml files, I thought this directed the game to some other file which would allow specific teeth or fingers to be removed. However, when I actually looked at the humanlike files, I found that specific fingers were just parts, and I also realized that I've never heard of a pawn losing teeth. So, my question is: What does putting body parts into groups achieve which simply having them be parts under a parent part doesn't achieve?

Second, looking at Races_Animal_Base.xml, I did not fully understand it. I know that it's setting up the templates for other xml files to refer to, but I had difficulty interpreting how everything fits together in that file, as AnimalThingBase refers back to BasePawn, which includes tabs for prisoners and gear, and AnimalKindBase is simply empty. How does this file function? I ask simply in case something I want to edit is controlled by these templates, which would require me to make my own.

Any information is much appreciated.