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Messages - DropbearNinja

Ideas / Send out the hunters/explorers/surveyors
September 04, 2018, 09:24:34 AM
I have a fairly large colony. With many mouths I need lots of food. I grow plenty of vegetables, but rather than maintain my own herd of animals, I thought I would try sending out 2 hunters, half a dozen pack animals, and move them just a tile or two away, "visit" the area, hunt whatever was there, and bring it back...

low and behold, when I did so, I couldn't visit :( best I could do was settle, which is disabled by default.

The incident maps that are generated for quests etc often have lots of animals, that's what I was looking for...

But the same could be done for ruins/mineable resources/etc etc

At the moment, unless there's a quest, or existing settlement, the world map doesn't offer a lot. Allowing teams to go out an randomly interact with tiles at will would be amazing...
Ideas / Couple of smaller ideas around caravans
August 05, 2018, 10:27:54 PM
1. positive and negative traits associated with being in a caravan: "explorer: pawn gets a mood bonus when travelling in a caravan/upon return, and provides a bonus to hiding", "fearful: is petrified of leaving the colony and will not perform well while exploring - may even refuse to go"

2. while out, your caravan encountered a lone traveller/animal desperate for a home, would you like to accept him?

3. when a caravan returns, if 'successful' (obviously context dependent, and may need some form of calculation) THROW A PARTY! WOO! the reverse should also be true...

4. having a character with certain backstories, like a marine, should be a huge bonus to a caravan - even if the rest of the caravan are civilians, having a marine to guide you would make you better at fighting, hiding, surviving etc etc.

5. while moving your caravan encountered a camp, it seemed abandoned - do you want to investigate?
When deep drilling over chemfuel, each "portion" only produces 1 chemfuel - is this intended?
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 04, 2018, 10:51:52 AM
mood bonus from meals scales with chef skill - I feel like a lavish meal made by a chef with 18-20 skill gonna taste better than one made by with 10 skill...
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 04, 2018, 10:41:38 AM
When building an item out of stuff, list the quantity of each stuff you have in storage next to the stuff.

Eg like this
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
August 04, 2018, 09:51:40 AM
After any rain, and for a short while after, rivers flow faster, making watermill generators produce more power.

(I can't recall if there's a drought event in hotter climates, but if there is, then rivers flow slower during that)
Ah, righto then.

Then maybe a suggestion:

No bionics, negative mood buff
1 bionic, mood buff that's either zero or very small, +2 or something - this buff would be worded to suggest more implants would make him even happier "nice, i got a bionic, but man i wish i had MORE!"
2 bionics, bigger buff

In latest game I've had 3 pods, 2 were red, i.e. enemy faction, but 1 was blue (though if i remember correctly he wasn't grateful and didn't offer to join anyway). So I think just chance.

If red, you can still arrest them.

I like it, i think it makes sense that not everyone who drops in is going to be inherently friendly to you...
A transhumanist colonist has a bionic arm, but no associated mood buff is apparent.

Build 1978, no mods.

Bugs / Telescopes can be used during the day.
July 30, 2018, 07:33:32 AM
Using a telescope during daylight? Literally unplayable!

Combat is scary. Everyone gets an adrenaline rush. Suggest implementing adrenaline as a mood buff so your recruited pawns wont have a mental break about not eating at a table as the enemy approaches. Or, even better, perhaps not a mood buff as such, but a consciousness modifier that improves alertness/movement speed/shot accuracy, and lowers mental break threshold.

Adrenaline lasts a while after the fight has finished. Would also help with the recovery period after battle. At the moment it goes from "yay we survived, lets patch up our wounded, oh wait, no, cant I'm going to have a tantrum and let our survivors die." 

When adrenaline starts wearing off you can feel a bit out of sorts, so to counter the mood buff, some time later there's a small debuff, perhaps to health stats as well.

Related to post-combat mood - I know if I survived an assault on my colony I'd be pretty pleased that I lived. How about a "yay, i didn't die that time" mood buff?

Basically, after a fight it should be "all hands on deck to look after our wounded" but it's a time when everyone has huge de-buffs from pain, deaths etc. And that should happen, but not straight away. Just delay it a little by the above.

Alternatively, but more complex, evaluate how a battle went, and apply an appropriate buff. "We killed all of them and took no casualties" +50 huge buff. "We survived, but only just. Lots of casualties" +0 buff.

Edit: i know this has been sugegsted before, but last time was 2014, want to bring it up again.
As per image, animals aren't sleeping in animal boxes. These are all tamed and restricted to an area that includes the boxes. Version 1.0.1977 no mods.

They will sleep in sleeping spots.
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
July 26, 2018, 09:01:36 AM
When adding bills to a tailoring bench (and others) the info button shows you information about the bill.

But what I really want to compare is the stats on the item - I cant remember the difference between a tuque and a cowboy hat plus others.

suggestion: place product info somewhere accessible to the bill info tab. in the bill info tab, the product is already selectable, but clicking it doesn't do anything, perhaps clicking links to product info tab?
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
June 22, 2017, 01:35:20 AM
Please add a generate random button to colony/faction name when you found yours... I'm terrible thinking of names, and often don't like the ones offered...

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Quote from: Names are for the Weak on June 21, 2017, 11:18:14 AM
Are the solar panels perhaps blocking it?

No, I've tested this before. Panels def don't block turbines.

Quote from: BlackSmokeDMax on June 21, 2017, 12:34:28 PM
Any chance you used a mod to move the wind turbine? I have heard that people have had trouble trying to move wind turbines with mods, many mystery blockages.

Otherwise, no idea.

I did indeed, I used minify everything. I quit the game when I posted this, upon reloading, the problem is gone.