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Messages - Treyb13

My Current idea's! Any input, comments, or criticisms are welcomed and appreciated.
*I have 0 skill in C# this would fall under "If i can figure it out"
I would like for these traits to be resource dependent, tho I'm not sure if or how that could be achieved.

Scadrian(common) Access to a single Allomantic ability (eventually a minuscule chance for twinborn*)
Scadrian(Terrace) Access to a single Feruchemic ability (eventually a minuscule chance for twinborn*)
*Ive also been toying with the Kandra and Koloss*

On compounding
A twinborn or Hemalurgist with access to the same metal through both arts is called a compounder. Compounders have the effects of their feruchemy enhanced exponentially. I can go into further detail on a per metal basis later, but suffice it to say that compounding can accomplished incredible feats. Immortality, or a wolverine style ability to survive a shotgun blast through the head are just 2 of the possibilities.


Steel: Coin-shots(craftable steel misting specific item?)! possibly a ranged disarm. slight chance of bullet deflection*
Iron: Lurchers seem lame.. ranged disarm. Taking suggestions
Pewter: Increased melee damage. Damage resistance. resistance to disease and infection.
Tin: Tineye snipers? Increased Ranged skill? essentially organic bionic eyes.

Zinc: Rioters! Inflames emotions. Bonus to colonist's mood at the cost of a rare resource? increased chance for social fights? Larger chance to recruit prisoners?
Brass: Soothers! Soothes emotions. It is stated in the novels that the abilities of soothers/rioters can be used to attain the same reactions.
Copper: Smokers.. Copper mistings hide the use of allomancy in a radius around themselves, not sure what to do with this one in the context of rimworld.. Taking Suggestions
Bronze: Seekers.. Seekers can identify the use of allomancy in a radius around themselves. *See Copper*

Next would come the enhancement metals(Duralumin, Aluminum, Nicrosil, and Chromium), which have applications related to a special Allomancer variant called a mistborn, as well as the previously mentioned twinborn. Ill be looking at these later on when twinborn becomes something feasible.

Another set of metals that arent quite rimworld ready are the temporal metals. These include Gold, Electrum, Cadmium, and Bendalloy. These metals affect time and while some have truly interesting effects I'm not sure they could be achieved by me.

Feruchemy is an interesting ability. It is called net-neutral in the novels, as there is no net gain in abilities but instead an attribute is stored in a container of the ferrings corrosponding metal, heretofore reffered to as a metalmind, then these stored attributes can be accessed later with sometimes astounding results.
Im not sure how to achieve this in rimworld quite yet. My first pass will be simple stat increases on a per metal basis.

Steel: A steel ferring, or Steelrunner, Stores physical speed to be used at a later time. a movement speed boost is pretty obvious here, perhaps a workspeed increase aswell.
Iron: A skimmer stores physical weight, effectively reducing his or her mass while storing, then increasing it while tapping the stored weight. There is an increase in strength, tho it is only enough to allow the ferring to lift their increased mass. I'm taking ideas on how this could be translated to rimworld
Tin: a windwhisper stores senses! first pass will be a clone of tin allomancy. tho the potential for a tin ferring's senses is exponentially larger than a Tin misting can achieve, depending on the rate he is tapping his metalmind, and the amount stored.
Pewter: a Brute stores phyiscal strength, pewter misting clone for now.

Zinc: A Sparker stores mental speed. Probably a research stat increase and increased work speed. tho the applications of zinc are probably near limitless, as it provides a Batman/Sherlock Holmes style ability to examine a situation and decide the perfect way to react in a split second.
Brass: Firesouls store warmth. they would be comfortable in extreme heat or cold.
Copper: Archivists. Stores memories. Probably a zinc clone? Open to suggestions as always.
Bronze: Sentries store wakefulness. A bronze ferring could stay up for any length of time provided they had the requisite charge stored in their metalminds. For now a insomnia without the negative side effects?

The next four metals are called the Spiritual metals. Two of these (Nicrosil and Aluminum) seem a bit out of place until the addition of the twinborn or metalminds. The other two are also a bit iffy..

Chromium: Spinners store luck. A Spinner has a ridiculous advantage with any kind of random chance. this shouldn't be to hard to translate to rimworld but I'd like some ideas on where to put these advantages.
Duralumin: Connectors store connection.(obviously) while storing connection a Duralumin ferring would become unknown to friends and family, but could tap his/her stored connection to instantly become a complete strangers best friend. perhaps an increased chance for positive social interaction and prisoner recruitment. obviously a social stat increase.

And last but not least the hybrid metals.

Gold: a Bloodmaker stores health. A gold misting can near instantly heal any wound, aside from decapitation or an acid bath, a resistance to disease aswell as an increased healing rate without the need for medication or a doctor. Balancing this one before the addition of metalminds will be a challange!
Cadmium: A gasper ferring stores breath.. Suggestions welcome!
Bendalloy: A Submerser ferring stores energy. Straight from the wiki> Bendalloy is used to store nutrition and calories. While filling a bendalloymind, a Feruchemist is able to eat large quantities of food without becoming full. Tapping such a metalmind will allow the user to go without food. I guess starvation won't loom so darkly if you're lucky enough to have a few Submerser colonists!
Electrum: Pinnacle ferrings store determination. My first idea was a workspeed increase, or perhaps an increase to skill xp gain.


    The dark and mysterious art of Hemalurgy is why I'm here. I dream of horrible spiked abominations surrounded by the corpses of fallen allomancers and feruchemists. Any colonist with the desire and mental instability to kill a ferring or misting using an empty hemalurgic spike could effectively charge that spike with any metalborn ability, then transfer that spike and its power to another. This art is end negative, and there should be a slight decrease in the transferred power to reflect that. The novels use different metals to steal different abilities, but i would forgo this for a single generic spike with a high resource cost or huge work investment.

I've been tapping wakefulness and determination for this post x.x

    It occurs to me that Erdelf's Race framework is an excellent place to start, and he even made it beginner friendly, so I think I'm going to give it a shot myself and see where it takes me. I'm still definitely interested in finding an experienced modder & fellow series fan to heap some art on once we have some of the core idea's worked out. I've got some great idea's, here's hoping I can figure out how to make them reality. x.x
      Challenging is probably selling the project short, I'm actually interested in learning to code anyways, but there doesn't seem to much information on the subject of modding rimworld. I think a fair number of the abilities could be achieved by simply adding traits, pewter for instance simply a trait that increases melee damage. Maybe not the most creative implementation but certainly the simplest.
      The real draw for me was the idea of using Hemalurgy to improve my colonists at the cost of raiders lives. I however lack the required skill-set to make it happen. This post was mostly to gauge interest in such a mod. If anyone could point me in the right direction for learning to add in some traits I'd happily do a mock up of a few of the metals as traits. With a portion of Brandon's works out on humble bundle right now, (including the mistborn adventure game) I'm hoping this will catch a competent modder's interest. Also can I just point out how suited Rimworld is for the western style content introduced in the second trilogy?
I'm sort of obsessed with this series of late, and with plenty of information about the magic system floating around, I was wondering if any modder would be interested in taking a stab. I am a competent artist and would be willing to provide you with plenty of resources on the subject. I imagine it could be a bit of a complex task, the system itself has 3 "Flavors" one of which Rimworld is amazingly suited for through its surgery system. If anyone is interested I'd love to hear your thoughts.